This is where I expose the CRETINS!! and LIARS ! who have crossed me !! Follow my colonic adventures at and
Friday, August 31, 2012
Shucks that joe.
Dear Joseph you really are a silly small minded boy. Why did you ever get caught up with Chandra?
Lotta stay away from my Boyfriend. BITCH.
Shucks that joe. He's the biggest liar who ever shit behind shoeleather.
HAR FUCKING HAR! That guy joe is just plain looney. And he calls others crazy.
He will tell us he is a Bird of prey next. What a fucking Wanker.
the register at Troll Valhalla and do jack shit..I smell fear and weakness..
Thursday, August 30, 2012
what is good for the Geese is good for the Gander.
Ok team Joe seems to think that there are only 4 or 5 of us. he has as usual not a clue as to what is going down. He seems to feel that it is ok for people to post personal information and to allow duals, so he cannot object if others do the same.
I notice a few of the team have already posted, I have no objection if others now post. I was hoping that Joe would be reasonable, but he seems to be too stupid to see how he is being used. So as I said, what is good for the Geese is good for the Gander. (I wish I could remember how that saying goes but that's close enough.)
Some people are saying that along with my physical problems that I also have mental issues.
I am here to prove that I am as sane as anyone. To this end I will post some of my famous posts that show my mental state.
"There are some truths that need to be told... Are there aliens visiting us? Are politicians in bed with corporations to bleed the masses dry? Was Obama born in Kenya? These are truths that need to be told."
Soyl I hope that you do not mind me posting sir. I know you have not authorised me, sir do not stop my money I have a lot of medical bills that need paying. Thank you so much and I sincerely hope I have not offended you. Your humble servant Joe
More proof that I am as sane as anyone. I particularly wanted to get this message out to the world.
"I was the first man on the moon, not the late Neil Armstrong. I worked for SNASA (Secret NASA) and they launched me to the moon in 1967 from a secret base on a minor Hawaiian Island to make sure everything would work correctly for Apollo 11 two years later. In fact a small asteroid punched a hole in the rocket and I had to complete half the mission plugging the hole with my body so that is why my cock was exposed to the vacuum of space for 2 days and survives re-entry. It was the biggest thing I could find to plug the hole."
Soyl I hope that you do not mind me posting sir. I know you have not authorised me, sir do not stop my money I have a lot of medical bills that need paying. Thank you so much and I sincerely hope I have not offended you. Your humble servant Joe
I hope you can all see my famous "DEATH STARE" in my avatar.
Soyl I hope that you do not mind me posting sir. I know you have not authorised me, sir do not stop my money I have a lot of medical bills that need paying. Thank you so much and I sincerely hope I have not offended you. Your humble servant Joe
See I told you I was sane.
"The Cyber-Mafia said if I don't ban you they'll break my kneecaps in Second Life. Does that satisfy you? The leader is a shadowy man named Antommy but that is all I know.. Now I've said too much... I will need to go into witness protection... Somewhere they can never find me in second life. Maybe I can have my account converted to Mine Craft... No one will ever look for me in Mine Craft."
Soyl I hope that you do not mind me posting sir. I know you have not authorised me, sir do not stop my money I have a lot of medical bills that need paying. Thank you so much and I sincerely hope I have not offended you. Your humble servant Joe
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
worshipping black cock
birdoprey WTF are you doing man. What's the use of risking your families safety and your employment over a toe rag like SOyl.
Is it worth all this just so he can post a photo and acouple of links. I had to think of my loved ones safety and leave theRanter as it is only the internet after all. Wake up dude is SOyl worth all this.
HAR FUCKING HAR. Birdoprey takes it up the arse from his lord and master the filthy lad from the subcontinent.
Joe what it like to suck chandra cock and do his bidding?
Joseph my dear. What does Indian cock taste like? I guess you are the Bottom person in this gay relationship you have with dear Chandy, after all he is pulling all your strings and telling you how to run juot,net.
oops i understand that Joe Di Biasi is happy to see his personal information posted, after all he lets his bum buddy Chandra post others Pi on his website.
What a shame that Chandra is now stabbing Joe in the back AGAIN by posting copies of his Pi on cashbaiting-darkarts-volksanctum.blogspot. that Chandra runs. i guess Chandra is laughing at Joe all the way to the bank.
