This is where I expose the CRETINS!! and LIARS ! who have crossed me !! Follow my colonic adventures at and
Friday, November 30, 2012
More twisting of the facts
More twisting of the facts Joe. Have you made any attempt to discuss things with me? I have offered many times and said that I am available on skype and Gmail to talk to you but every time you have failed to reply.
What are you so afraid of Joe? can you only talk to me while protected by your admin powers or the powers of another admin ? Why are you so afraid to talk to me man to man and sort this out to our mutual benefit? I can take off my diaper and have a big boy talk.
Joe why are you SO AFRAID to discuss things between just us two? Is it the diaper? The squinty eyes? The rancid smell of urine wafting of me?
I take it that as you announced that you were in Hospital that you are now feeling better and I can continue to expose you for the liar that you are. I have refrained form doing so out of consideration for your illness.
Now I hope you are feeling better and I can continue. Rest assured Joe, that when some one supports scammers and lies to everyone about me then I will never rest until things are put right. That money is MINE!
You know that I never stop, so again I ask that you be a man and have the courage to discuss this matter so we can settle it and both get on with our lives. Your choice Joe, it makes no difference to me. I have been fighting scammers and corrupt admins for over five years, one more will not make much difference.
PS-Get your facts right Joe, I am NOT Australian I am English, as I have said many times. And I am a squinty cashbaiter.
The Sandy Vagina Monologues (Part 37)
Why is bop so afraid to talk to me? Surely if he is as you say he would at least try to do the right thing, but no, he is afraid as he cannot defend his lies and disreputable actions. A decent honorable person as you portray him to be would try to settle things in a reasonable manner, but he cannot, as he is lying and cannot back his lies up.
A year in hospital puts a tremendous amount of pressure on the financial recourses of anyone, the temptation to use ones technical abilities to produce income by ANY means becomes very strong. And using that ability to produce income from cell phone sites could be an easy way out. Maybe some people would fall for the temptation I do not know who but think upon it.
I know the temptations as I was also in hospital for a time but I was TOTALLY paralyzed with Guilliain- Barre syndrome. But I did not turn to the dark side.
Why has bop suddenly turned and is hell bent on defaming and harrassing me as I fight scammers?
Why would it bother him if I close down some cell phone scam sites? Or even other scam sites, surely as a responsible admin he would be applauding me, after all he is a decent guy according to you. Yet strangely we see him do the opposite why is that DRE?
Let me tell you about another scammer, the type that bop is supporting.
This scammer is a tech guy the name he uses is "Pastor Jerry" he is no more a pastor than I am. Oh never mind, that's boring.
DRE you took action against me for reporting a confidentiality breach ON ANOTHER FORUM as is my right. NOTHING to do with 8th. Is this the right thing to do?
What action will you be taking against Bop for defaming me on another forum? That is, if the same rules apply to everyone equally.
I am only asking for a fair go for all your members on an equal basis.
You know of course that one of the scammers who bop is supporting, has set up a fake site using my username and along with slandering me he is also slandering 8th AND using racist slurs against 8th?
Why is your friend BOP still supporting him, knowing this?
This was set up by a scammer who is supported by BOP. he copies my posts from many sites and then posts them while pretending to be me. I HAVE POSTED EVERYTHING IN THIS PLACE..
This is one of the links that I asked bop to remove from his website, but he banned me instead, accusing me of reporting the scammer too much. What has he to hide?
The scammer alters the copies of my posts on whim. And posts them out of context.
Did you check this out DRE? did you ask bop as a decent guy, why he allows the scammer to post links to this on his website?
And while you are asking him, also ask why he allows the scammer to post a link to another fake blog where he impersonates me as well. And to another fake website where the scammer defames me as well as you and 8th. That's a lot of fake blogs and websites.
It is time to face the truth and check for yourself . click on the links on the network posted by "Alan James Watson" and Soyl" also on ranter as " S " The truth is there for you to see .
There ya go DRE here is another fake site set up by the scammer who bop supports. I think you will find the link on bops site.
They slap 8th and post racist remarks on there about 8th. For the record I HAVE POSTED THERE. All is impersonation and altering copies of posts etc it would be stupid for anyone to think I would set up and post on a site just to defame myself. Yet I have. Weird, huh?
The scammers do use a lot of virus on their links like:
Win 32 virus.
