HMM you seem to have been downloading quite few images of males, especially black males, is this what attracted you to Chandra and Dre?
Don't worry, I am also a "confirmed bachelor" who sits home stroking his cat whilst wearing my Liberace robe and slippers.
It was not I that called him a Faggot. I am asking him if it is true. Those are completely different things. When Joe posts defamatory untrue things about me and allows others to do the same, then he has to expect some comeback. I didn't call him a nigger, now did I? Don't be such a fag about all this or I'll come over there and suck your cock. Oops, did I type that? Where's the delete key? FUCK!!!!
I respectfully and politely asked him to do the right thing many times but he refused. Except for everything he did that I asked in the last couple of days. I am sure that both Joe and I have better things to do (I don't LOL), and when he does the right and ethical thing and removes the lies and derogatory posts about me, then we can both get back to our normal lives. My normal life is being a complete twat, and as it is, all this distracts me from my full-throttle twattiness at which I usually operate.
I have been stalked and harassed by these low lifes for over six years now because I exposed them as scamming scum and I have had enough. (I'm on autopilot here, so prepare your eyes to glaze over.)
I will defend myself, and if Joe is stupid enough to join in with the Al bashing then he can expect to pay the price. The price is nothing HAHAHAHAHA, I'm halfway through this box of wine so fuck it.
I had never done anything to upset Joe (indeed I had praised him for banning the scammer) when he changed and suddenly went on the attack against me. I only called him a faggot. Only some kind of fudge-packer would get upset over that.
I will continue to defend myself from those who seek to defame me in their attempts to stop me from closing down their scam sites that don't exist anyway. God I wish I knew how the internet works.
You say if I have gripes about him then stick to those. I am doing this, note I have not posted a lot of information that I have about his family and relatives. I have not posted details about his disability even though I have lot of information about Joe, I have not posted it. Where's my medal for this? I want a reward for being slightly less of a twat that I normally am.
Yet Joe and his scammer pals post anything they can think of about me. Did I tell you about "IMGREAT101" who posted a totally untrue post accusing me of being a paedophile no proof of course as there is none.
Tell me again about how when I defend myself I am being bigoted. Oh, it's because I called someone a faggot. Almost forgot LOLOLOLOL.
Lets talk about ethics a little. I don't have any and I am a hypocrite. We have a situation where Joe and the scammers think it is ok for them to post derogatory, libellous, insulting, and demeaning untrue posts about me on a site where I am refused an opportunity to defend myself. is THIS ethical? I have had my stolen photo used to impersonate me and indicate to others that it is me posting. Is this ethical?
I have had my blog's password stolen by the hacker and it is now being used by the hacker again to impersonate me. Is this ethical?
We have Joe allowing the known scammer to post links to fake blogs and places that he has set up pretending to be me, again to defame me. Is this ethical ?
Now I have no problem with gay people and have helped some when they were being scammed by such people as Joe is supporting. Indeed I have promoted fags and niggers to senior positions on my site. I have fought for acceptance for these members and will continue to do so as they are good and decent people. Here's one of the people I fought for:

This is Gbenga Jones, a nice black man I know through the Facebook. He is in a senior position on my site. In fact, you could say he is close to the owner. Very close. (Not in a gay way though. Shit, that came out wrong. It's me is what I mean.)
Now, as Joe is supporting the scammers who also target gay people I guess this makes HIM bigoted not I. See what I did there? When someone accuses me of something, I like to turn it around and accuse someone else. Deflecting blame is just one of my super powers.
I did NOT make the statement calling Joe a faggot, I did ask him if this is true. And when I asked, "How long have you been beating your wife?" I didn't say he beats his wife, I just implied it. That's how a hardcore bitch from down under rolls.
Yes, after putting up with their stalking and harassing of me over six years than yes, I will take action to defend myself. Why not post about the lies and derogatory untrue things that Joe and his scammer pals are posting about me? Why won't somebody mention that? Nobody ever talks about it.
Unfortunately as Joe continues to allow such things to be posted on his website, then he has to accept responsibility for his actions and cannot cry when he is put in the spotlight like the little faggot that he is!
Until Joe does the right thing then unfortunately for him things will only escalate, with more and more being exposed. It is HIS clear choice.
I have given him my unreasonable requests and he has chosen to ignore them and continue to defame me. He is solely responsible for what is to come. Oh wait, I forgot that he actually did all the things I asked him. God, I'm such a twat.
You can call me whatever names you like, but it will not alter one fact nor deter me from defending myself, nor from shitting in my pants. I wrote all of the above with a full load in my diaper.
I did NOT make the statement calling Joe a faggot, I did ask him if this is true. And when I asked, "How long have you been beating your wife?" I didn't say he beats his wife, I just implied it. That's how a hardcore bitch from down under rolls.
Yes, after putting up with their stalking and harassing of me over six years than yes, I will take action to defend myself. Why not post about the lies and derogatory untrue things that Joe and his scammer pals are posting about me? Why won't somebody mention that? Nobody ever talks about it.
Unfortunately as Joe continues to allow such things to be posted on his website, then he has to accept responsibility for his actions and cannot cry when he is put in the spotlight like the little faggot that he is!
Until Joe does the right thing then unfortunately for him things will only escalate, with more and more being exposed. It is HIS clear choice.
I have given him my unreasonable requests and he has chosen to ignore them and continue to defame me. He is solely responsible for what is to come. Oh wait, I forgot that he actually did all the things I asked him. God, I'm such a twat.
You can call me whatever names you like, but it will not alter one fact nor deter me from defending myself, nor from shitting in my pants. I wrote all of the above with a full load in my diaper.
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