Thanks for your self portrait Soyl. How about answering the questions, so that you are not branded a liar by your own earlier post?
OH and Soyl why did you post a pic of the house of an innocent man and support the eater cretins like 'slightlyoutofit' who harass him and his children?
Soyl why do you support slightlyoutofit an eater admin who boasted about how he wiped a soft toy with used tissues from a suspected swine flu fever victim, and then gave it to his neighbors child, in the hope that the whole family would catch the disease, as he was angry with him when said neighbor found out that slightly was stealing from his allotment?
How about answering these questions Soyl so we can all see what a eater lackey you are and how they have brainwashed you to such a great extent.
Strange how so many eater retard lackeys have this urge to pretend to be me and so set up names that look like mine, and then post some of my previous posts out of context.
Maybe they are afraid to use their own id"s ?
I only post on here as " Big AL " NOT bigal or variations thereof.
Hey Soyl who is biGal? Is this another childish name used by eater retards.
If you are talking to me and expect an answer, then a serious person would use an appropriate means of address.
However this may be taxing you a little too much?
Soyl. Many months ago despite never having me me or knowing me at all, you decided to start a long and sustained attack on my character, thinking that you would be accepted by the eater management and so gain the respect you desperately sought.
You thought that I was an easy target, as I was portrayed by the eater idiots as a crazy person and you would shine as the guy who supported the eater cretins and show then what a good chap you were by destroying my reputation.
However since your information was based on lies told to you by your eater masters, things have not worked out as you thought they would.
About ninety percent of the things you were told by them and you consequently posted have been proven to be untrue and so YOU are the one now losing credibility with your peers.
Hence the ridiculous continuing posts by you stating that I had been banned from EVERY site, despite the truth staring you in the face, as it is easily proved that I am a member on many sites including being admin and moderators on some.
The part that is disappointing is that you could have helped many of your fellow countrymen and women, as you speak their language and on one of the international anti-fraud sites I am on I would have helped you to become a mod and assisted you in doing good and helping your country men and women when they were victims of scams .
Instead you have only alienated yourself from the good honest sites like those you have now been banned from. I am sorry to see that you have chosen this path and let down the good people of India by your foolish actions.
A fake website is one that exists to scam victims out of their money, for example you may see some electronic items advertised at a good price, so you send money off to buy some but never receive the goods.
Many of the sites ask that you pay by western union, as this does not require the scammer to produce ID to open a bank account and the money can be obtained with a test question and answer that the victim sends to the scammer.
I find it disconcerting that Soyl, while pretending to be a scambaiter, knowingly supports a group that scam innocent people out of their money by such methods.
But then he has admitted to personally cashbaiting (scamming money from scammers AND their victims) in his site, so his ethics are clear to see. He has openly boasted about cashbaiting and recently admitted he is an eater lackey, so he supports the illegal activities of some of the senior eater people.
Tell me Soyl, why are you not helping to close down fake scamming websites but instead support those who run them and steal from innocent victims?
Nice try at deception Soy, but the cheque is signed by some one with the same real life name as you. either you are trying to trick everyone, or are lying about what happened in your bait.
This is a little bit like when you posted a fake screen shot of the hidden forum on eater called "Volks sanctum " that is exclusively for the members of the Afrikanerbroderbond on there and you were found out when I produced a genuine screenshot.
Your attempt at trying to get me to bite with a fake screenshot backfired badly on you.
That plan failed and so has this one.
@Dr. Watson. The link to soyls site is below.
We find the fake sites in many ways, some scammers even post links to them as spam on the anti-fraud sites. Some we get when a victim or potential victim contacts us for assistance. There are loads of ways to track them.
We close them down by reporting them to their hosts or registrars etc.
Yes it takes some time and effort, baiters do this on a voluntary basis as well as bait and try to stop the scammers and we also help their victims.
Personally I am retired so can devote probably more time to this than when I was working.
There are a few thousand fake sites shown here, most are dead now but please be careful as now many scammers are loading their fake sites with virus.
I have never said that Soyls site is a scam site. I have stated that he is supporting 419eater and that some of the members there are scamming. Even one of the owners known as "Shiver me timbers" has admitted to cashbaiting.
He even posted a fake screenshot, in an attempt to deceive the members of a site into believing that the secret forum on eater called "volks sanctum" did not exist, yet he has recently also admitted that it exists on here.
However he admits on his site to "cashbaiting" and this is illegal as it entails scamming people into sending you money. In his OWN words on here.
Pic taken from my website "where I admit to cashbaiting"
Soyl has had vast experience in checking my many posts and is familiar with my writing style. he knew that Big Al was the genuine one but still he lied in an attempt to deceive the members .
Most of his posts have been to attack me in an attempt to ingratiate himself in with his eater masters and in doing so he has proved himself to be unethical and a liar.
One of his biggest mistakes is to post the name and details of an innocent man, saying it is me and he has even posted a photograph of this innocent mans house, in an attempt to harass him. He constantly refers to this innocent mans address that is posted under the avatar of an eater admin called Lotta. Check back on his posts here to verify this.
The unfortunate man has the same name in real life that I randomly chose as one of my baiting names =Alan James. I have some other baiting names, but he has latched onto this one as the guy also lives in Brisbane Such is the character of Soyl
Incorrect, I never said that Soyl's site was a scamming site, I said that Soyl has admitted to cashbaiting and this is scamming to obtain money illegally
He admitted ON his site to cashbaiting, I said PERSONALLY I did not state that his SITE was a scam site.
An 'eater admin' is an administrator on the site known as 419eater.
This I find clear and easy to understand. please note the words "personally cashbaiting" and "he supports the illegal activities of some of the senior eater people"
Cashbaiting is ILLEGAL, regardless of who is the victim. If you steal money from others it is a crime regardless of who they are.
His main problem is that he is supporting other thieves by attacking those who would help to stop stealing (Cashbaiting and stealing by scamming) And he is attempting to lie to and deceive the members of your website as he does this.
Dr. Watson, This is not a smart answer, but what part of Soyls admission that he cashbaits do you not understand?
Yes HHRLisa, please do explain, along with relevant proof to back up your irrational statement.
I deliberately posted this, informing you that I was not being smart with you, and in fact not being rude.
ok lets take it from the top again, Soyl has stated quite openly that he has in fact done some cashbaiting ,in fact STEALING . The is an illegal act, as it is scamming some one out of their money by false pretenses .Ergo he is a thief.