WoWMatrix keylogger / data stealer
But it is ok, your good friend bop and his mods all say these virus do not exist and it is safe to visit the links, despite them being picked up by very sophisticated AV programs that bop cannot afford to run.
So go ahead ! After all bop is trustworthy isn't he?
another of my posts from Rahstyles.
Soyl I see you are impersonating others again and posting a copy of another of my posts from Rahstyles.
Maybe your self confessed mental issues make you have this obsession to copy my posts form different websites? I would recommend that you see a doctor and maybe he can help you. My doctor told me that my incessant whining about you is perfectly normal so I will continue to do it across many platforms.
I wonder if this is the same compulsion that makes you hack your friends computers?
What do you do with the personal information you get by doing this? I have a habit of just handing over my password to people, so no need to hack me HAR FUCKING HAR.
When I get personal information, I give it to my hobro Tom Tooter.
A nice payback for your pals for supporting you. At least some of the ISP's have evicted you for this.
By the way Soyl it was NOT posted as a demotivational but in the transport section as a normal picture. If you copy me at least do try to get things right. And don't change my words to make me sound even more stupid and senile than I already am. I do a fine job of that myself.
Facebooking again as Gbenga Jones with my e-pal Tom Tooter
Tom is having a bit of a hard time. They guy gets impersonated all over the internet, so to make him feel better I went to Facebook to lend my support. Of course, I did it using my Gbenga Jones alt because, c'mon, what am I gonna do, log in as Alan James Watson? Gimme a fucking break. 
Anyway, Tom wants to file a police report about some CRETIN! using his name. Good luck with that, asshole. Been there, done that.

Anyway, Tom wants to file a police report about some CRETIN! using his name. Good luck with that, asshole. Been there, done that.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Whatever happened to
I was a supermod there back in its glory days.Oh, I remember now, I ruined it by being such a colossal asshole. It was cutting into my cashbaiting time anyway.
New recruits are a little bit like horses. You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink. however you can make the horse stand out in the sun all day and then HE will WANT to drink. See how I turned that cliche around?
If we make Rahstyles interesting, then people will WANT to join and STAY. Unfortunately, there was nothing that could make rahstyles interesting, so no one joined and no one stayed.
I think I can live with that. But I really do not need the money, please use it to help out with the running expenses of Rahstyles. Thanks. I make enough money cashbaiting.
New recruits are a little bit like horses. You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink. however you can make the horse stand out in the sun all day and then HE will WANT to drink. See how I turned that cliche around?
If we make Rahstyles interesting, then people will WANT to join and STAY. Unfortunately, there was nothing that could make rahstyles interesting, so no one joined and no one stayed.
I think I can live with that. But I really do not need the money, please use it to help out with the running expenses of Rahstyles. Thanks. I make enough money cashbaiting.
I am a scambaiter and upset many scammers greatly
No worries, I have only ever told the truth on 8th so if I am demodded
for this then karma will catch up to those who are lying. I thank you
for your trust and honesty. AL
Please take care as these messages can be read. I would not like you to get caught up in things. AL.
Thank you it is appreciated. I have lots to keep me busy, I am a member on a site that has over 74,000 members and mod on several others with large numbers of members and viewers.
Fortunately I am now retired and so can spend all day on the internet if I wish, which I do, and pooping in my pool. I am currently sorting out some spammers on a site that gets between 3,500 and 5,000 views a day. I am a global mod on there. It helps if I am a mod, as I can check the spammers and scammers out and deal with them before they can benefit from their lies. I am an internet crime fighter with nothing better to do.
Hi thank you for the invite but TC is not secure. I am a scambaiter and upset many scammers greatly, so it is not wise to allow any of my personal details to be on the Internet. Except for those that I personaly put out there before I knew any better. Sorry, and again thanks for the invite. AL
Please take care as these messages can be read. I would not like you to get caught up in things. AL.
Thank you it is appreciated. I have lots to keep me busy, I am a member on a site that has over 74,000 members and mod on several others with large numbers of members and viewers.
Fortunately I am now retired and so can spend all day on the internet if I wish, which I do, and pooping in my pool. I am currently sorting out some spammers on a site that gets between 3,500 and 5,000 views a day. I am a global mod on there. It helps if I am a mod, as I can check the spammers and scammers out and deal with them before they can benefit from their lies. I am an internet crime fighter with nothing better to do.
