Soyl I like all this new openness you are doing. I do agree he is stupid as well as being a liar.
Hey Soyl with all this new "openness" displayed by you, what's with all the GAY Simon Templar bit?
Is he a GAY character?
This post by Soyl seems to back up everything that Big Al has been saying as the truth.
I particularly like the "Sieg Heil" type of comment because I hate those fucking darkies. The coloureds need to get on a boat back to the fucking jungle where they came from.
This is where I expose the CRETINS!! and LIARS ! who have crossed me !! Follow my colonic adventures at and
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Lets hear from the ones who seem to be paranoid about dragons!
Good question! I have been waiting for someone to ask!
As the idiots have been trying to use them as an issue to deride me with, with out knowing anything about them at all and how I used the story to make tc, lotta and nurse nasty look like total idiots.
Then lets see what they say they think they are! and then I will explain the truth and you will see why I split my sides laughing at them everytime they mention them!
So here is an opportunity for them to make absolute fools of themselves yet again, trying to justify the telling about them!
I would be very interested in hearing the stories they have spread in the admin and mod rooms trying to use the dragon tale to show that I am crazy and talk about dragons!
And how the listeners have swallowed every word without checking with me to find out the truth!
Over to you guys, this should be fun!
They are the ones who have been mentioning them at every opportunity, so let hear their explanations first! This is only fair!

I presume that Mak is waiting on the ones who use the dragons a lot, to explain all about them? as they use them so much they must have all the info about them !
They seem to have gone a bit quiet about them though ??
@The Insurgent,
Regarding your posts, you forget to mention that you changed the username three times ! mid posts.
I replied to one of your pm's but it was returned saying that no such user existed! also you failed to give me an answer to a question that the original poster should have known !
Neither You nor any one else
informed me that you had requested a change of username (mid posts I presume)
I also checked and the original posters name in the past, always finished his posts off with certain words, this was done on many posts but was absent on your posts today!
Based on this and as I could NOT contact you by pm I acted to protect what I thought was someone using another members username, as I am sure that any one would have done in the circumstances!
Due to the fact that I was NOT informed about these changes in username then I deleted your posts in good faith, obviously this was an error and I apologize for this. It would have saved any of this if I had been informed about your change of username ! so based on this I feel that I am not the only one to blame!
As requested by you I also removed your name from the post even though I was at that time still under the impression that some one was using your name without your consent!
I fully agree with a members right to post freely on here and would not delete for any other reason than to protect either the forum or as in this case another member!
And THIS is the person running scambaits?? my signature explains it all
Well it would seem that Thunderchild has finally snapped! he is now under the impression that he is an Indian man called 'Homi' he is even talking like him! Poor chap! This is NOT the behavior of a sane person!
It seems the strain of keeping up the lies has been too much for him!
He also started to post using a language that turned out to be 'Hindi'??
He has had these 'attacks' before and usually comes out of them, if questioned about things after, he often says that he was being 'satirical' and others do not understand? yeah right!
I have said often that he is mentally unstable and this proves it! A real embarrassment yet again for his fellow admins!
I think it is time for him to leave or at least take some time off to get well!
I do not know the medical term for believing that you really are some one else but he does need professional help!
ullo, ullo, wots all this ere then Ashley wants a spanking?
Just so long as it is not the manchester pirate!
As the idiots have been trying to use them as an issue to deride me with, with out knowing anything about them at all and how I used the story to make tc, lotta and nurse nasty look like total idiots.
Then lets see what they say they think they are! and then I will explain the truth and you will see why I split my sides laughing at them everytime they mention them!
So here is an opportunity for them to make absolute fools of themselves yet again, trying to justify the telling about them!
I would be very interested in hearing the stories they have spread in the admin and mod rooms trying to use the dragon tale to show that I am crazy and talk about dragons!
And how the listeners have swallowed every word without checking with me to find out the truth!
Over to you guys, this should be fun!
They are the ones who have been mentioning them at every opportunity, so let hear their explanations first! This is only fair!
I presume that Mak is waiting on the ones who use the dragons a lot, to explain all about them? as they use them so much they must have all the info about them !
They seem to have gone a bit quiet about them though ??
@The Insurgent,
Regarding your posts, you forget to mention that you changed the username three times ! mid posts.
I replied to one of your pm's but it was returned saying that no such user existed! also you failed to give me an answer to a question that the original poster should have known !
