And for once you have mentioned the truth. (A strange incident indeed) and that is that I do not live at that house, that you posted in an attempt to harass an innocent man and his family. I am sure he was not impressed by you guys phoning him up at three in the morning and scaring his children. Did you and your pals get your jollies by doing this to an innocent man and his family?
But this is the depths that you and your pals have sunk to. And YOU expect me to answer your questions, HO HO get a life lackey.
Lets see the person you addressed your question to first, the impostor, answer your question.
Almost every post you have made about me since you first started to stalk me has been to attempt to defame me or to cause me trouble, now you expect me to answer a question from you? I think an appropriate response would be " GET STUFFED LACKEY"
Now as you seem to support the eater cretins, who you suck up to and treat as your masters, Why not ask them to give you the information, after all they are YOUR pals and would naturally keep you informed about what is going on there.
Or do they keep you around as a little lapdog and feed you what they want you to hear and treat you as a useful idiot the rest of the time.
How they laugh at you following their instructions to try to get me to waste my time answering you, so that I do not have any spare time to concentrate on closing down their fake scamming sites. Sadly for them this is not working, even though they have assigned even more members to aid you.
Try asking Lotta, I am sure she knows a lot of things that would interest you and Lone wolf. Of course as a trusted lackey they naturally tell you everything.
By the way why is she not posting under her own name these days, after all she is an admin there? Who is she deathly afraid of?
As you both seem to think eater management are good people
there will be no reluctance from them to tell you the information you seek, will there?
I am sure that as you seem to think they are ok, they will give you all the information that you ask for. or are things as I say. and they are keeping you in the dark. And continue to feed you bullshit, as they have done so often and for so long in the past.
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