Hi thank you for the invite but TC is not secure. I am a scambaiter and upset many scammers greatly, so it is not wise to allow any of my personal details to be on the Internet. Except for those that I personaly put out there before I knew any better. Sorry, and again thanks for the invite. AL
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Facebooking as Gbenga Jones, pretending I understand the Israeli conflict by throwing out some cliches
- Gbenga Jones Nigga please! I been cashbaiting long before those fuckers started firing rockets at each other. I'm rich biatch.
- Rafiq Aït-Saïd 1) how many Israeli civilians were killed this year by Hamas? 2) How many Palestinian civilians were killed this year by Israel?
- Rafiq Aït-Saïd Gbenga, Palestinians are occupied by Israels zionistic State. Zionism is a political movement and not a religious one. Zionism is anti religion
- Gbenga Jones @Rafiq . I hope they all die, the sand niggers and the dirty jews. And you too. HAR FUCKING HAR.
- Gbenga Jones And you think that attacking one of the most advanced armies in the world supported by a super power will achieve anything except for the deaths of more people? Sensible dialogue would seem a better way to achieve anyone's aims.Alternatively, they could publish people's PI. That's a fun thing I always do.
- Gbenga Jones There are none so blind as they who will not see. And yes, even I can't believe I reached into my cliche bag and pulled out that one yet again. So fuck dem jews. amirite.5 hours ago · Like
- Gbenga Jones So your answer is to continue to kill people who have different points of view than yours? Tell the mothers who lose their children how you would prefer to kill rather than engage in discussions.
- Gbenga Jones I swear, I have better conversations with Tommy Tooter. That hobo has his shit together.I'm ALan James Watson, aka Big Al, aka Gbenga Jones, and I approve this message. I'm also a giant asshole in case you hadn't noticed.6 hours ago · Like
Where in the world contest #27
JUOT Founder & Admin
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: New York
Posts: 41,340Gameroom cash: $399017
Liked 2,559 Times in 1,668 Posts
Like/STFU Ratio: 14.3 : 1
Welcome to a new "Where in the World" Contests by JUOT, now open to users on the network too.
Each winner will be awarded one JUOT "Game Point" and Game Points when combined will be eligible for prizes just as banning users of your choice and other interesting things.
More options will be added soon but so far these are the choices:
1 GP (Game Point) = $1,000,000 Gameroom Cash
3 GPs = Ban any registered user for 24 hours.
4 GPs = Ban any premium user for 24 hours.
5 GPs = Ban any Ultra-Premium user for 24 hours.
10 GPs = Ban any Staff member (including me) for 24 hours.
Anyway for the actual contest I post an image from Google Maps/Earth and you need to find where in the world it is.
To win post a link to the location in Google Maps, or location name (if applicable) or GPS coordinates. First person to post enough info that I am clear they found it WINS!
I will release hints over the course of the contest to make it easier.
Ready, Set, Go!
Posted on
Each winner will be awarded one JUOT "Game Point" and Game Points when combined will be eligible for prizes just as banning users of your choice and other interesting things.
More options will be added soon but so far these are the choices:
1 GP (Game Point) = $1,000,000 Gameroom Cash
3 GPs = Ban any registered user for 24 hours.
4 GPs = Ban any premium user for 24 hours.
5 GPs = Ban any Ultra-Premium user for 24 hours.
10 GPs = Ban any Staff member (including me) for 24 hours.
Anyway for the actual contest I post an image from Google Maps/Earth and you need to find where in the world it is.
To win post a link to the location in Google Maps, or location name (if applicable) or GPS coordinates. First person to post enough info that I am clear they found it WINS!
I will release hints over the course of the contest to make it easier.
Ready, Set, Go!
Posted on
Welcome to a new "Where in the World" Contests by JUOT, now open to users on the network too.
Each winner will be awarded one JUOT "Game Point" and Game Points when combined will be eligible for prizes just as banning users of your choice and other interesting things.
More options will be added soon but so far these are the choices:
1 GP (Game Point) = $1,000,000 Gameroom Cash
3 GPs = Ban any registered user for 24 hours.
4 GPs = Ban any premium user for 24 hours.
5 GPs = Ban any Ultra-Premium user for 24 hours.
10 GPs = Ban any Staff member (including me) for 24 hours.
Anyway for the actual contest I post an image from Google Maps/Earth and you need to find where in the world it is.
