Friday, October 22, 2010

Across just about all the baiting type forums it is agreed that cashbaiting is a no no. as well as it being illegal. 

An honest baiter will not do it. 

A quick explanation is below. 

While the idea of a scammer sending money could be attractive many factors come in to play. How do we know that the scammer will not do more scamming to enable him to send us money? 
The slippery slide down is one we have to watch out for. it starts with someone saying to themselves "well the scammer is bad so it is only justice to take money from him". then it progresses to thinking that as a victim will be sending money to the scammer why not divert it away from the scammer? then it gets to thinking that as say a serial victim will continue to send money, why not divert it to oneself, and then you have become as bad as the very scammer you were fighting.

As a baiter we try to stop the scammers and aid their victims, we do this in many ways,
but stealing is not one of them. 

Let me put it another way, if say a policeman captures a bank robber and says to himself that the robber is a bad guy, why not take some of his ill gotten money and take's it for himself. I am sure that you all would consider that as stealing as the money came from a legit source, so it is with a scammer, the money came from a legit source. and it is a crime to steal money. An honest baiter would just not take money like this.

The two basic rules that an honest baiter will not cross deliberately are:

1. No cashbaiting .
2. Do not cause injury or harm to an innocent third party by our actions.

Apart from these two, then common decency would guide our actions as they would any honest person in whatever situation they would find themselves in.

OH and Soyl why did you post a pic of the house of an innocent man and support the eater cretins like 'slightlyoutofit' who harass him and his children? 

Soyl why do you support slightlyoutofit an eater admin who boasted about how he wiped a soft toy with used tissues from a suspected swine flu fever victim, and then gave it to his neighbors child, in the hope that the whole family would catch the disease, as he was angry with him when said neighbor found out that slightly was stealing from his allotment?

How about answering these questions Soyl so we can all see what a eater lackey you are and how they have brainwashed you to such a great extent.


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