Neither You nor any one else
informed me that you had requested a change of username (mid posts I presume)
I also checked and the original posters name in the past, always finished his posts off with certain words, this was done on many posts but was absent on your posts today!
Based on this and as I could NOT contact you by pm I acted to protect what I thought was someone using another members username, as I am sure that any one would have done in the circumstances!
Due to the fact that I was NOT informed about these changes in username then I deleted your posts in good faith, obviously this was an error and I apologize for this. It would have saved any of this if I had been informed about your change of username ! so based on this I feel that I am not the only one to blame!
As requested by you I also removed your name from the post even though I was at that time still under the impression that some one was using your name without your consent!
I fully agree with a members right to post freely on here and would not delete for any other reason than to protect either the forum or as in this case another member!
And THIS is the person running scambaits?? my signature explains it all
Well it would seem that Thunderchild has finally snapped! he is now under the impression that he is an Indian man called 'Homi' he is even talking like him! Poor chap! This is NOT the behavior of a sane person!
It seems the strain of keeping up the lies has been too much for him!
He also started to post using a language that turned out to be 'Hindi'??
He has had these 'attacks' before and usually comes out of them, if questioned about things after, he often says that he was being 'satirical' and others do not understand? yeah right!
I have said often that he is mentally unstable and this proves it! A real embarrassment yet again for his fellow admins!
I think it is time for him to leave or at least take some time off to get well!
I do not know the medical term for believing that you really are some one else but he does need professional help!
ullo, ullo, wots all this ere then Ashley wants a spanking?
WOW, was mikey there as well? 
(actually he was I beleive, but at the 'secret' meeting with the three alliance admins!)
(actually he was I beleive, but at the 'secret' meeting with the three alliance admins!)
You say, you are telling that story!
No, I made it clear early on that I could not attend due to rl commitments.
How about you?
Oh sorry, I forgot for a minute that you are too scared to comment on alliance matters.
How about you?
Oh sorry, I forgot for a minute that you are too scared to comment on alliance matters.
WHAT, you mean GLASCOW??
SSSH we know this, but och aye the noo, wots wrong wit ya mon, dinna ya know how to wind up wee Brucey? 
Wow, that was fresh and new and so quick?
Nice of you to say I have the stamina of a bull!
Nice of you to say I have the stamina of a bull!
[quote][ Eeh, you can't beat a bit o Bully ona Sunday./QUOTE]
EEh thars right there lass, or even toad in ole
an a bit o yorkshire pud! on side like!
EEh thars right there lass, or even toad in ole
an a bit o yorkshire pud! on side like!
Have you NO culture? this is why I said ON THE SIDE as well !
maybe just winding Goodey up?
maybe just winding Goodey up?
One of them "Speckled2"
Soyl even to one as stupid as you it would be obvious that as I have been banned from crunktimes, that it is some one else posting as big al, probably you, as you seem to be so jealous of me that you post using variations of my user name on many forums.
Absolutely Hilarious, after crunktimes banned me (one of the reasons was I reported some trolls for posting viral links)
They let two trolls join. One of them "Speckled2" with probably his first post nicely posted a link with a virus in it.
Some members and mods clicked on it.
Using programs that are not usually available to their members I detected this, but what a shame I could not report it. Well one cannot if one is banned can one?
Now some of the crunktimes members have had the virus on their computers for some time.
What a shame.
I wonder what information the trolls have managed to steal from their computers?
Absolutely Hilarious, after crunktimes banned me (one of the reasons was I reported some trolls for posting viral links)
They let two trolls join. One of them "Speckled2" with probably his first post nicely posted a link with a virus in it.
Some members and mods clicked on it.
Using programs that are not usually available to their members I detected this, but what a shame I could not report it. Well one cannot if one is banned can one?
Now some of the crunktimes members have had the virus on their computers for some time.
What a shame.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
I am glad that I am associated with Crunktimes
It is interesting to check on the use of the name "crunktimes"
This is from the Urban dictionary;
It could explain the relationship it has with Max's network group. I personally find it abhorrent and now I am aware, I am glad that I am associated with Crunktimes.
I do wonder about Max powers obsession with having them as a member of the network, linking and Maybe Max will explain?
Or maybe he is incapable of explaining things, proven by his inability to explain why he bans members when they have not broken any of his rules.