Apart from me getting a signed statement from him I think that a confession from his own lips as it were, is sufficient evidence for a reasonable person.
Elementary my dear Watson.
Now I have answered your questions without hesitation, and as you seem to have a desire to get to the bottom of this matter how about you ask Soyl some relevant questions? after all he has made many statements and posts saying many things about me. You may for example ask him why he lied to all the members here, including you when he posted that I never had a hip operation and was undergoing electric treatment at that time, yet a few days later he then says I have had a hip operation. Why not ask him why he lied to you all?
Then you can ask him why he lied to you again when he insisted many times that the imposer was the real AL when he was fully aware that it was not true.
You can ask him why he is constantly telling people to check out the address of an innocent man when I have told him many times it is not me. he has offered NO proof as he cannot, yet he continues to try to harass this poor guy and his children.
Ask him why he posted a picture of this guys house in his signature for a long time and posted details about him in an attempt to harass him?
You can ask him why he posts another lie that I am 70 years old when he knows full well that I am not that age.
Ask him why he uses a photochopped picture of me that was stolen from my Pc by a hacker, in his avatar on other forums. And as part of the background of his monkey sig here that is a caricature of the same stolen photo.
Shall I go on? you seem to have no problem asking me questions that I answer and do not avoid by a witty or snide remark to avoid answering, why not ask Soyl some questions?
No, they are not and you have the ability on AMB to check the Ip's of all those imposter's you have allowed to post on there. You can check my ip and you can also send me a pm on AMB to check.
Or maybe it is a local mentally retarded 56 year old public works department engineer who sucks up to his white masters for some attention and pretends to tell the truth?
It could be, who knows?
@Dr. Watson. I am happy to answer any of your question and I have done so in a timely manner recently.
I am also impressed that you did ask Soyl some questions and as I forecast he avoided answering them with a witty rejoinder.
Anyone who is speaking the truth does not mind answering reasonable questions and I am happy to do so, as long as it does not hurt others who are not involved with this.
Soyl has repeatedly run away from answering questions, as you can see he has even posted some of my requests for answers from him in his signature. This as in relation to my asking him why he was posting the picture of an innocent mans house and helping to harass him.
Soyl avoided answering this question many times and even now apart from wit as an excuse he has not answered it.
The truth is plain to see, one of us has no problem with giving a truthful answer to a reasonable question, the other avoids answering as it is hard to explain away his lies.
@ soyl. Thanks for posting in a public forum proof that you have engaged in cashbaiting an illegal act. I am sure that as a current respected member of 419eater, they will be happy to show the world exactly what they approve of.
I will make sure that some of my law enforcement contacts receive copies. This will add to the information they already have on eater.
I know that they are trying to portray a "clean" image by posting on their front page the rules, that state that anyone found attacking a member of another baiting site or cashbaiting will be banned.
Of course this only applies to others not to their lackeys. despite you breaking these fundamental rule of theirs, they will probably not do anything, as you are operating under their instructions. however the normal members will be able to see how they lie to them.
I am sure they will be happy to have this extra attention and to see even more of their fake sites go down as a direct consequence of your lies.
My my Soyl, You are a pissed off little chappy.
Do you think anyone cares about the ranting and raving you are doing in the eater chat room?
Wait until they realize that you alone are responsible for all those EXTRA fake sites of theirs going down. And you bringing eater to the attention of law enforcement again.
Oh Lone Wolf sends his regards and says he is also busy working on more fake eater sites now as a direct result of your lies.
You mean like the one where you were whining and crying and raving about Big Al and how he was given his admin position?
By the way who said that I had any access at all?
I am aware that you and the eater guys are trying desperately to get information, so I will help you along a little.
When the eater retards hack into peoples accounts and try to embarrass them, and attempt to destroy their character by posting lies as you do, then many of them band together and take action.
This results in many things happening to the idiots who attempt to destroy the reputation of honest baiters. I hope that eater thinks their actions are warranted as they go down the Gurgler.
You may like to consider that hacking is illegal, think upon this Soyl.
Sorry I have taken so long to answer Soyl, but as I say, due to your actions I am devoting more time to finding and closing down fake sites.
While you are representing eater as their spokesperson, I feel this will continue to increase.
Getting a little agitated are you Soyl?
Who is the person in the avatar, BiGal? Is this a photo of yourself?
Tell us how it is a pic that is freely available on the web, NOT one that you have used that is stolen by a hacker from my pc.
Why not tell Rover that you are supporting the other faction that is trying to take over control of eater? maybe he will be impressed. It certainly is amusing to many others.
You seem happy to quote the bible, is there something in there about "bearing false witness against thy neighbor" IE LYING about others. I am sure you could find it if you wanted to. Does it mention anything about "STEALING" as cashbaiting is, that YOU have also admitted to?
Why not tell us who it is then?
And did YOU get permission to use a photograph of Vinnie in your avatar?
Why not do some more ranting, I am sure the eater chat room is waiting.
Maybe you need to lay in a store of nuts for the upcoming disruptions?
Like posting medical information about a members hip replacement?
or pointing to what you think is my name and address on eater?
or posting a copy of the email about the hacking of my pc?
or using a photochopped picture of me, or even posting a caricature pic of my real life photo in your signature? And your constant references to my age and medical history?
I think it is very stupid of you to post about the very rules you are breaking daily.
There are similar rules on AMB, but you posted a real life pic of me as well as posting the details of where you think I live?. I think you were BANNED for a while for that.
Tell me again about the rules on members privacy soyl. Is the person in my avatar a member under his own name on JUOT?
I don't know who it is, I was searching for something to go with the bikes and jeeps theme of this forum, and that pic came from tR, I think.
It is hardly recognizable, and might be a general biker picture.
It is hardly recognizable, and might be a general biker picture.
Strange, how from the millions of pics on the web, you chose that one.
You used the same excuse on another site, when you used a photo chopped picture of me that was stolen from my pc. You said that you were looking for a pic and you came across my pic randomly. WOW Soyl, What a coincidence?
Given the amount of outright lying you have done to the members here, why do you think it is hard to believe you?
I wonder what Rover thinks about you bringing eater into even more disrepute by your constant lies? As you have admitted to being an eater lackey then it would be reasonable to consider you as their spokesman. How does it reflect on eater to see you lying so much?
I do agree. Is Rover happy about having you speak for eater with knowing what you are?
You are certainly damaging eater greatly.
