A very valid point VEKA. While we have been concentrating quite a bit on the 419 type of scams that cause such devastation among their victims, we did tend to not concentrate as much on the fake site scams.
Many scammers, some even from other sites have been quietly building up the number of fake scam sites.
Any estimation of the numbers would only ever be a guess, but is has been mentioned as around 7.5 million.
Now it does not take a rocket scientist to realise they are there because they are making money. Fortunately some people are closing them down and so are saving a lot of victims from the heartache and misery these low life scamming scumbags steal from them.
Our thanks go to these people who fight the scammers on any level or site that we find them infesting.
If the check was stolen or forged by a good forger, then at first glance the bank may not spot it as a bad one. Some of the scammers are very good forgers.
The problem can arise when they have paid out on it and then some time later find out it is a dud.
As they can then claim that they paid it out by honouring something YOU took to them they will demand re-payment.
Of course by that time you have sent some of it to the scammer via various means.
So not only are you out of pocket, you may then get a visit from the police asking why you are in POSSESSION of a forged instrument and committing fraud by attempting to cash it.
Overall not a good situation to be in.
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