This is from the Urban dictionary;
Crunk Times
"Crunk Times" is a phrase associated with the NAMBLA organization. It is used as a euphemism for sexual relations between an adult male and an underage male.
It is thought that the phrase originated as a way for the NAMBLA group to attract young undereducated males, who may be familiar with the term "crunk" as it relates to having a good time, without revealing the true nature of the predatory NAMBLA group.
Several "Crunk Times" web sites are run by NAMBLA members for recruiting purposes.
Some common expresions...
"We had crunk times!" as a way for a NAMBLA member to indicate a recent sexual encounter.
"Come get crunk!" as an invitation from a NAMBLA member to a potential conquest.
"There'll be crunk times at the party." as a way for a NAMBLA member to alert other members of a social gathering where underage males are expected to also attend whom may be easily influenced.
"Crunk Times" is a phrase associated with the NAMBLA organization. It is used as a euphemism for sexual relations between an adult male and an underage male.
It is thought that the phrase originated as a way for the NAMBLA group to attract young undereducated males, who may be familiar with the term "crunk" as it relates to having a good time, without revealing the true nature of the predatory NAMBLA group.
Several "Crunk Times" web sites are run by NAMBLA members for recruiting purposes.
Some common expresions...
"We had crunk times!" as a way for a NAMBLA member to indicate a recent sexual encounter.
"Come get crunk!" as an invitation from a NAMBLA member to a potential conquest.
"There'll be crunk times at the party." as a way for a NAMBLA member to alert other members of a social gathering where underage males are expected to also attend whom may be easily influenced.
It could explain the relationship it has with Max's network group. I personally find it abhorrent and now I am aware, I am glad that I am associated with Crunktimes.
I do wonder about Max powers obsession with having them as a member of the network, linking and Maybe Max will explain?
Or maybe he is incapable of explaining things, proven by his inability to explain why he bans members when they have not broken any of his rules.
Dostoevsky knew me !!
"I am a ridiculous man. They call me a madman now. That would be a distinct rise in my social position were it not that they still regard me as being as ridiculous as ever." --Dostoevsky
the act of a true unethical COWARD.
The reply from Max when he was outed on his own site:
Big Al is right. Antommy, Joe and myself are all part of the conspiracy.
Notice how in a feeble attempt to avoid answering the main question, he ducks and weaves and tries to pass it off as a joke. EXACTLY like a coward would.
This is because he cannot answer a straightforward question as it will show him up to be the weak willed fool he is.
He cannot answer as their was NO rule broken. So he lies again, the act of a true unethical COWARD.
Big Al is right. Antommy, Joe and myself are all part of the conspiracy.
Max why did you post the name of some one who is derided on your site instead of the name of the owner of Crunktimes? You remember him, he was the owner of one of the network sites until he was EVICTED by his host.
Why not discuss this Max?
Max why are you so afraid to answer my question? is it because you failed miserably as an admin and let all your members as well as yourself down?
My man Rover is right. It casts a bad shadow on all of us as Mods and Admins.
It is a shame that the person known as Max is abusing his Admin power like this.
Who gives a fucking shit. Max always has been a stupid twat and will continue to be one.
Just wait until that other twat rover has gone and I take over, I will show you useless cunts what a real awesome administrator can do.
You can fuck off Jane with your fucking kissy kissy shite and carry on with the guy down the street as you have been doing. rover does not have a fucking clue.
Just wait until that other twat rover has gone and I take over, I will show you useless cunts what a real awesome administrator can do.
You can fuck off Jane with your fucking kissy kissy shite and carry on with the guy down the street as you have been doing. rover does not have a fucking clue.
My shrink said that I should lash out more at random people online. This will help to keep me from doing it in public, like when I was at the pharmacy and I screamed racial epithets at a woman who got in my way while I was reaching for the hemorrhoid cream. According to the shrink (who knows NOTHING !!), my feeling of inferiority manifests itself this way. He thinks doing it online will help, but HE IS WRONG !!!!1!1!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Here's something I posted earlier that manchy posted about what I posted, etc.
It is good to see that at least one of the members on has the courage and guts to stand up and be counted.
Manchy I tip my hat to you. The low life's like Max can only cower in a corner afraid to state their case as it is so weak. They are the cowards in life.
Manchy I tip my hat to you. The low life's like Max can only cower in a corner afraid to state their case as it is so weak. They are the cowards in life.