Joe my dear sir please not to be listening to these wallahs. Just to continue to suck my cock and do what I pay you for.
oh yes they are all being jealous that you swear devotion to only me your lord.
Please to be letting Lorraine and Melissa to be joining you in worshipping my black cock. Theres a good chappy.
Now calm down guys and gals. It is not Joes fault that he cannot stand up to a superior mind and so becomes Soyls slave.
After all we do not know what medication Joe is taking for his health problems that may be altering his perceptions of life.
Some of the medication could have long term effects on anyone's mental ability. his bad slip ups in his spelling may be an indication of underlying problems.
It is obvious that he has some issues, anyone who endangers his employment, just to keep a photo and a few links on his website, cannot really be considered to be in control of his mental faculties.
His compulsive lying may also be another result of strong medication, a doctor may be better suited to confirm this
Is it worth all this just so he can post a photo and acouple of links. I had to think of my loved ones safety and leave theRanter as it is only the internet after all. Wake up dude is SOyl worth all this.
HAR FUCKING HAR. Birdoprey takes it up the arse from his lord and master the filthy lad from the subcontinent.
Joe what it like to suck chandra cock and do his bidding?
Joseph my dear. What does Indian cock taste like? I guess you are the Bottom person in this gay relationship you have with dear Chandy, after all he is pulling all your strings and telling you how to run juot,net.
oops i understand that Joe Di Biasi is happy to see his personal information posted, after all he lets his bum buddy Chandra post others Pi on his website.
What a shame that Chandra is now stabbing Joe in the back AGAIN by posting copies of his Pi on cashbaiting-darkarts-volksanctum.blogspot. that Chandra runs. i guess Chandra is laughing at Joe all the way to the bank.
Joe my dear sir please not to be listening to these wallahs. Just to continue to suck my cock and do what I pay you for.
oh yes they are all being jealous that you swear devotion to only me your lord.
Please to be letting Lorraine and Melissa to be joining you in worshipping my black cock. Theres a good chappy.
Now calm down guys and gals. It is not Joes fault that he cannot stand up to a superior mind and so becomes Soyls slave.
After all we do not know what medication Joe is taking for his health problems that may be altering his perceptions of life.
Some of the medication could have long term effects on anyone's mental ability. his bad slip ups in his spelling may be an indication of underlying problems.
It is obvious that he has some issues, anyone who endangers his employment, just to keep a photo and a few links on his website, cannot really be considered to be in control of his mental faculties.
His compulsive lying may also be another result of strong medication, a doctor may be better suited to confirm this
Here's where I make duals and try to sound like someone other than me
Chandra He ain’t got the sense to lead a blind goose to shit. (See, that doesn't even make sense, but I tried, right?)
Shucks Joe di Biasi Don’t corner somethin’ that you know is meaner than you. (A little better maybe?)
BirdOPrey, the lapdog He don’t know “come here” from “sic ’em.” (Ugh, just terrible, I know.)
Now Bill try to control yourself. We all know that Joe has to do what the little brown monkey demands of him and that Joe is subservient to him now. And that he is now totally controlled by the monkey. (OK, not bad.)
I noticed that you posted details, Joe will not mind, as he seems to think it is ok to allow his members to post peoples details. so he obviously agrees with people posting others Pi. (Nobody knows what the fuck I'm on about, but who gives a fuck.)
Bop5 is a fucking wussy, ban the fucker and all who sail in her. He is a wussy on the network as well and we all laugh at how the filthy lad from the subcontinent pulls his chain. Fucking wussy wanker. (I just gave up with this one, it's shit.)
Shucks Joe di Biasi Don’t corner somethin’ that you know is meaner than you. (A little better maybe?)
BirdOPrey, the lapdog He don’t know “come here” from “sic ’em.” (Ugh, just terrible, I know.)
Now Bill try to control yourself. We all know that Joe has to do what the little brown monkey demands of him and that Joe is subservient to him now. And that he is now totally controlled by the monkey. (OK, not bad.)
I noticed that you posted details, Joe will not mind, as he seems to think it is ok to allow his members to post peoples details. so he obviously agrees with people posting others Pi. (Nobody knows what the fuck I'm on about, but who gives a fuck.)
