Hey Chandy tell us again about how you say that the Indians are superior to the Americans and will take over their finances soon.
First of all that sounds like a threat, getting desperate are you?
In some ways this statement is correct, some of the people whose fake scam sites have been closed down are so incensed that they have set up fake blogs and sites where they can post lies and derogatory remarks about me. (Some that you contribute to by your own admission.)
They have even assigned some of their members to step up the stalking, after it was determined that your attempts were inadequate and so they assigned others to assist you in doing what they called " Make Al lose his marbles" their words not mine.
Quite amazing the information I have from your chats on eater isn't it?
Yet the total result of their efforts is to increase the closing of the fake sites that THEY set up.
The obvious tactic of setting up fake sites and blogs to harass me has in fact convinced some of their members to join forces with me and they have brought along a lot of information with them. So the result of all your lies and ridicule across many forums has badly backfired on you and increased the attention of many who you would not want to be looking too closely at your activities.
Yes Chandy they like to see OTHER scammers fake sites close down, BUT they are severely PISSED OFF that THEIR fake sites are now being closed down.
How many have YOU and your little Indian group lost Chandy? Do the others know about YOUR little group operating outside THEIR influence but using their resources? Are they missing out on their cut?
Have fun. I will not post as much in the next few days as I will be busy helping train some new fake site killers. So you will have to play with yourself for a while. LOL
Where did I say that the authorities had not been contacted?
This is as much as I will reveal to you at this stage, so your future questions will probably go unanswered. There is a hell of a lot of information that I have but you are unworthy to see it.
You may not feel like sending a copy of my post to your masters as normal, but they will see it anyway. They even check on what you are doing. VERY closely I may add.
Now crawl back to your eater masters for further instructions lackey.
You just continue as you have been doing. digging yourself a bigger hole. There's a good lackey.
Maybe you could ask all innocent like, if he likes boys? as you have heard that a lot of the football players are gay. (all that stripping off in the changing rooms etc) And this has stopped them from being able to go overseas to play with the big clubs (Every Cameroonian players dream )
Then of course after he denies it, you need to see some photos of him showing his manhood. After all, as a REAL woman you need a real man not a whimpy little boy.
Once you start you can work on this side of things.
@Tara, It would be a safe bet to say it is a scam.
She will send you either a stolen or forged cheque and then ask you to pay the shipping company etc. If you continue you will lose your money.
It is best to stop all contact with her/him.
I find it amusing that they state "USAGREENCARDLOTTERY.ORG takes privacy seriously," and yet they have a tracking virus on their website=
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