But in order to preserve honesty and to let people know how Max is connected to a larger conspiracy with Eater, I'm posting what Big Al has sent me in its entirety.
Hey Max. Why are you afraid to answer? Such a simple question for a decent admin, but then you never were a decent admin were you? You were even snowed by the Ranter idiots and lost many good members because of it.
Your Main claim to fame was to try to increase flagging posts by lying about how you were going to close AMB down every few weeks or so. Yeah right, a very stupid move by an incompetent admin.
Tell me MAX, do the admins of the sites that you are trying to join your network know what a liar you are, and how you cannot even answer a simple question because you know you did the wrong thing and are too much of a coward to admit it?
What rule did I break to merit a ban?
It is strange that you cannot answer this question, as you well know you made a bad mistake in crawling to JOE to try to protect your precious piss poor network that every one considers a joke.
Your taint licking failed miserably with Crunktimes. What happened to them MAX? Were they EVICTED from their hosts for doing similar things that you are doing? Is this a loss for your feeble network ?
Hey Max. Why are you afraid to answer? Such a simple question for a decent admin, but then you never were a decent admin were you? You were even snowed by the Ranter idiots and lost many good members because of it.
Your Main claim to fame was to try to increase flagging posts by lying about how you were going to close AMB down every few weeks or so. Yeah right, a very stupid move by an incompetent admin.
Tell me MAX, do the admins of the sites that you are trying to join your network know what a liar you are, and how you cannot even answer a simple question because you know you did the wrong thing and are too much of a coward to admit it?
What rule did I break to merit a ban?
It is strange that you cannot answer this question, as you well know you made a bad mistake in crawling to JOE to try to protect your precious piss poor network that every one considers a joke.
Your taint licking failed miserably with Crunktimes. What happened to them MAX? Were they EVICTED from their hosts for doing similar things that you are doing? Is this a loss for your feeble network ?
But in order to preserve honesty and to let people know how Max is connected to a larger conspiracy with Eater, I'm posting what Big Al has sent me in its entirety.
Hey Max. Why are you afraid to answer? Such a simple question for a decent admin, but then you never were a decent admin were you? You were even snowed by the Ranter idiots and lost many good members because of it.
Your Main claim to fame was to try to increase flagging posts by lying about how you were going to close AMB down every few weeks or so. Yeah right, a very stupid move by an incompetent admin.
Tell me MAX, do the admins of the sites that you are trying to join your network know what a liar you are, and how you cannot even answer a simple question because you know you did the wrong thing and are too much of a coward to admit it?
What rule did I break to merit a ban?
It is strange that you cannot answer this question, as you well know you made a bad mistake in crawling to JOE to try to protect your precious piss poor network that every one considers a joke.
Your taint licking failed miserably with Crunktimes. What happened to them MAX? Were they EVICTED from their hosts for doing similar things that you are doing? Is this a loss for your feeble network ?
Hey Max. Why are you afraid to answer? Such a simple question for a decent admin, but then you never were a decent admin were you? You were even snowed by the Ranter idiots and lost many good members because of it.
Your Main claim to fame was to try to increase flagging posts by lying about how you were going to close AMB down every few weeks or so. Yeah right, a very stupid move by an incompetent admin.
Tell me MAX, do the admins of the sites that you are trying to join your network know what a liar you are, and how you cannot even answer a simple question because you know you did the wrong thing and are too much of a coward to admit it?
What rule did I break to merit a ban?
It is strange that you cannot answer this question, as you well know you made a bad mistake in crawling to JOE to try to protect your precious piss poor network that every one considers a joke.
Your taint licking failed miserably with Crunktimes. What happened to them MAX? Were they EVICTED from their hosts for doing similar things that you are doing? Is this a loss for your feeble network ?
But in order to preserve honesty and to let people know how Max is connected to a larger conspiracy with Eater, I'm posting what Big Al has sent me in its entirety.
Hey Max. Why are you afraid to answer? Such a simple question for a decent admin, but then you never were a decent admin were you? You were even snowed by the Ranter idiots and lost many good members because of it.
Your Main claim to fame was to try to increase flagging posts by lying about how you were going to close AMB down every few weeks or so. Yeah right, a very stupid move by an incompetent admin.
Tell me MAX, do the admins of the sites that you are trying to join your network know what a liar you are, and how you cannot even answer a simple question because you know you did the wrong thing and are too much of a coward to admit it?
