Hey soyl what happened to Lotta the general ADMIN on eater? Did she go the same way as Shivermetimbers? Another admin who is too much of an embarrassment to have showing as an admin? ROTFLMAO.
Remember that I said she was a liability to eater? now she is no longer showing on the forums as an admin. Was I correct?
I find this hilarious and if any mods think this is "unsubstantiated " then they can go to eater and check for themselves. It is easy to criticize people without having the facts. but they do tend to appear as idiots.
Hi lone wolf, remember that when you asked about the eater folk who were indicted, I said to ask Lotta? I guess this explains a lot, the fact that she is no longer showing on eater as an admin for the various forums.
Why is this lone wolf? As I stated awhile back she was afraid to post on eater under her own name.
Why are some indicted members wanting her to post so they can have their say?
Amazing how many times I am proven to be telling the truth. yet some idiots tend to support proven liars and posters of malware on the sites they moderate. One wonders at their agenda and mentality.
Incorrect. It is YOU and some others on eater like shiver that have ADMITTED to cash-baiting not I.
I have never cash baited nor hacked, can you make the same claim?
Soyl, tell us about your self confessed mental issues and how you seem to find solace in impersonating me.
And how you have ADMITTED doing this, thereby proving what I say is true. OOPS there is yet another hot air theory blown away.
Soyl tell us about the eater guys who posted, admitting they REMOVED some of my baits on eater and how my post count went from over a thousand down to a few hundred.
Easily substantiated by checking.
Lone Wolf, it is easy to check my claims, ask Lotta about them as I said before. Surely on what you consider to be an honest forum, she would have no problem with discussing some bad hackers from there. or if she has had the boot, as the eater security has been so badly compromised, then Rover would allow you access to the logs, to prove that they have taken action against anyone on eater who had broken the law, after all it says that in their rules on their front page.
If they are as pure as they make out, then it would be a pleasure for them to show you how they have removed those responsible for the hacking.
Why not ask and see what response you get, or are you afraid that you will be banned for asking questions that any member has a right to know?
Read the eater rules and ask why she has been allowed to post the details of someone who she THINKS is another baiter for MANY months, when it CLEARLY states that anyone doing so will be banned.
You ask for proof all the time, there it is staring you in the face. Lotta is and has been in breach of the EATER rules by posting what she considers the personal details and derogatory comments about another baiter for MANY months.
Why has she been allowed to post and break one of the main baiting rules to NOT involve innocent third parties?
Even soyl on many of his posts has mentioned the name and that it is shown under Lotta's avatar. OOPs more substantiating.
As I have stated many times the AJW guy is not me and has no connection to me apart from us both using his first two names (me as a baiting name)
NO proof has been offered by anyone making these false claims as it does not exist.
A hard to see photo taken by Nurse nasty in a dark setting is definitely NOT proof.
Also as I do NOT have any children please explain how a harassing phone call to this guy at three in the morning by slightlyoutofit an eater admin, woke up and scared his children. Do YOU condone this type of behavior Lone Wolf?
I know that soyl does, as he makes ever effort he can to get people to harass this poor guy and his family.
If they are as pure as they make out then it would be a pleasure for them to show you how they have removed those responsible for the hacking.
Why not ask and see what response you get, or are you afraid that you will be banned for asking questions that any member has a right to know?
@ Lone wolf. Re the dot net forum. remember how many of the eater guys were posting that it was I who had set up and owned that site? Remember how I said MANY times that it was not I involved. but OH NO!, I was blamed all over the internet for setting it up as all the eater guys were ABSOLUTELY 100% SURE it was me. BUT AGAIN I AM PROVED CORRECT IN WHAT I POST. By your OWN words.
They are now sure that AJW is me, but again they and anyone who supports them in this will also be shown to be fools.
You keep asking for proof, now you have openly stated that it was another guy NOT I, thereby vindicating me. Yet AGAIN. This is positive PROOF from your own words that I was stating the truth. As well as the publicly posting of the guys photo and personal details on eater, after they agreed not to, in exchange for being given the domain name.
Strange, after being maligned for all that time I do not remember seeing any apology for them lying about me so often.
But you seem to think they are good people, if so where is my public apology, as they defamed me in public so many times on many forums. And they were 100% WRONG.?
For the record, as I have stated before, it was some weeks before I even knew the site existed, so how can I be blamed for his legal problems, when he set it up on his own without my knowledge?
I am actually helping out in ways that are none of your concern.
I totally agree, however some lads hide behind websites and need to be exposed for what they really are.
The so called "pile of fail" helped in having the altered and derogatory avatars and signatures on eater removed, so it was actually successful, as this had never been achieved before.
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