Not a bad try
Nice try guys using her as your tool.
I will reveal things when and how I want to, not to your order as I have said many times!
You do not control me in any way.
Also how can she be a noob when she is a mod on the alliance?? more lies eh??

I will reveal things when and how I want to, not to your order as I have said many times!
You do not control me in any way.
Also how can she be a noob when she is a mod on the alliance?? more lies eh??
Think and check is all I ask
This is all that I am asking anyone to do!
If there are things that are not clear then please ask and if I can explain I will.
I do not have all the answers but I do have some!
If there are things that are not clear then please ask and if I can explain I will.
I do not have all the answers but I do have some!
Yet more B S by obas
Face it, he has no proof of anything he has ever claimed, |
This is obviously wrong, and yet another lie by obas!
I have proven my claim absolutely, that aldavor lied to the members by his own words AND he answered by saying " I've also managed to step on a few insects," By answering and quoting my claim he led credence to my allegation's !
It is clear even to those who want me quiet that he would have denied this if it was not so when he answered! did he deny it?? NO !!
I also claimed and posted that Witch lied to the members IN HER OWN words!, again NO denial has come forth yet witch has posted since!
I also claimed and put a whole post about the mental state of the admins and mods on ils ! again any denial?? NO!!!
If these had been fabricated, then I am sure that the persons involved would, as on past performance's shouted it from the rooftops!
And screamed VERY loudly! But? silence !
Due to the fact that in the past any thing I have claimed has been met with strong denials and twisting of the truth by more than one admin, why have these allegations not been met with any denials at all?
Could it be because they are TRUE?? and it is causing damage to their integrity to keep on lying to try and disprove the truth?
The facts cannot be changed by lying or twisting or even deflecting the truth about things!
The FACT that some members who have the guts to stand up and support the truth are being harassed in real life (just like eater tactics) can only support the fact that what they are saying is true!
Ergo: obas and gunnar are lying to hide the real facts from the members here. as you can plainly see, especially with obas, he is continuing with the childish posts trying to portray me as crazy! Instead of coming up with the truth and his part in things!
This has not worked when used by eater and the alliance and will not work when used by the spook groups!
The threats by pm and by phone are a very clear indication that what I and others are saying is the truth and those that would like to hide things are getting increasingly desperate to avoid the truth coming out by using stand over tactics! THIS IS THE BEST PROOF THAT WHAT I SAY IS THE UNVARNISHED TRUTH.
I suggest taking a closer look at bigal for this. Everyone knows that GR and I would never do something like this. |
Do we?? The facts that have been revealed lately suggests otherwise!
Apart from the obvious, that I do not have the technical ability to do these things, I also do not have any motive!
To sabotage a supporter of mine would make no sense at all!
However as I have said, the members of the spook groups would have the capability! and the motive! They are the ones who fear the truth being revealed NOT me!
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