Bop5 is a fucking wussy, ban the fucker and all who sail in her. He is a wussy on the network as well and we all laugh at how the filthy lad from the subcontinent pulls his chain. Fucking wussy wanker. (I just gave up with this one, it's shit.)
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
it is fun to stalk and harass people on the internet
TommyTooter is now threatening to send people to my house.
Joe why are you concerned about Tommy? I would think that you should only be concerned if you had been posting defamatory statements, Lies and insults all over the internet about him.
What's that Joe, you HAVE been doing these things as well as calling him crazy?
Well Joe that was pretty stupid of you.
Let me give you the word Joe You may think (as you have said) that it is fun to stalk and harass people on the internet, but when those victims decide to defend themselves it is a whole different story.
When you allow Soyl to do your thinking for you and run your website with you as his little lackey, then do not be surprised if your victims do something about it.
By the way I disagree with your assessment of Tommy and I have found him to be an honest person, unlike you who constantly posts lies.
Now run along little lap dog and go and do your master soyls bidding as he gradually destroys your reputation across the internet.
I need to get a clean diaper on and hope these flies go away soon.
LOL I sent Joe's PI to Tommy Tooter so he can harass him HAR FUCKING HAR
Congrats Al... TommyTooter is now threatening to send people to my house.Understand- I hold you PERSONALLY responsible now for any shit Tommy does to me or my home, my pets, my family, etc...YOU created this mess- I suggest you BEG tommy to forget you ever gave him my info or else YOU will be in the situation I am in now.NOT a THREAT. Just explaining how it's going to be.Don't bother banning me- I have nothing else/left to say.
Another threat Joe, and from a staff member of vbulletin no less. Boy they must be real proud of how you are single-handedly destroying their good reputation.
Joe, several times I have offered to work things out with you but you ignored me and you continue to allow hackers and scammers to sucker you on your own website. So YOU are totally responsible for your actions and any consequences from them.
Joe you ban people to stop them from saying the truth and then you post lies about them on the internet, then you openly THREATEN me and post more lies about child porn. what a good representative you are for Vbulletin I am sure they appreciate being maligned by you.
You post what you think is my real name and details but as I say, you have been badly suckered and taken for a total fool by those hackers you support on your website. I would have thought that by now you would have woken up to how they are playing you, but I guess you are too stupid to see it.
For this I feel great pity for you, but it is your free choice if you believe the lies from those who are confirmed liars and you are dragged into playing the fool for their little games. Maybe they will give you your own little dog collar so they can drag you along by your leash, as they all laugh at how they have scammed you and made you their tool.
They are pissing themselves laughing at you, as you feel the heat for their actions as they have successfully made you into their lackey.
You are responsible for your own actions, so do not complain when they come back and bite you in the ass.
Have a nice day Joe.
Yes, I shit my pants again.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Hey Joe
Hey Joe for you it is a shame, that you cannot censor my posts on here in an attempt to hide the truth.
I have an entire hobo army out there waiting to be deployed Joe. Waiting, watching, and wondering... where their next meal will come from. Hobos, Joe. If you meet any hobos on the street, feed them. Feed them, Joe.
Scary fucking hobos. They will eat the food from your dumpster.
I will send you a BM via the hobos.
I have an entire hobo army out there waiting to be deployed Joe. Waiting, watching, and wondering... where their next meal will come from. Hobos, Joe. If you meet any hobos on the street, feed them. Feed them, Joe.
Scary fucking hobos. They will eat the food from your dumpster.
I will send you a BM via the hobos.
a campaign to harass and defame me.
Could I please have some advice from an administrator.
I have just been threatened twice in a public forum by one of your staff members, threatening to post my personal information and give it to others. (Let's ignore that I gave his PI to a hobo in Austin. That's irrelevant.)
The ONLY personal information I have EVER sent on the internet is to Vbulletin, when I purchased my license.
So the only access to this personal information is from vbulletin.
I have had occasion in the past as a vbulletin client, to report this staff member before, for posting part of a confidential message that I sent to vbsupport on his personal website, as part of a campaign to harass and defame me. (I don't need any help in that department, thanks very much.)
