Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The day of the ban button being used to silence any opposing view, is a thing of the past, now that blog is here!!

The thing that the mods forget, is that once someone is banned for whatever reason, they lose any hold or control over that person, and he is free to post and publish whatever he likes.

And now that a blog can reach hundreds of thousands, it is not a good idea to ban for unjust reasons!!

The day of the ban button being used to silence any opposing view, is a thing of the past, now that blog is here!!

Admins and mods take note!!

The section about illegal activities, like hacking and keylogging are quite amusing!
 Given that they are discussed in the "secret area" known as the "private" area or "cleared area" that is not to be discussed with the members ??

And the other area's, like the one they call "the dark arts" where they do more than talk about keylogging!!

Any queries about these from a member, will be met with a very bad reception!! try it and see how long you last!!

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