What rule did I break to merit a ban?
It is strange that you cannot answer this question, as you well know you made a bad mistake in crawling to JOE to try to protect your precious piss poor network that every one considers a joke.
Your taint licking failed miserably with Crunktimes. What happened to them MAX? Were they EVICTED from their hosts for doing similar things that you are doing? Is this a loss for your feeble network ?
Hey Max. Why are you afraid to answer? Such a simple question for a decent admin, but then you never were a decent admin were you? You were even snowed by the Ranter idiots and lost many good members because of it.
Your Main claim to fame was to try to increase flagging posts by lying about how you were going to close AMB down every few weeks or so. Yeah right, a very stupid move by an incompetent admin.
Tell me MAX, do the admins of the sites that you are trying to join your network know what a liar you are, and how you cannot even answer a simple question because you know you did the wrong thing and are too much of a coward to admit it?
What rule did I break to merit a ban?
It is strange that you cannot answer this question, as you well know you made a bad mistake in crawling to JOE to try to protect your precious piss poor network that every one considers a joke.
Your taint licking failed miserably with Crunktimes. What happened to them MAX? Were they EVICTED from their hosts for doing similar things that you are doing? Is this a loss for your feeble network ?
But in order to preserve honesty and to let people know how Max is connected to a larger conspiracy with Eater, I'm posting what Big Al has sent me in its entirety.
Hey Max. Why are you afraid to answer? Such a simple question for a decent admin, but then you never were a decent admin were you? You were even snowed by the Ranter idiots and lost many good members because of it.
Your Main claim to fame was to try to increase flagging posts by lying about how you were going to close AMB down every few weeks or so. Yeah right, a very stupid move by an incompetent admin.
Tell me MAX, do the admins of the sites that you are trying to join your network know what a liar you are, and how you cannot even answer a simple question because you know you did the wrong thing and are too much of a coward to admit it?
What rule did I break to merit a ban?
It is strange that you cannot answer this question, as you well know you made a bad mistake in crawling to JOE to try to protect your precious piss poor network that every one considers a joke.
Your taint licking failed miserably with Crunktimes. What happened to them MAX? Were they EVICTED from their hosts for doing similar things that you are doing? Is this a loss for your feeble network ?
Hey Max. Why are you afraid to answer? Such a simple question for a decent admin, but then you never were a decent admin were you? You were even snowed by the Ranter idiots and lost many good members because of it.
Your Main claim to fame was to try to increase flagging posts by lying about how you were going to close AMB down every few weeks or so. Yeah right, a very stupid move by an incompetent admin.
Tell me MAX, do the admins of the sites that you are trying to join your network know what a liar you are, and how you cannot even answer a simple question because you know you did the wrong thing and are too much of a coward to admit it?
What rule did I break to merit a ban?
It is strange that you cannot answer this question, as you well know you made a bad mistake in crawling to JOE to try to protect your precious piss poor network that every one considers a joke.
Your taint licking failed miserably with Crunktimes. What happened to them MAX? Were they EVICTED from their hosts for doing similar things that you are doing? Is this a loss for your feeble network ?
De Real De Master Yoda !!
Anyone who knows me knows that I have irregular features, scruffy fur, and a tiny stance. It's one of the things I'm known for. Then I see this! It's like looking in a goddamn mirror !!
Petaluma, CA (PRWEB) June 25, 20111.8 Pound Mutt Claims World's Ugliest Dog ® Title for 2011 at The Sonoma-Marin Fair in Petaluma
A 1.8 pound mutt from California took the 23rd annual World's Ugliest Dog ® Contest at the Sonoma-Marin Fair in Petaluma tonight, taking the title from a field of 29 contestants of questionable beauty. The packed crowd settled on Yoda in the mutt round and she quickly sailed past the Ring of Champions to win.
Her owner, Terry Devine Schumacher, is from Hanford, California, and said the dog was found by her daughter in a field when she was two, "I told her to put it down because I thought it was a rat." However they soon learned otherwise and the dog has been in the family now for 14 years.
Her irregular features, scruffy fur, especially between her toes and tiny stance made her a crowd favorite.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
HA !!!
Much as I hate to agree with Big Al it does seem that Max is all the things described above.
His refusal to answer for his actions put a bad light on all administrators.