Tut Tut Soyl, your eater masters will not be too happy to read that, and I am sure they are checking our posts very carefully.
Maybe they will think it is not such a good idea to have you as their spokesperson, as you have admitted to being a liar. What was it you said? Oh yes here it is
I am a liar and a thief
Is it the same person who uses a variation of my username on a few sites and also uses my avatar in a feeble attempt to portray himself as me?
Is he also damaging the name of eater like you are? I think you two are doing such a good job of hurting eater, I can relax and concentrate on killing more fake sites.
So tell me Soyl is the person who you are afraid to name, a member on Juot with his own name? A simple yes or no will suffice.
Soyl one of the features on the operating system that eater uses, is the ability to check a members Ip easily and it shows all the Ip's and usernames that he has used on that site even as a guest.
I wonder if Rover will check this to see where your loyalties lie?
I am sure he would be smart enough to remove anyone who supported a nut gatherer? Especially if he was damaging the name of and insulting eater like you are doing.
"yes or no" happy now?
By the way Soyl have you got the permission of a CURRENT member of JUOT to use parts of his photograph that was stolen from his pc?
Soyl why are you using this site to bring eater into even more disrepute?
Soyl what part of "By the way Soyl have you got the permission of a CURRENT member of JUOT to use parts of his photograph that was stolen from his pc?"
Do you not understand?
Soyl I think some of the seniors on eater are not too happy with the way that you are defaming them as a spokesperson for eater.
Just wait until I reveal in my own time exactly what you have been up to. They will go ballistic, as eater will be in the poo even deeper by your actions.
As a member they will have to answer to law enforcement for your actions probably.
So tell me Soyl how is Rover taking the fact of you defaming eater and encouraging others to close down more of their fake sites?
By the way Soyl why are you so afraid to mention the name of the guy whose picture you say I am using?
For me to answer you, I need to know who the guy is as I have never met him personally so I need to confirm if it is the same guy you are getting so upset about? So who is it ?
Tell us Soyl do eater approve of their name being brought into even more disrepute by YOUR actions?
From AMB.
You have pending friend requests from soyl, argle bargle, the Big "AL" keylogger.
IF you come up with something worthwhile we will look at it, but stop sending me old crap about the Seniors we have most of the info we need. We already have their details.
Soyl you started to attack me based on the false information that was fed to you by the eater retards, by now you should have realized that you were fed a pack of lies and woke up to the truth, but you seem to be descending further into a non lucid state.
You have my pity.
You are now starting to ramble and your posts are getting more bizarre and incoherent.
I think it is time for you to seek professional help for your increasing delusions.
Maybe you should be banned from here to allow you time to settle down and regain your sanity?
Why eater still associates with you is of concern, but it will also bounce back on them.
It is increasingly obvious that you are becoming an embarrassment to them and it is showing them up as being increasingly desperate, as they continue to allow a mentally unstable member like you to act as their spokesperson.
Soyl, as more and more people see you for what you really are they will abandon you, and the thing you fear the most, that of being all alone will come to pass. Here is a song to help you realize this.
Maybe you should ask the member known as biGal I do not know of anyone who uses that user name.
I accept all that you have said about me, biGal.
Here I presume you are now talking to me?
I set out to prove that you were an eater lackey and you were spreading lies about me. Now you have admitted that all that I have posted is true. I think you owe the members here who you lied to and myself an apology.
I am particularly pleased that you admit you lied about me and all that you have said on the behalf of eater is also a lie. You are in fact saying that the eater seniors are liars and that what I have posted is the truth.
I set out to prove that you were an eater lackey and you were spreading lies about me. Now you have admitted that all that I have posted is true. I think you owe the members here who you lied to and myself an apology.
I am particularly pleased that you admit you lied about me and all that you have said on the behalf of eater is also a lie. You are in fact saying that the eater seniors are liars and that what I have posted is the truth.
WOW a lot of guests are looking at this thread.
Maybe the eater members are a bit bored and want to see how their leaders are lying to them?
A shame this will not help rovers recruitment drive, and they will see how eater use a mentally unstable liar like Soyl to represent them.
Maybe the eater members are a bit bored and want to see how their leaders are lying to them?
A shame this will not help rovers recruitment drive, and they will see how eater use a mentally unstable liar like Soyl to represent them.
Soyl you do seem to be confused a lot these days. Yes I admitted to using "bigal"
NOT "biGal" as you are well aware. Any one of reasonable intelligence can plainly see that you use this variation as an attempted insult. It only results in you looking even more foolish. and shows you are still a brainwashed eater lackey.
I am quite happy for you or anyone to use my baiter name of Alan James, as it bears no resemblance to my real name as I have said many times.
Your constant referring of people to the address of an innocent man that is posted under the avatar of a stupid eater admin ,only shows how she is breaking the eater rules as stated on their front page, where it states that ANYONE who criticizes or speaks badly about another baiter or baiting site will be banned.
Why have eater not banned Lotta and you for breaking this rule? Why do eater state one thing yet do another? see how your posts result in more information being released about eater, I think they may not be too happy about this.
You can also call me Al, as it is easier to type if the use of Big Al is too much for you to remember.
You can keep wasting the bandwidth here by posting the same question, as I have no intention of answering a question from a self confessed liar and thief.
You are not worthy of a response.
I will answer those questions I feel like answering, as I am independent and do not have to do what retards like the eater seniors demand from me, but you do as you are their lackey.
Soyl as you say you believed what I posted on TSB you were aware that I was a member on there, Why then did you lie to everyone, by stating many times that I had been banned on EVERY scam baiting type site? Soyl why are so many of your posts complete and utter lies and fabrication?
NOT "biGal" as you are well aware. Any one of reasonable intelligence can plainly see that you use this variation as an attempted insult. It only results in you looking even more foolish. and shows you are still a brainwashed eater lackey.
I am quite happy for you or anyone to use my baiter name of Alan James, as it bears no resemblance to my real name as I have said many times.
Your constant referring of people to the address of an innocent man that is posted under the avatar of a stupid eater admin ,only shows how she is breaking the eater rules as stated on their front page, where it states that ANYONE who criticizes or speaks badly about another baiter or baiting site will be banned.
Why have eater not banned Lotta and you for breaking this rule? Why do eater state one thing yet do another? see how your posts result in more information being released about eater, I think they may not be too happy about this.
You can also call me Al, as it is easier to type if the use of Big Al is too much for you to remember.
