Saturday, February 5, 2011

Stand by, 2011 will be known as the year of change.

It would follow a natural progression that any admin or mod with a modicum of decency would resign, after seeing some of the things that have been coming from their site!

The recent happenings like keylogging fellow baiters and posting fellow baiters pictures (photoshopped ) or not and the disgusting photoshopping of kids and relatives of other baiters who have a different point of view, can only show what low depths they will resort to in their lust to retain what they see as power.

This could also explain the sudden drop off of their trolls from The ranter site! as it must be obvious even to the cretins posting, that it is counterproductive to have your members prove to the whole communities what idiots they are !

The attempts to ridicule people who have the guts to stand up to the jackboot mob can be readily seen to be the acts of desperation and fear that they are! fear drips from them like a pus!

Regarding T f, Even though I disagree with some of the ways that he does things, I have respect for him. I have seen that he has never lied to anyone that I know of and has always helped others when asked to do so! whilst the owner of the other site and the cretins he calls mods have lied and cheated and deceived anyone they have come into contact with!

The realization of all the antiscam sites working in harmony, is an ideal that at the moment seems doomed whilst the present management is in power, on their site!

The question has been asked why so many good and honest baiters are so against eater?? and why is their site the butt of so much ridicule from other sites! The real question is NOT why all the other sites are like this but why is there a NEED to be like this??

Why have some of the most talented and dedicated baiters been banned or just left in disgust?? the numbers who this applies to are many, not just a few malcontents! but hundreds of good and honest men and women! who have only worked hard to help build up the scambaiting community!

The simple answer is that they are reacting to the absolute garbage and unethical practices that are coming from the site in question!!

This now also applies to the eater clone sites (not here)who are now showing their true colours, banning on the flimsiest of excuses and making life hard for those not in the clique or who dares to speak out and express their own opinion!

Leveling false accusations and slamming everything the unfortunate happens to post. ask yourself why the postings have gone down to almost non existent levels?? why is this so?? maybe the members can see what is happening? and how people who have only worked hard to help the site have been crucified !

It has been said "That for evil to flourish all it takes is for good men to do nothing"!! We are fortunate that we have the people of integrity who are willing to stand up and be counted, even though they know they will be held up to ridicule and defamation!

A question for all the mods and admins from all the scambaiting sites: Where do you stand??

Stand by, 2011 will be known as the year of change.

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