I would appreciate an admins advice how to proceed to insure my safety and that of my loved ones from this moderator and staff member of vbulletin. It's his job to find protection from the unstable hobo I put on his trail.
As he is a staff member with mod powers, I will send a copy of this post to an admin in case he tries to delete it. I will also send you a BM. Thank you Big Al.
I will do that as well. I understand you do get paid by vbulletin though.
However a moderator on here is is responsible for his actions, when he is a moderator on a site that I understand is approved by vbulletin or their main organization.
In many ways the actions of the moderators on here reflect on the reputation of the main organization. IN the same way, all of Australia's reputation is reflected by me and my fucknuttery.
I was under the impression that due to some messages between TT and yourself, that an agreement had been made that we would not threaten each other.
As it happens I was just about to post a message to you via Pm, asking whether you would be interested in a mutually agreed deal, but I can see that you are not to be trusted and are totally unprofessional. Unlike me.
Now as you are a staff member on vbulletin and this is the ONLY possible source of any of my personal information then it is clear that you would be abusing your staff position with them.
This is the second threat you have posted against me. I will not threaten, as I usually do not do this, I will just act instead. Many times I have stated that I will take what action I deem necessary to protect my loved ones and myself regardless of the cost.
Regardless of how you say it, the ONLY source of my personal information is from vbulletin and they have very strong rules, especially for their employees. Oh and there was that time somebody keylogged my computer. I guess that's a source of information too. I sometimes forget that incident because it's a fucking fantasy I've been perpetuating for the past 5 years.
Thank you Mage. Here is a full copy of my post about joe on where he is a moderator. If you look at the post on there Joe has closed the thread and has deleted the last part as he is so afraid of the truth.
"" Personal security on Vbulletin
Could I please have some advice from an administrator.
I have just been threatened twice in a public forum by one of your staff members, threatening to post my personal information and give it to others.
The ONLY personal information I have EVER sent on the internet is to Vbulletin, when I purchased my license.
So the only access to this personal information is from vbulletin.
I have had occasion in the past as a vbulletin client, to report this staff member before, for posting part of a confidential message that I sent to vbsupport on his personal website, as part of a campaign to harass and defame me.
I would appreciate an admins advice how to proceed to insure my safety and that of my loved ones from this moderator and staff member of vbulletin.
As he is a staff member with mod powers, I will send a copy of this post to an admin in case he tries to delete it. Thank you Big Al.
(Below is the part he deleted so the truth would not be known.)
Update. He has just been banned on the public forum for posting threats and alluding to child porn and for trying to post my personal information.
Again you are incorrect. I only sent you the one as above. That one was on the hard drive I was then using this is why I sent it, as it was easy to find.
Any others are stored on external hard drives with my other stored data, as there is a lot, I did not bother searching through those databases, I just sent the one that was handy on my hard drive and it is not by normal standards a pornographic one.
My own level of fucknuttery staggers me sometimes. I am the greatest at this.
anal james watson,
delusional idiot,
forum queefs,
gbenga jones,
geriatric fuckhead,
roaring shitcannon,
sandy vagina,
Sunday, August 26, 2012
I am a retired cashbaiter so you cannot threaten me
As you have said many times your Pi is freely available on the internet.
There's more where that came from. You are already allowing my Pi in the form of a stolen photo to be posted ON YOUR WEBSITE, despite me telling you many times that I have not given my permission for it to be posted. Joe, what is good for the goose is good for the Gander, remember that.
Unfortunately for you, you do not have any more of my PI to post. However I do have lots of your Pi including your relatives PI I can post or give to others.
So if you want to threaten me and go down this path go for it. I know who will come out with egg on his face and it will not be me. My email is common knowledge, after being posted by those hackers and scammers you support so there is no leverage there for you. My photo has been abused on your website so again this is no further use to you and your threats . So if you like bring it on, I have LOTS of info that I have not passed along as yet.
As I have said many timers I am a retired cashbaiter so you cannot threaten me with sending things to my employer, however some are not so fortunate and do have Employers. I can send a big nigger over to your place to shit in your coffee pot and wipe his massive black cock on the drapes too.