You can keep wasting the bandwidth here by posting the same question, as I have no intention of answering a question from a self confessed liar and thief.
You are not worthy of a response.
I will answer those questions I feel like answering, as I am independent and do not have to do what retards like the eater seniors demand from me, but you do as you are their lackey.
I believed you,
Bye soyl. 
Well she has an attractive avatar, but sadly she is well past her use by date.
I can send you some pics of her if you like as I have a few.
Others have described her as most unattractive,
I would describe her as overweight and very plain. But it is in the eye of the beholder.
I can send you some pics of her if you like as I have a few.
Others have described her as most unattractive,
I would describe her as overweight and very plain. But it is in the eye of the beholder.
Going by her pictures they show about a 6. Albeit a bit dumpier. She may have altered since the pics were taken.
You can ask Soyl, as he has been working for her for a while now and may have more information about her appearance.
You can ask Soyl, as he has been working for her for a while now and may have more information about her appearance.
Here is one that better shows him in action.
Soyl says: Another first. Remember folks you saw it first on JUOT. 
I am
willing to tell the truth
willing to tell the truth
Bye Soyl.
Doc, just in case you are still not convinced, here is another thread proving again what I say is true.
I was not involved in posting this and the person who posted it was as far as I can make out, an ex senior of eater.
I was not involved in posting this and the person who posted it was as far as I can make out, an ex senior of eater.
Soyl says what he thinks about his masters on eater.
Lets see the eater seniors say this greeting of 'The Afrikaner Broederbond' posted in public on eater. Good to see Soyl describe his eater pals in this manner.
As I say he is an embarrassment to them.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 3:14 pm Reply with quoteBack to top
Wees Sterk!!!
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 1:16 am Reply with quoteBack to top
My condolences Pachanga, wees sterk. Wink
Everything not forbidden is compulsory. Answer every PM with that, and
you'll have an easy job of it. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 3:27 pm Reply with quoteBack to top
Welcome back Stan. My condolences for the loss of your father in law.
Wees sterk!
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 12:17 am Reply with quoteBack to top
You be "Da Killa" way to go Slightly.
Wees Sterk Wink
Wees Sterk!
The above phrase means "be strong" and which is what ole senile gents who are well past their sell-by-date say to their fluid excretion apparatus so that their legs do not get wet.
The above phrase means "be strong" and which is what ole senile gents who are well past their sell-by-date say to their fluid excretion apparatus so that their legs do not get wet.
Lets see the eater seniors say this greeting of 'The Afrikaner Broederbond' posted in public on eater. Good to see Soyl describe his eater pals in this manner.
As I say he is an embarrassment to them.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 3:14 pm Reply with quoteBack to top
Wees Sterk!!!
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 1:16 am Reply with quoteBack to top
My condolences Pachanga, wees sterk. Wink
Everything not forbidden is compulsory. Answer every PM with that, and
you'll have an easy job of it. Very Happy
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General Admin
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 3:27 pm Reply with quoteBack to top
Welcome back Stan. My condolences for the loss of your father in law.
Wees sterk!
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 12:17 am Reply with quoteBack to top
You be "Da Killa" way to go Slightly.
Wees Sterk Wink
Soyl you seem to be getting more mentally unstable. Where did anyone or I say that the words "wees sterk" were in Lotta's signature? As you seem to be unable to grasp reality I will explain to you, the words WERE in their posts.
You stated So you are saying that your eater masters, Rover, slightlyoutofit and others are senile ole gents.
I am sure they will be impressed by how you are embarrassing them and showing us all how an eater spokesperson can lie and deceive.
You stated
The above phrase means "be strong" and which is what ole senile gents who are well past their sell-by-date say to their fluid excretion apparatus so that their legs do not get wet.
I am sure they will be impressed by how you are embarrassing them and showing us all how an eater spokesperson can lie and deceive.
@Dr. Watson, you seemed reluctant to believe my summary and you asked for proof, this I have supplied to you. the first page should give you a good summary.
By all means Doc join eater and ask some relevant questions, lets see how long you last.
Do not click on any pm link unless you have excellent anti virus programs and are familiar with stopping keyloggers and win32 virus.
You can ask why Lotta has not been banned for breaking the rules, clearly stated on their front page, by posting defamatory comments about another baiter, that will go down well.
You can ask why she is posting the address of an innocent man under her avatar in violation of their own rules. And then posting his real name in her signature . Yes it is all good on eater these days.
Ask for an open discussion about why so many mods have stepped down and why so many long time mods have been banned without any explanation.
As why they altered the avatars of so many ex members and why they altered their signature's to ridicule them.
Ask about the 23 senior members of eater who are members of the Afrikanerbroederbond.
Feel free to continue to ask questions as you have been invited to join.
Just keep your anti virus right up to date.
Do not click on any pm link unless you have excellent anti virus programs and are familiar with stopping keyloggers and win32 virus.
You can ask why Lotta has not been banned for breaking the rules, clearly stated on their front page, by posting defamatory comments about another baiter, that will go down well.
You can ask why she is posting the address of an innocent man under her avatar in violation of their own rules. And then posting his real name in her signature . Yes it is all good on eater these days.
Ask for an open discussion about why so many mods have stepped down and why so many long time mods have been banned without any explanation.
As why they altered the avatars of so many ex members and why they altered their signature's to ridicule them.
Ask about the 23 senior members of eater who are members of the Afrikanerbroederbond.
Feel free to continue to ask questions as you have been invited to join.
Just keep your anti virus right up to date.
TRANSLATION= OOPS, Oh err no, forget about joining, as we do not want the truth to be revealed by you asking questions. Just look at what we want you to see but whatever you do do not join and ask questions. That is what Al was banned for and a lot of others as well. And we are trying to hide the truth, not have it exposed.

No, it is your own seniors who are trashing the site and using you saps to do their dirty work for them. It is amazing how so many people also say the same things as I do about eater.
LW what happened to kleindoofy? remember him, a long time supporter of eater, oh and what about the false italian also a long time eater supporter. Maybe the doc could ask why they were banned if he joined eater?
Oh sorry I forgot you do not want him to join now and ask questions, but just to look at some of the public forums.
I am sure you want the truth to be revealed as a supporter of such a good site as eater. maybe you could tell us the facts of what happened? After all, as a member of such a good site you only wish the truth to be known.
Lotta does not control Soyl,nor does she control me.
We are just two members of the site who don't like seeing it trashed by Al.
