Thursday, January 27, 2011

dry hard fecal matter

Constipation is a very common condition characterized by a disturbance of the digestive system. It occurs in the form of infrequent bowel movements, dry hard fecal matter and the bowels not being completely empty even after bowel movement. This may also be painful at times, causing a lot of uneasiness and discomfort. Since, the bowels are not eliminated in time and remain within the body for long, they release toxins into the blood stream which gives rise to other chronic disorders like appendicitis, cancer, cataract, rheumatism and arthritis. Constipation also causes a feeling of being bloated and it may also result in loss of appetite and chronic constipation which may be difficult to cure. Home remedies for constipation can help cure the condition and help prevent many disorders associated with it.
 My cure for constipation is shitting my pants. You can call that a home remedy if you want, I don't care. I just call it "the warm squishies."

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