Joe, as you say I sent you I think ONE photo, showing a woman and her breasts, as this has been posted on a few sites and not removed and it only showed breasts, I would not consider it to be porn. And I am sure that as an adult you would not be offended by the showing of breasts. Be glad I didn't send you the fisting videos or scat porn that's currently clogging up my hard drive. Those will make you vomit last week's breakfast burrito through your nose. (In fact, you should film that if it happens, there's something called nasal porn I'm getting into.)
You seem to be in denial about what the hackers and spammers you support are capable of, so I sent you the photo to prove that what I was saying was true. many times you and others seem to ask for proof, yet when it is supplied then you deny it. There are more disgusting chopped images that they have done, but I did not send you them. I have these disgusting images because someone else made them, and I got them, and I send them to people to prove someone else is responsible for them. That makes sense, right? I have these pictures to prove somebody else made them.
Makes sense to me.
There's more where that came from. You are already allowing my Pi in the form of a stolen photo to be posted ON YOUR WEBSITE, despite me telling you many times that I have not given my permission for it to be posted. Joe, what is good for the goose is good for the Gander, remember that.
Unfortunately for you, you do not have any more of my PI to post. However I do have lots of your Pi including your relatives PI I can post or give to others.
So if you want to threaten me and go down this path go for it. I know who will come out with egg on his face and it will not be me. My email is common knowledge, after being posted by those hackers and scammers you support so there is no leverage there for you. My photo has been abused on your website so again this is no further use to you and your threats . So if you like bring it on, I have LOTS of info that I have not passed along as yet.
As I have said many timers I am a retired cashbaiter so you cannot threaten me with sending things to my employer, however some are not so fortunate and do have Employers. I can send a big nigger over to your place to shit in your coffee pot and wipe his massive black cock on the drapes too.
Joe, as you say I sent you I think ONE photo, showing a woman and her breasts, as this has been posted on a few sites and not removed and it only showed breasts, I would not consider it to be porn. And I am sure that as an adult you would not be offended by the showing of breasts. Be glad I didn't send you the fisting videos or scat porn that's currently clogging up my hard drive. Those will make you vomit last week's breakfast burrito through your nose. (In fact, you should film that if it happens, there's something called nasal porn I'm getting into.)
You seem to be in denial about what the hackers and spammers you support are capable of, so I sent you the photo to prove that what I was saying was true. many times you and others seem to ask for proof, yet when it is supplied then you deny it. There are more disgusting chopped images that they have done, but I did not send you them. I have these disgusting images because someone else made them, and I got them, and I send them to people to prove someone else is responsible for them. That makes sense, right? I have these pictures to prove somebody else made them.
Makes sense to me.
Two views of Tommy Tooter
I just want to look at what I wrote earlier about Tommy Tooter, and then what somebody else wrote, somebody who actually knows him personally.
Yup, I'm an asshole. Just wanted to make that clear. Class-A stupid head-up-my-ass fuckhead.

Gbenga Jones Sadly there are many morons who do things for their own agenda and not for the common good. Dude you are a good person surrounded by a lot that are not in the same class as you. Take care for the world needs people such as you.23 hours ago · · 1
- 4 people like this.
Dave Cortez You are a sad, sad man. And you contributed jack shit to anything in Occupy except the time you knocked that little girl out of her stroller and showed the rest of us what a fool you were, so, saludos you misogynistic wad.
@katzen and othe's what your boy wrote:
"the next time you verbally assault me, i'm reporting you to facebook. i merely suggested that a group sex session with the hells angels would do her some good. she took it rather well, i thought. you seem to be the sexually repressed one, toots. when was the last time somebody gave your clit a good tongue lashing? do you prefer men or women? i'd be glad to arrange something for you if you don't know how to make yourself attractive enough for somebody to want to ravish you.
2 hours agoThomas Jay Wasserberg
you're a sick bitch. fuck you . i did not read more than the first line. go kill yourself and put the world out of your misery.
that was not forced or fake. two people i like and respect convinced me that i should, so i did.
you're a self hating ugly miserable bitch. stay the fuck away from me.
2 hours agoThomas Jay Wasserberg
now i've read the whole thing. you've got to be the most sexually repressed cunt i have ever met. how dare you get on me for anything when you use the kind of language you use to me."
stay classy tooter.
Yup, I'm an asshole. Just wanted to make that clear. Class-A stupid head-up-my-ass fuckhead.
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