LW what happened to kleindoofy? remember him, a long time supporter of eater, oh and what about the false italian also a long time eater supporter. Maybe the doc could ask why they were banned if he joined eater?
Oh sorry I forgot you do not want him to join now and ask questions, but just to look at some of the public forums.
I am sure you want the truth to be revealed as a supporter of such a good site as eater. maybe you could tell us the facts of what happened? After all, as a member of such a good site you only wish the truth to be known.
Thank you MR. It is revealing to see that the eater lackeys have not answered this post to deny its content . I guess it is hard to deny the truth consistently.
Thank you for your concern, I am successfully baiting the eater lackeys and they are letting slip many things that they would like kept quiet.
Eater fears the truth coming out, and so every time I post or one of their lackeys post to attack me it is bringing the exposure of eater to the fore.
Many eater members are now seeing what they are doing and are asking questions about the crooks on eater and many are voting with their feet. There has been another exodus of eater members recently.
As a direct result of the stupidity of Soyl he is now of interest to Leo ( law enforcement officers).
Just like some stupid lad, he should be keeping quiet and not drawing attention to himself or eater when he is engaged in some things he does not want revealed.
He is now on the radar of some of the groups that are against cashbaiting and hacking etc. Nice one Soyl you are sowing the seeds of your own destruction.
Thank you for your concern, I am successfully baiting the eater lackeys and they are letting slip many things that they would like kept quiet.
Eater fears the truth coming out, and so every time I post or one of their lackeys post to attack me it is bringing the exposure of eater to the fore.
Many eater members are now seeing what they are doing and are asking questions about the crooks on eater and many are voting with their feet. There has been another exodus of eater members recently.
As a direct result of the stupidity of Soyl he is now of interest to Leo ( law enforcement officers).
Just like some stupid lad, he should be keeping quiet and not drawing attention to himself or eater when he is engaged in some things he does not want revealed.
He is now on the radar of some of the groups that are against cashbaiting and hacking etc. Nice one Soyl you are sowing the seeds of your own destruction.
Maybe the eater lackeys did a virus scan and did not like what they found on their pc's after clicking on the eater pm system ?
Where are the posts from Soyl defending his eater masters lately?
Has he been told to shut up by his eater masters as his comments are resulting in eater losing more money by having more of their fake sites being closed down?
Has he been told to shut up by his eater masters as his comments are resulting in eater losing more money by having more of their fake sites being closed down?
How did you go Doc? Did you go and check out eater as you were invited to do so by LW.
As he says he is a proud member of eater then I am sure he will guarantee your safety and can assure you that your IP would not be checked by the mods. And that you will not receive any keyloggers on your pc as many others, especially their own mods have.
I look forward to seeing you ask some of your questions on there, as the lackeys all say that eater is a good site and you can ask questions freely without being dog-piled on or having your posts deleted and action taken against you.
All the others who were banned for asking simple questions must have been intelligent people so may have been seen as a threat to eater.
I am sure the reputation that eater has of having the most people banned and the largest number of posts locked is purely co-incidental, and the fact that FIVE of their own mods resigned in ONE day has nothing to do with eater being a bad site.
Maybe the mass exodus of members recently from eater to other sites is not a sign that they are self disintegrating.
On a side note, if you have visited eater or any of the eater controlled sites then you may need some help in checking for the following virus and keyloggers.
Win 32 virus.
WoWMatrix keylogger / data stealer
These have been detected by some who have checked out their sites recently. But feel safe to go there as LW has invited you there and Soyl says I lie about eater. But you decide for yourself based on what you have read.
As he says he is a proud member of eater then I am sure he will guarantee your safety and can assure you that your IP would not be checked by the mods. And that you will not receive any keyloggers on your pc as many others, especially their own mods have.
I look forward to seeing you ask some of your questions on there, as the lackeys all say that eater is a good site and you can ask questions freely without being dog-piled on or having your posts deleted and action taken against you.
All the others who were banned for asking simple questions must have been intelligent people so may have been seen as a threat to eater.
I am sure the reputation that eater has of having the most people banned and the largest number of posts locked is purely co-incidental, and the fact that FIVE of their own mods resigned in ONE day has nothing to do with eater being a bad site.
Maybe the mass exodus of members recently from eater to other sites is not a sign that they are self disintegrating.
On a side note, if you have visited eater or any of the eater controlled sites then you may need some help in checking for the following virus and keyloggers.
Win 32 virus.
WoWMatrix keylogger / data stealer
These have been detected by some who have checked out their sites recently. But feel safe to go there as LW has invited you there and Soyl says I lie about eater. But you decide for yourself based on what you have read.
Hi Soyl, I am waiting for you to answer this,
How did you go Doc? Did you go and check out eater as you were invited to do so by LW.
As he says he is a proud member of eater then I am sure he will guarantee your safety and can assure you that your IP would not be checked by the mods. And that you will not receive any keyloggers on your pc as many others, especially their own mods have.
I look forward to seeing you ask some of your questions on there, as the lackeys all say that eater is a good site and you can ask questions freely without being dog-piled on or having your posts deleted and action taken against you.
All the others who were banned for asking simple questions must have been intelligent people so may have been seen as a threat to eater.
I am sure the reputation that eater has of having the most people banned and the largest number of posts locked is purely co-incidental, and the fact that FIVE of their own mods resigned in ONE day has nothing to do with eater being a bad site.
Maybe the mass exodus of members recently from eater to other sites is not a sign that they are self disintegrating.
On a side note, if you have visited eater or any of the eater controlled sites then you may need some help in checking for the following virus and keyloggers.
Win 32 virus.
WoWMatrix keylogger / data stealer
These have been detected by some who have checked out their sites recently. But feel safe to go there as LW has invited you there and Soyl says I lie about eater. But you decide for yourself based on what you have read.
As he says he is a proud member of eater then I am sure he will guarantee your safety and can assure you that your IP would not be checked by the mods. And that you will not receive any keyloggers on your pc as many others, especially their own mods have.
I look forward to seeing you ask some of your questions on there, as the lackeys all say that eater is a good site and you can ask questions freely without being dog-piled on or having your posts deleted and action taken against you.
All the others who were banned for asking simple questions must have been intelligent people so may have been seen as a threat to eater.
I am sure the reputation that eater has of having the most people banned and the largest number of posts locked is purely co-incidental, and the fact that FIVE of their own mods resigned in ONE day has nothing to do with eater being a bad site.