To win post a link to the location in Google Maps, or location name (if applicable) or GPS coordinates. First person to post enough info that I am clear they found it WINS!
I will release hints over the course of the contest to make it easier.
Ready, Set, Go!
Hint #1: Not India
Thursday, November 22, 2012
I am a victim of a hosting company
Although not a client of urljet, I too am having a lot of problems with urljet being very uncooperative. I have stamped my foot vigorously and made idiotic demands of them but they won't listen to me.
A good organization would work with assholes like me to help settle any problems. My opinion is that they do not fall into this category.
I cannot comment on their speed etc only on my unfortunate personal experience with them when I was told to file a DMCA request to get what I want, which I refuse to do, so now I am reduced to being an asswipe in public AGAIN !!
In summary: I do not like urljet because I am a stupid fuckwit who cannot get it through his thick skull that people don't have to do what I want just because I say so, and my vagina is as sandy as ever. I just can't shake it out.
A good organization would work with assholes like me to help settle any problems. My opinion is that they do not fall into this category.
I cannot comment on their speed etc only on my unfortunate personal experience with them when I was told to file a DMCA request to get what I want, which I refuse to do, so now I am reduced to being an asswipe in public AGAIN !!
In summary: I do not like urljet because I am a stupid fuckwit who cannot get it through his thick skull that people don't have to do what I want just because I say so, and my vagina is as sandy as ever. I just can't shake it out.
Re the initial approach.
Re the initial approach. I have found that a simple one has produced the best results for me, at first all we want is for the nigger to reply, so I usually start off with something like.
" Hi sounds good to me can you give me more details. Send them to me at 2 Speckled Cct, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Thank you, Alan James, Big AL Gbenga Jones Watson"
One of the things that a baiter may be concerned about is losing his nigger. NP, you can always re-bait him using another alias. Many times I have a nigger answering more than one of my usernames, if I lose one it is not a problem, as I already have at least one more on the go and so the nigger torture can continue unabated. There is no shortage of these monkeys. It's like being in the Congo, you stand still for just a second and you'll be covered in sweaty monkeys. These jiggaboos can sniff out a decent white man like flies find shit.
The next thing to do is phish their password so you can watch and see how many dumb fucks are sending them money. You want to watch for a Western Union receipt in their inbox which you take and bring to the WU office and you collect the money instead of the dumb nigger. This is called cashbaiting. The money some idiot was sending to that nigger now goes to you. Simple and easy. I have been doing this for years and that's how I paid for my pool and for my wife's electrolysis. Her mustache was getting hard to look at.
I will instruct you more later. Right now I have a very full diaper because I sharted. That's when I think I'm going to fart, so I push one out, but instead I get a surprising blast of shit. In this case, it was no surprise, and I didn't need to push. It just pours out of me like someone turned on a shit faucet.
" Hi sounds good to me can you give me more details. Send them to me at 2 Speckled Cct, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Thank you, Alan James, Big AL Gbenga Jones Watson"
One of the things that a baiter may be concerned about is losing his nigger. NP, you can always re-bait him using another alias. Many times I have a nigger answering more than one of my usernames, if I lose one it is not a problem, as I already have at least one more on the go and so the nigger torture can continue unabated. There is no shortage of these monkeys. It's like being in the Congo, you stand still for just a second and you'll be covered in sweaty monkeys. These jiggaboos can sniff out a decent white man like flies find shit.
The next thing to do is phish their password so you can watch and see how many dumb fucks are sending them money. You want to watch for a Western Union receipt in their inbox which you take and bring to the WU office and you collect the money instead of the dumb nigger. This is called cashbaiting. The money some idiot was sending to that nigger now goes to you. Simple and easy. I have been doing this for years and that's how I paid for my pool and for my wife's electrolysis. Her mustache was getting hard to look at.
I will instruct you more later. Right now I have a very full diaper because I sharted. That's when I think I'm going to fart, so I push one out, but instead I get a surprising blast of shit. In this case, it was no surprise, and I didn't need to push. It just pours out of me like someone turned on a shit faucet.
