Sunday, October 24, 2010

more bizarre and incoherent.

Soyl you started to attack me based on the false information that was fed to you by the eater retards, by now you should have realized that you were fed a pack of lies and woke up to the truth, but you seem to be descending further into a non lucid state.
You have my pity.

You are now starting to ramble and your posts are getting more bizarre and incoherent. 
I think it is time for you to seek professional help for your increasing delusions. 
Maybe you should be banned from here to allow you time to settle down and regain your sanity?

Why eater still associates with you is of concern, but it will also bounce back on them.

It is increasingly obvious that you are becoming an embarrassment to them and it is showing them up as being increasingly desperate, as they continue to allow a mentally unstable member like you to act as their spokesperson.

 Soyl, as more and more people see you for what you really are they will abandon you, and the thing you fear the most, that of being all alone will come to pass. Here is a song to help you realize this.

 I set out to prove that you were an eater lackey and you were spreading lies about me. Now you have admitted that all that I have posted is true. I think you owe the members here who you lied to and myself an apology. 

I am particularly pleased that you admit you lied about me and all that you have said on the behalf of eater is also a lie. You are in fact saying that the eater seniors are liars and that what I have posted is the truth.

 WOW a lot of guests are looking at this thread.
Maybe the eater members are a bit bored and want to see how their leaders are lying to them?

A shame this will not help rovers recruitment drive, and they will see how eater use a mentally unstable liar like Soyl to represent them. :jump:

Soyl you do seem to be confused a lot these days. Yes I admitted to using "bigal" 
NOT "biGal" as you are well aware. Any one of reasonable intelligence can plainly see that you use this variation as an attempted insult. It only results in you looking even more foolish. and shows you are still a brainwashed eater lackey.

I am quite happy for you or anyone to use my baiter name of Alan James, as it bears no resemblance to my real name as I have said many times. 

Your constant referring of people to the address of an innocent man that is posted under the avatar of a stupid eater admin ,only shows how she is breaking the eater rules as stated on their front page, where it states that ANYONE who criticizes or speaks badly about another baiter or baiting site will be banned.

Why have eater not banned Lotta and you for breaking this rule? Why do eater state one thing yet do another? see how your posts result in more information being released about eater, I think they may not be too happy about this. 

You can also call me Al, as it is easier to type if the use of Big Al is too much for you to remember. 

You can keep wasting the bandwidth here by posting the same question, as I have no intention of answering a question from a self confessed liar and thief. 
You are not worthy of a response. 
I will answer those questions I feel like answering, as I am independent and do not have to do what retards like the eater seniors demand from me, but you do as you are their lackey.

I believed you,

Soyl as you say you believed what I posted on TSB you were aware that I was a member on there, Why then did you lie to everyone, by stating many times that I had been banned on EVERY scam baiting type site? Soyl why are so many of your posts complete and utter lies and fabrication?

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