Maybe the mass exodus of members recently from eater to other sites is not a sign that they are self disintegrating.
On a side note, if you have visited eater or any of the eater controlled sites then you may need some help in checking for the following virus and keyloggers.
Win 32 virus.
WoWMatrix keylogger / data stealer
These have been detected by some who have checked out their sites recently. But feel safe to go there as LW has invited you there and Soyl says I lie about eater. But you decide for yourself based on what you have read.
Hey Soyl why are you afraid to answer me? surely your masters on eater would never demand that you stop, as they are such nice people according to you.
You seemed very talkative when you first came on here to spread lies and try to defame me why have you gone quiet now?
Maybe you are consoling Lotta as she is in a spot of bother at the moment and is also keeping a low profile. Why not tell us the reason for her shyness on eater as well?
Hi Lotta, AKA calamity Jane. Why do you not abide by the eater rules, but post what you think are the real life details of another baiter, in direct violation of the rules as stated on eaters front page?
Lotta why do you harrass an innocent man and his family, as an eater admin, this is showing the complete disregard that you have for the eater rules and one of the main rules of baiting, not to cause harm to an innocent person.
Kind of like one rule for the members and another for the admins. RIGHT? No wonder so many members are now leaving eater for other sites.
I am sure Soyl will pass this along to you quickly, as he has been doing for a long time now as one of the self confessed eater lackeys.
I am amazed that you tolerate him, as he is doing a massive amount of damage to eater, probably more than anyone else is.
Mind you Soyls new master Slightlyoutofit is really showing you old timers who is the boss now. Maybe you are too afraid of him to get rid of his little lapdog Soyl?
Hi Soyl. Why so quiet Soyl?
Hey Sopyl . What happened to the unprovoked attacks on me by you? It seems that you have taken them to other forums in an attempt to avoid your masters instructions.
Thanks, I will do some more fake site killing work as repayment.
Guess whose fake sites I will concentrate on?
You just cannot help yourself can you Soyl.
Been busy Soyl?
I have no idea what you are chattering about. maybe you have had a bit too much Ganja today eh?
Never mind it will help to motivate me even more.
Soyl As the pressure mounts on you, then we are seeing your mental problems surface, for your own health I would recommend you stop.
You posts are becoming increasingly incomprehensible and surreal, I take it from your last post that you have been banned yet again, is this true?
Although as I have said your posts are becoming disjointed and disoriented.
Your aim of becoming "one of the boys" on eater has backfired badly and you are now an embarrassment to them and are causing them massive damage.
While you are a member of eater and therefore representing them as a spokesperson then the damage to them will increase substantially.
Soyl I have a very low opinion of you due to your lies, but your mental health is of concern and I would not like to see you go over the edge, you are very close to that now. It is time for you to do other things as you will become more unstable if you continue. .......... DEAD ....... DEAD ......... DEAD ........ Dead
Thank you Soyl, just four chosen at random . Now where do you think these fake sites link back to? Your masters will be most upset with you. While ever you are a member and spokesperson for eater they will continue to be closed down.
At the moment eater main site is showing as clean. they put the virus on and off at alternate times. Also they have used them on their PM system.
The system they use enables them to easily check out any IP that posts there, or even visits and check it against other users or guests.
I would be interested to see if you ask your questions on there in the open how long you would last. I can give you many questions, to start off with you can ask why Lotta is allowed to breach the rulers as stated openly while anyone else would be banned.
You can ask her why she is openly harassing an innocent man and his family by posting his real life details in every post she makes.
For some weird reason eater thinks that guy is me despite me telling them many times it is not.
Even if they think it is me, the posting of the details is still in breach of their own rules as stated on their front page.
You have been invite to participate on eater so you should be allowed to ask questions in the open without suffering any penalty.
You're right. The AMBer is a real site and I don't see the word "ranter" anywhere in that picture either.
You are right they are my questions and I have asked them on here with no answer as soyl is too scared to answer.
Wow, now I'm nervous. I guess you got "the treatment" at eater. Did your computer get hacked too?
I don't know whose address is posted there, but if it's not yours then why are you worried about it?
While it is not of my doing he should not suffer to feed the paranoia of the eater retards.
The cost to me is not important, but the saving of innocent victims like the poor guy in this link is. The damage done by a whole baiter site like eater when used against the victims is devastating. It is time that the resources of a whole site are stopped from harming victims.
How many victims must suffer before eater and the other scamming scum are stopped?
Soyl is a small part of the cancer but needs to be cut out as well as the whole eater cancer.
When you deal often with the victims of the low life scammer scum like those who run eater, then you see why they must be stopped and they will be. This is now assured and will come in time
As Soyl is still posting on behalf of eater I thought it would be fun to use a copy of a post copied from Dot net. By Lottawhoring.
Hola. The 48 hours is past.
Many have wondered at the mentality of the eater mods, in getting rid
of some of their brightest and most experienced members, there must be
a reason, as they are the very lifeblood of any organization.
This could be the reason.
If a white supremist organization were to take over a scambaiting site
what would happen?
What would happen to any who oppose them and were NOT members of such a group?
They would ban any who disagreed with them (sound familiar?)
They would Dogpile on any who exposed them. ( sound familiar?)
They would portray any who oppose them as crazy. (sound familiar?)
They would post derogatory remarks about them. ( sound familiar? )
They would pretend to be against racism, whilst slamming Black
Africans, (sound familiar?)
They would delete the posts of any who questioned them. (sound familiar?)
They would force moderators who were not members of their organization
to step down. (sound familiar?)
They would follow a policy of promoting sympathizers of the 'cause' to
positions of power. Is that right Lotta?
How long were you in Africa Lotta?
They would force dissenting moderators to leave or ban them. Even
after years of dedicated service as the "CAUSE ' comes first, That
right Rover?
What do you say, kleindoofy and The False Italian? And the other mods
who were removed?
They would implement the typical actions of their semi secret organization.
Like elevating their people to advanced positions and getting rid of
any who oppose them.
Ask the large number of mods who have stepped down or were forced to
leave or step down to plain members.
All sound a bit far fetched and part of a conspiracy theory?
I too thought this, until I became aware of the very large number of
senior members on eater who have the "African connection"
So does such an organization exist?
The answer is a resounding YES! It is called. "The Afrikaner Broederbond"
A Google search of this secret group, reveals startling information
that applies extremely well to the way that is run.