There there Soyl don't let these non gay guys upset you. come to your momma for a hug.Nice try, fake Big AL !! I will not fall for your tricks !
You know your momma will kiss your tears better, why should it matter if your fantasy lover is also gay like you?
I will make the nasty men go away my little Chandra.
Why I won't be flying to the USofA
This story is outrageous and these CRETINS should be stopped !!
I cannot believe this ,what if her diaper was full? Oh, it was. WTF?!?!?!
Because of this situation, I will never EVER travel to the United States from my home here in Brisbane because I am a man who wears an adult diaper, and I have adult sized bowel movements, and if someone at the airport is going to want to search it, they had better have warm hands and a clean nappy like my nurse here does.
When I was in Nigeria I feared they would want to search me, so I pinched out the hot shit I had in the chamber. I flew through security !!
Elderly woman asked to remove adult diaper during TSA search
I cannot believe this ,what if her diaper was full? Oh, it was. WTF?!?!?!
Because of this situation, I will never EVER travel to the United States from my home here in Brisbane because I am a man who wears an adult diaper, and I have adult sized bowel movements, and if someone at the airport is going to want to search it, they had better have warm hands and a clean nappy like my nurse here does.
When I was in Nigeria I feared they would want to search me, so I pinched out the hot shit I had in the chamber. I flew through security !!
to curry favour, you must favour curry !!
Max what about the people you permaban with NO warnings and NO breach of the AMB rules?
Yes Max we can all see that you cannot answer this as I broke NO rule. You banned me to curry favour with Joe as you are scared shitless that yet another site would leave the network. Like Crunktimes did.
it is a pitiful act by a low life scumbag who is too afraid to check the facts and do the right thing by his members.
Yes Max we can all see that you cannot answer this as I broke NO rule. You banned me to curry favour with Joe as you are scared shitless that yet another site would leave the network. Like Crunktimes did.
it is a pitiful act by a low life scumbag who is too afraid to check the facts and do the right thing by his members.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
more jokers and fakers!!
I recenly became aware of the CRETINS out there who have created more fake sites, which I will have to shut down. is the latest and it includes many false representations of me and my views. In order to confuse people, they have made d00ls of me and others ,but I am not sure if the others are real. I am pretty sure that it's not me posting there under the name BIg AL, but I guess there's always a chance it is me.
No, I just checked and it is not me. That shite will be shut down. 2011 wil be a very interesting year !!
No, I just checked and it is not me. That shite will be shut down. 2011 wil be a very interesting year !!
late-stage Kim Jong-Il crazy
A decription of American representative Michele Bachman in Rolling Stone struck a familiar chord today.
Whether it's antifraudinternational,, TSB, or the other very few forums from which I have not been banned (yet), my special kind of idiocy will forever be on display somewhere. Can you find me?
"...exactly the right kind of completely batshit crazy. Not medically crazy, not talking-to-[himself]-on-the-subway crazy, but grandiose crazy, late-stage Kim Jong-Il crazy — crazy in the sense that [he's] living completely inside [his] own mind, frenetically pacing the hallways of a vast sand castle [he's] built in there, unable to meaningfully communicate with the human beings on the other side of the moat, who are all presumed to be enemies."Yes, the author is describing a politician, but he could have been describing me !! It perfectly encapsulates me and all I do. Well done, sir.
Whether it's antifraudinternational,, TSB, or the other very few forums from which I have not been banned (yet), my special kind of idiocy will forever be on display somewhere. Can you find me?
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
I found this forum where some CRETINS have been posting their views. It is full of lies and distortions, but I thought there were some very good issues raised by Alodvar, teh man of no honour, here:
He is WRONG of course, but I am glad he took the time to raise these important questions. I need to log in and address this soon.
He is WRONG of course, but I am glad he took the time to raise these important questions. I need to log in and address this soon.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
I am glad to see his scamming
He has been reported. More reports from other members may also help. 
Well done Japan I am glad to see his scamming stopped.

I am covered with so many cat hair and toast crumbs that I coud knit a sweater and non-nom on it when it's done !!
There's nothing like a freshly shaved ballsack. Thanks, nursey !!

Well done Japan I am glad to see his scamming stopped.
I am covered with so many cat hair and toast crumbs that I coud knit a sweater and non-nom on it when it's done !!
There's nothing like a freshly shaved ballsack. Thanks, nursey !!
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