On the phone with Tommy Tooter
I finally got Tommy Tooter to make some phone calls for me. I had been trying to convince him to call people for some time now but he was all "No, I don't want to do that, it will cost money, I have a pay-as-you-go phone, blahblahblah." Faggot. It was sweet hearing him leave voice mail for people like Joe, or talk to Bucket's' daughter. lololol. My plan is finally coming to fruition, that being to harass innocent relatives of my mortal enemies! I will crush them!! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!1!!1!!!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Pulling Tommy Tooter's other leg
Holy shit, I can't believe how gullible that gullible hobo is. He's losing what's left of his mind.
I know he doesn't read this, so it's ok to say that hobo's crazy!!!!!
since you morons think you are invulnerable to tort and think you can hijack my intellectual property and make money with it by generating click through ad revenue, we’re changing our response to you.
instead of chasing our tales shutting down your sites, we’re going to flood them with statements on the truth of what’s going on.
every single subscription to hobo life starting with [TJW][SS][FFF][JSX] is going to belong to somebody we know.
SS=STUPIDSOYL=BIGAL=?????????????????????????????? ?????????????
FFF=NUNYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JSX=DITTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TJW= <3 br="br" moi="moi">
now, i’m going to sit back and immensely enjoy watching you get hoist with your own petards. you boys crossed the wrong boundary with this one. 3>
I know he doesn't read this, so it's ok to say that hobo's crazy!!!!!
Friday, November 16, 2012
my diaper is overly full
Here is a copy of my message to Joe. You can clearly see there was NO threat. I am posting this as Joe sometimes says he was unaware that the photo was mine I have told him it is not mine many times.
Sorry. but by his actions I do NOT consider Joe to be reasonable at all. Unlike me, who is always reasonable.
I formally claim copyright over all my posts present and past whether on JUOT or any other website or blog.

I request that you take all necessary actions to remove and limit the appearance of my intellectual property, in accordance with the stated rules of JUOT and this included removing and restricting my property from being posted on JUOT via the network, specifically from Crunk times and anothermessageboard.

I ask that any and all references linking to or leading to any forum, blog or site that contains any of my personal details including but not limited to my name, address, PHOTOGRAPH or any other details about me NOT be removed from display on JUOT,
Furthermore, my diaper is overly full and I am getting a diaper rash.
I have been asked to check with you if you have registered an agent for the Notification of Claims of Infringement. I have checked with and cannot find any listed, as this may
not be up to date I am asking you if you have such an agent.
I am reluctant to go down this path and hope that as you have been reasonable and fair in the past this will continue. I sincerely hope that we can work together in a friendly and respectful manner
However I will take whatever steps I deem necessary to protect my self and my wife and relatives, regardless of the cost in time, money or effort.
This is NOT a threat nor a demand, but a request for your assistance in doing the correct thing by your members.
We are both mature adults and we should be able to resolve this matter as such. In the meantime I will continue to post other people's shit online because I have a double standard.

Thank you. AL.
Sorry. but by his actions I do NOT consider Joe to be reasonable at all. Unlike me, who is always reasonable.
Joe. I would much prefer to keep things on a friendly basis, but I will take whatever action is needed to protect myself from those who would seek to destroy my online reputation. Even though my reputation is already in the shitter and in all the years I have been whining about this there has never been one instance where I have been unsafe. I have a vivid imagination though.
I formally claim copyright over all my posts present and past whether on JUOT or any other website or blog.
I request that you take all necessary actions to remove and limit the appearance of my intellectual property, in accordance with the stated rules of JUOT and this included removing and restricting my property from being posted on JUOT via the network, specifically from Crunk times and anothermessageboard.
I ask that any and all references linking to or leading to any forum, blog or site that contains any of my personal details including but not limited to my name, address, PHOTOGRAPH or any other details about me NOT be removed from display on JUOT,
Furthermore, my diaper is overly full and I am getting a diaper rash.
I have been asked to check with you if you have registered an agent for the Notification of Claims of Infringement. I have checked with and cannot find any listed, as this may
not be up to date I am asking you if you have such an agent.
I am reluctant to go down this path and hope that as you have been reasonable and fair in the past this will continue. I sincerely hope that we can work together in a friendly and respectful manner
However I will take whatever steps I deem necessary to protect my self and my wife and relatives, regardless of the cost in time, money or effort.
This is NOT a threat nor a demand, but a request for your assistance in doing the correct thing by your members.
We are both mature adults and we should be able to resolve this matter as such. In the meantime I will continue to post other people's shit online because I have a double standard.
Thank you. AL.
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