The Broederbond's motto is 'Wees Sterk', meaning 'Be Strong', and it
looked for members who would embody that motto.
Strange how Rover and Lotta use this a lot? many times on eater as well?
There are a bunch of eater senior members who are part of the South Africa
connection, here are a few.
a skinner
bluth banana
pastor frank
gold hat
doc holliday
Oxygen Deprived
Dr. Ivor Bollockov
Nurse Nasty
Ivor Grimey Colon
* More names could be added soon*
So far this sounds like a massive number of "Africans" for such a
small group of active posters on eater?
Odd how some eater members can get away with almost anything, yet
others who are NOT part of the group are pounced on for the slightest
Some are even BANNED for the flimsiest of excuses, How many of those
banned were members of the Bondsraad? None that I know of.
Tell us Rover, what position are you in this secret group? are you a
member of' The Bondsraad - The Bond's highest authority?
or a member of
The Uitvoerende Raad
The Dagbestuur
The Streeksrade and Sentrale Komitee
or The Afdelings/ Is eater now one of these "cells" known as 'The Afdelings'?
Are the members aware of how they are supporting your group?
"The infiltration of key organizations was the Bond's method of
gaining power. This was where the reason for the strict membership
policies of the Brotherhood becomes apparent. They deliberately chose
men occupying positions of power or policy making posts, and they also
assisted Bond members to get elected or promoted to such posts. (Sound
familiar? ) As a result of such infiltration, the Broeders were able
to gain a strong foothold in important sectors of the public service."
Sound familiar?
Dot net was a site called as opposed to
I suppose the closest thing to it at present is the truth blog that I gave you the link to.
For a long time the eater cretins told their lackeys that I had set it up, They were VERY sure and ADAMANT and despite me saying I had nothing to do with setting it up they still continue with the lie. Now you can clearly see why they are called cretins.
But as usual they were lying as I had nothing to do with it being set up. Even after publicly posting the photograph and real life details in public on eater of the owner who lives in the USA. ( I thought they say they do not do that sort of thing? ) they still maintained that I was the owner. This just shows how desperate and stupid they are.
Many posts on there exposed what the eater guys were doing and they did not like it at all.
It eventually closed down and the name was sold /given to eater by a well intentioned but misled guy.
However it is possible that another site be set up in a similar fashion. I have lots of the old posts backed in in a secure external place if they are ever needed again.
Hi Soyl since when does anyone take notice of eater lackeys?
I think you should ask Lotta who he is, as he receives instructions directly from her.
I would say that you are getting a little desperate now and you may not even know who you are talking about when he used this name on tR.
Would you care to reveal his usual baiter name as you are now quoting him?
OOPS there goes some more eater fake sites. Thanks for the tip off's Soyl.
Yes some would, but I said the EXTRA sites, that I made a point of closing down.
Like those just closed down recently.
Thanks Soyl, I am sure your eater masters are suitably impressed with you helping me decide to close even more fake eater sites down.
I think they will be also happy to see you resurrect many of the threads and posts that exposed them on the Ranter in the last couple of days.
Soyl= one of best exposer's of the eater retards.
Hey Soyl how about posting the name of the guy whose post you quoted from tR. You know the one who takes instructions from Lotta.
Did you ask his permission to quote him?
Looks like Soyl was recognized as a liar back then and he is still a liar now.
Soyl what was the address under your avatar that you have deleted on this forum but posted on Dot net?
This is the difference between the eater retards,you and I. I would not knowingly post the address of an innocent man and his family. Nor encourage anyone to harass him.
The fact that you have removed it shows that now you are embarrassed to post what you posted before.
Soyl, why did you post the address of an innocent man?
Seems like Soyl is running away from a question again.
Take care MR, if you post cat pics or cheese pics, you will probably get banned from eater for subversion.
Monkey pics are ok though you can ask Soyl about that.
Hi SOYL thanks for posting as Bi Gal on the other forum and posting that scamwarners was setup so that the eater retards can scam serial victims.
I am sure the eater guys are impressed with you and thanks for the tip off that enabled me to close down some more of the fake scamming sites that Rover just set up.
I think he should thank you for all your assistance you have given me.
Nice one Soyl. You know where to send any more tips along to me
. I do think it is smart of you to be covering your rear like this, as your future with eater is to say the least, not real good.
Hi Chandra. As usual you have your facts wrong. I was banned from eater as bigal once and as a female username once.
This was used to find the mole who was sending information from eater to the alliance admins and back again, it was Lotta aka calamity Jane. so my use of the second username was justified. As you have trouble counting, that makes TWO, not five as you claim.
I must say that it is a smart move by you and your pal slightlyoutofit to slap and criticize eater by posting my old posts using the name of Bi Gal.
Not a bad move to make it look like me doing all the exposure of eater, while you and slightly slap eater mercilessly and you can then push the blame onto me.
I know that you both want disunity on eater and this is quite a good way for you two to achieve this. you must be really pissed off with eater to do this.
A good way of posting a lot of criticism of eater and not be associated with doing so.
many more people will now become aware of the things I post about eater and so I thank you for helping me to expose them.
And to top it all off you set up fake blog and forums using my name again, to help you push the anti eater platform.
And to make sure, you are under a different name, feeding me all the information that helps me to close down many of the eater fake scamming sites, some before they even become active.
Not bad for an unintelligent self confessed mentally unstable guy. Was it your plan or slightly's?
I was under the impression that admittance to theRanter private area's was subject to the member agreeing to keep things that were posted in there secret?
Indeed I Was informed that this was one thing that would get a member banned on tR
I wonder who's personal details Chandra will be posting next. he has already exposed many things that eater wanted kept quiet.
I wonder what else he will be posting from the so called secret area's of eater and tR?
Maybe things that the members would rather keep hidden?
This is what happens when you allow self confessed mentally unstable people like Soyl into your cleared area's.
Why would Soyl post things that he promised to keep secret in a public forum?
Hypo has not done anything to deserve this. But these things do not matter to Soyl as long as he gets attention he is happy, and bugger the cost to his fellow members.
As Soyl cannot be trusted with secrets, but posts them all over the internet (we have seen this by him posting Photographs from the Ranter private section when he promised to keep them secret.) I wonder how his bosses at the Kerala pubic works department feel about him having access to their commercial secrets?
Maybe if they knew what he does they would not be happy with him? just saying.
I am surprised that he is still in tR private, where he can steal and post other personal details about the members there as he has proved he will do it just for laughs.
