I am glad to see you admit that what I have stated is the truth and that some of my photo's were indeed stolen from my PC by a hacker.
It is interesting that again some one has to answer for the unethical low life who is so afraid to admit he made a mistake.
I am sorry to see that your vocabulary is so limited that you cannot express yourself without profanity. But we all have our little cross to bear eh?
One of the ways that some one who cannot handle things normally, will be that they always resort to threats. You may like to seek some professional help for this problem of yours. Sadly it is not normal but is often a sign of deeper seated problems.
I have not addressed you before as far as I can recall, yet you seem to feel the need to post utter crap directed at me for whatever reason.
Maybe you have a mental issue or things did not work out for you today?
There there calm down, it is only the internet after all. Can I help? Maybe you would feel better if you talked about your problems. It can help in cases of stress to discuss things with a close and trusted friend.
One of the things that may be confusing you, is that you may actually be falling for the bullshit that Soyl and his pals are posting while pretending to be me.
I can understand that this could be confusing for you. I did offer to post evidence of what I say but unfortunately evildave101 does not seem to have the courage to do this, as it will show that he lied and made a bad mistake. One he is too afraid to admit.
Maybe you could use your limited but sincere vocabulary to discuss this with him and gently lead him to the light.
Hi Tom I presume you are talking to me and not the person that is pretending to be me to mislead you?
I hear congratulations are in order for your daughter, for winning the spelling competition with the word " Spaghetti" Well done, I hope you and S are well pleased. :clapping:
Life in OZ is great thanks, every time I shit my pants my nurse comes by and changes my nappy and sometimes I hold some back so she has to do it a second time ,a little game I play just so I can get her to wipe my ass a second time, and how is life these days in B?
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