Hey I just had a good idea, instead of playing pattycake with each other why not go and troll some sites?
I know some that are in need of some TLC.
Are you up to the challenge or do I have to take care of it myself, while the members here piss in each others pockets?
Ok give me a couple of days. I will have to contact each of you via PM's, so they cannot see what we are doing on the forum.
Sites as in more than one. You can join in if you like. We need a minimum of three trollers for this to work and we have those now, but the more the merrier.
There is a member here who delights in snitching on us, so only the trusted will have access to the troll.
You are welcome to see the results after the fact.
Party pooper.
Some of the best trolls are those where the recipient never gets to know who or how they were trolled. Believe me, Hades is one of the masters of this.
Some are still wondering what happened when they were trolled.
Only a couple of grand the skinflint.
They are so butthurt they still keep saying it was a simple mistake. They were PWNDED big time.
They just cannot work out how they were PWNDED.
Sex Sex thats all you think about.
Great stuff, the entire ranter forum PWNDED by Hades. And they are still in denial about it
Kinky FTW.
Bugger you just missed it.
The trolling has gone undercover to avoid a snitch on here. As this part is over now, how would you like to see how a senior member of AMB has been trolled into revealing how they dogpile on those not in the private area?
This is just part of a successful troll against AMB.
I was asked for an example of my trolling. The most advanced type is when the trollee does not realize he is being trolled.
So it is with an idiot called Gunnar Rea . AKA "Jesus H Christ on AMB . He was successfully trolled into admitting how AMB operate to ridicule their members and ex members .
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Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 View Post
I think we need to find out how tooter is getting this info. We should deal with the source!
That's one way, but it's doomed to fail - if Tommy has already received info then he's going to keep using it, he doesnt have the control not to - Whoever he's receiving it from may also supply it to others if he feels threatened or thinks its going to make us more annoyed
A possibly more reliable way, is to taint what he has making it useless. If he receives something anonymous claiming to be from a disgruntled ex-AMB/Ranter etc, full of details, some of which he can check but in no way relating to anyone here, then it really should fuck up his fun. Max/Warhawk can ban him for posting any of it to show it's authenticity, we can cry out every time he uses it, whilst at the same time laughing at him for using it.
For the people's info that he already has started using, the info should also contain a bit of that so that it has the taste of authenticity
It's an idea. I might create my Mrs being pissed at me for cheating and has now started a smear campaign against me. Send him some fake details and pics etc
Can you imagine the stupidity of this peanut in actually being trolled into revealing this in the members section and NOT the private area.
You gotta have timing. LOL.
This toe rag has been so thoroughly trolled he still believes he is of importance.
His latest offering showing how AMB continue to desire to troll TT.
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Originally Posted by Scrotemonkey View Post
If Tommy's banned when you return you owe me 50 bux. If not, I owe you 5.
How the fuck does that work out?
I tell you what, if Tommy is not banned upon my triumphant return, then YOU havent been doing your job properly!
Now get your lazy spotty ass in gear and start drumming up some hobo lies!
Here we see him asking his pal to make up even more lies to victimize a fellow member.
Just a loser admitting that AMB plan to harass a fellow member of theirs, as is normal for them .
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