Soyl, you are seemingly a placebic viral teddy bear and no doubt, from India.
Too bad keralians weren't mentioned amongst the trekkies.
Don't begrudge this keralian his tidings. Christmas is afoot.
His mission is to be a viral teddy for one and all.
India Failing to Control Open Defecation Blunts Nation’s Growth
Posted by EU Times on May 30th, 2010.
Until May 2007, Meera Devi rose before dawn each day and walked a half mile to a vegetable patch outside the village of Kachpura to find a secluded place.
Dodging leering men and stick-wielding farmers and avoiding spots that her neighbors had soiled, the mother of three pulled up her sari and defecated with the Taj Mahal in plain view.
With that act, she added to the estimated 100,000 tons of human excrement that Indians leave each day in fields of potatoes, carrots and spinach, on banks that line rivers used for drinking and bathing and along roads jammed with scooters, trucks and pedestrians. Devi looks back on her routine with pain and embarrassment.
“As a woman, I would have to check where the males were going to the toilet and then go in a different direction,” says Devi, 37, standing outside her one-room mud-brick home. “We used to avoid the daytimes, but if we were really pressured, we would have to go any time of the day, even if it was raining. During the harvest season, people would have sticks in the fields. If somebody had to go, people would beat them up or chase them.”
In the shadow of its new suburbs, torrid growth and 300- *million-plus-strong middle class, India is struggling with a sanitation emergency. From the stream in Devi’s village to the nation’s holiest river, the Ganges, 75 percent of the country’s surface water is contaminated by human and agricultural waste and industrial effluent. Everyone in Indian cities is at risk of consuming human feces, if they’re not already, the Ministry of Urban Development concluded in September.
You may have noticed that soyl has not posted for a while, he sends his regrets but he is still involved in inspecting the sewer system in Kerala. He has to take care of the 100,000 tons of human excrement that Indians leave each day. This is why he can only spout shit as this is what he is full of.
I think he lost his old ones down the sewer. Are Pariah's allowed to wear shoes?
Soyl after posting a load of lies and other crap you and your dools have gone very quiet.
I hope everything is ok. Your pc working ok? No troubles at work I hope.
Maybe climbing down and checking the sewer system was a little too much shit even for you?
Good job Soyl is an engineer in the Kerala pubic works department and so made sure this was erected properly.
Soyls trademark.
Soyl will you stop asking me to be your special "friend" I am not gay like you, maybe you should subscribe to some of the gay magazines to get your jollies.
Maybe your special friend Slightlyoutofit may welcome your advances but I do not.
I know you two are very very close.
And you are the one who lies and cannot back any of your many lies up.
I would possibly answer your other questions, if you were not some one who is a self confessed and proven liar. As such you do not deserve to be taken seriously and so you will not be.
We need a short history lesson:
I joined Eater in October 2003. A few weeks later I was invited on to DeathStar. They did, and no doubt still do, good work, using various covert techniques to disrupt and hamper scammers. Illegal methods? Sometimes, yes. So? We were willing to take the risk of being prosecuted – willing if necessary to stand up in the dock and explain why the law and law enforcement officers were powerless against internet crimes. But ‘willing’ doesn’t mean ‘eager’. We kept very quiet about our activities. Security and secrecy became second nature. A spook group, in other words.
So far, so normal. There are a lot of such groups around, mostly with far fewer good intentions.
In December 2003/January 2004 Eater membership took off following its first /. Shiver needed help, and DeathStar came to his rescue, supplying new mods and admins to keep things working properly. Bad mistake, Mike. The DeathStar people weren’t used to being on an open forum and didn’t know how to handle it. There was so much they couldn’t say. So much the ‘little people’ didn’t know and weren’t allowed to know. Arrogance set in very quickly. And the result is the board we have today. Many new mods have been recruited since then, but they’ve been infected with the same paranoia that the first intake brought with them. Treating the membership as potential enemies instead of colleagues in the good fight. Stamping out dissent. Deleting any threads that show dissent – or even worse, showing them on the losing side of an argument.
All discussions regarding the way forward are conducted on high and in secret. They never consider that ordinary members might have something to contribute to the debate. And that’s why things are going wrong there. I wish attitudes would change, but I’m not holding my breath.
varod () - 28 05 07 - 07:13
I would like to quote Varod in full but I do not see the quote button.
Crap like this with newbs carries on to this day. “I have no desire to enter into a correspondence course with you over a simple matter that all others accept”. Accept the “Eater way” or you are a Dissenter. Oh noes! Thanks for ruining baiting for newbs, asshats.
Ahhah - 28 05 07 - 07:49
Varod, that was the clearest and most logical explanation of why things are the way they are at eater i’ve seen to date. Wankers like ozbaiter, Lew_skannen, breddan, etc., were the biggest dicks ever. COnversly there were afew helpful/friendly mods which I shall not name lest their reputation in the baiting community be spoilt.
Whcih brings up the question: was mike always a wanker or was he peripherally infected by ****headedness from his mod team?
theSTUDENT - 28 05 07 - 08:34
You know whats funny,Mike claims he is self employed and in IT.
If you google his name,na da,zip,zilch.
Nothing comes up,so what has he created?
If you dig far enough,you do find him in a few obscure forums.
In answer to your question theSTUDENT,he was a asshole back then too.
Hint,look for a christmas avatar.
also not the failure - 28 05 07 - 14:03
Not bad. eater think they already control the internet.
It seems they have indeed ordered Soyl to troll me, in a feeble attempt to divert me away from closing down their fake scamming websites.
This has resulted in me working harder to kill even more of their scam sites.
Soyl= FAIL.
2010 has been a disaster for eater and 2011 will be ten times worse for them, thanks to old Chandy.
2011 will be a VERY interesting year for those who are exposing eater.
Report 2010-05-31 09:00:33 (GMT 1)
Website ***************
Domain Hash c0b1961ca5fb78f812e2206637f01e64
IP Address
IP Hostname
IP Country US (United States)
AS Number 14383
AS Name VCS-AS - Virtacore Systems Inc
Detections 4 / 20 (20 %)
Website ***************
Domain Hash c0b1961ca5fb78f812e2206637f01e64
IP Address
IP Hostname
IP Country US (United States)
AS Number 14383
AS Name VCS-AS - Virtacore Systems Inc
Detections 4 / 20 (20 %)
Hi Soyl as a tech I would have thought that you would have checked this, remember saying that eternal vigilance was needed?
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