Monday, December 20, 2010

dot net rising again

Well said.  

Hey Chandy baby. Why are you apologizing to the scamming scum, (your pals) and not to the members here who you have lied to and deceived?
Soyl after posting a load of lies and other crap you and your dools have gone very quiet.

I hope everything is ok. Your pc working ok? No troubles at work I hope.

Maybe climbing down and checking the sewer system was a little too much shit even for you? 
Soyl will you stop asking me to be your special "friend" I am not gay like you, maybe you should subscribe to some of the gay magazines to get your jollies.

Maybe your special friend Slightlyoutofit may welcome your advances but I do not.
I know you two are very very close.

And you are the one who lies and cannot back any of your many lies up.

I would possibly answer your other questions, if you were not some one who is a self confessed and proven liar. As such you do not deserve to be taken seriously and so you will not be.
@randommosaic. Thank you for clearing this up. Soyl has admitted to cashbaiting and I have never done cashbaiting. And I never will.

I enjoyed your post but this part is inaccurate I believe:
the war between Big Al and Soyl will rage on. After the interweb is no more, they

will do battle man to man with only swords and their razor sharp wits. "There can be

only one

Soyl will ultimately fail, as he is working for liars and scammers who will be stopped. His base is already shaky and it will eventually dawn on his backers that he is causing massive damage to eater, out of all proportion to his aid for them.

His continued stalking of me has already resulted in more eater guys joining me in exposing their activities. And has again resulted in dot net rising again as more and more people are seeing the bad side of eater due to his actions.

While he is a member of eater and is speaking on their behalf, the damage to eater seems likely to increase.

2011 will be year to remember.

^^^^^^^OH, I thought that for a moment I heard a liar spout forth his crap. Or maybe it was just a fart in the ether.
@Dr. Watson. The answer is very simple, I do not want the eater hackers like Soyl to be aware of the programs we have available to counteract their KL's and hacking.

I offered to assist you in this matter, if you do not want any help then this is your free choice. the offer was made in good faith and has been rejected, so I will not offer it again.

The eater retards are naturally keen to find out information about anything that can stop their attacks on peoples computers.
They are frustrated that many of their illegal hacking attempts have failed.

If I intended harm as Chandy suggests, why would I have given you the name of a good AV program? I see NO suggestions from Soyl to aid you in your PC security and after all, HE is an IT tech not I.

Regarding Chandy's rubbish, the people who you are most likely to receive a virus from are eater and their lackeys, especially those who are self confessed and confirmed liars.

Remember Chandy is an IT engineer and so has the ability to easily do hacking.  
Soyl again you lie. As a self confessed and confirmed liar anything you post will probably be a lie and so it is again with your post above.

Again you parrot off the lies that have been fed to you by your eater masters without checking.

Chandy not only are you a liar, you are very stupid and gullible to continue to fall for their lies.

Hey Chandy, tell us all AGAIN how you say I am ALL 72 members of the original Dot net.
Chandy yet again you post lies. strange that I do not remember any of this and very strange how this invisible identity is not prepared to back you up.
Chandy you are a liar and a fraud. and as such are beneath contempt.

Post your proof IF you have any. Many times I have called you out and EVERY time you scurry away like the foul lying rat you are.

I really pity you Chandy, to sell your integrity so that you can get a few pats on the back from your white supremist masters is a sign of a true coward.
You are a LIAR Soyl and as such you are not fit to be in the presence of decent baiters.
This is why you have been banned from sites where decent baiters post.  
Chandy again you talk crap and lies.

... and so on ad infinitum. You claim you are none of them.

Incorrect, I have neither admitted nor denied these are me. So again you LIE in saying i have made any claim about them.
What has the admission or denial of these so called duals got to do with:
The fact is that you were tricked (the fancy term for that is "social engineering") in to exposing your password and photo by a baiter who sent you voluptuos photos of some female (shemale?) from the net.

And you were so besotted with it that you fell for it head over heels.

And yet you strenuously deny that such a thing took place. It is good for you that the baiter in question is more interested in baiting than in publishing his baits.

This is the matter that I challenged you to prove and again you lie and avoid posting proof.
The proof is that you jump around like a scalded cat when any of this gets mentioned.

If you check back you will find that I have already mentioned and answered this. However as there are three people using your password and answering for you, it may have escaped one or two of them.

Soyl you are a self confessed and confirmed LIAR and so are not to be trusted in anything you say. Again you prove how you lie in most of your posts, in your feeble attempt to ingratiate your self with your eater /broederbond masters who are playing you like a puppet.
It is a shame that the others are doing it for their share of the big money, but you are doing it solely for recognition . What a fool you are!! they are using you as their dummy. now say after me Chandy-"Yessir masta sir"
How they are laughing at you for copping all the flack, while they sit back and count the money rolling in and you are doing it for nothing.

Chandy as you are a liar and a low life, you will probably never know.

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