Your income from scamming must be going down as a result.
By the way thanks for highlighting the name SOYL as this helps to drive it further up in the search engines so more people can see what you and your eater masters are up to.
Hey Soyl Stop trying to get me to be your friend I know you have the hots for me, you may be gay but I am not. LOL
You are correct in that TT is not showing as a member here and for that I apologize, However you are dogpilng on some one who is showing on here and has openly confessed to having issues. Calling him an idiot and moronic when he has mental issues is not what I would have expected from you.
This I find quite amazing, to be a mod and NOT be concerned about a member posting links to keyloggers and openly trolling this forum as well as lying to you and all the members here is hard to believe. It is noteworthy to see that you did not comment on the other parts of my signature where Soyl admits other things. You have seen for yourself the lies he has posted and the attempts to deceive you and the other members.
What you perceive to be nonsensical questions are relevant ones that he is afraid to answer as they would be detrimental to him and show the truth. When faced with having to answer a reasonable question he runs or lies.
You say you do not care, yet you seem to care enough to look at my posts and comment on them. You seem to be more concerned about me mentioning the name Soyl than about him posting viral links that could be dangerous to the members here who you moderate.
Let me mention your erroneous post about me following him. Have you seen the blogs and websites that he and his eater friends have set up and are currently running, where he posts copies of just about all of my posts on various sites? and has done so for a while? you want to talk about following people around? then check these out first. How about you check out the hundreds of posts all over the internet that Soyl and friends have posted, many of them derogatory outright lies. I can supply links if you like but some may be viral as well, a favorite trick of Soyls.
Why not ask him why Soyl and friends have made a particular point in posting details of where they think I live, including posts of what they think are my vehicles with the license plates enlarged to show the numbers. How about asking him why he and his eater masters has followed me around and posted what they thought was my real life name, address AND phone number asking for people to phone me in the early hours of the morning? Fortunately for me but not so for an innocent man and his family the details are not of me. I have repeatedly told them this, but they have even harassed this innocent guy by phoning him at three in the morning and scaring his children. Why did soyl post a photo of what he thought is my house including Google satellite image co-ordinates in his signature.
Why not ask Soyl why he is used my real life photograph that was stolen from my PC by a hacker who also stole the password to my blog that he is now using to post copies of my various posts from elsewhere on. And how is it that he is in possession of a stolen photograph and has access to the password on my hacked blog?
This is the type of member you are allowing to post viral links yet you are more concerned about me mentioning his name on a few posts.
Whether you are being very word specific is irrelevant. Unless you are blind or exercising "selective vision" you as a mod cannot be unaware of the many posts about him linking to malware.
Just Some of the posts, there are more. = Default Soyl: A cautionary tale
Be advised all you members of the network. Soyl, who was recently promoted to mod at The Ranter (theRanter), was caught posting malware links. The crack admin staff found him out in short order, but there's no telling what could have happened to unsuspecting members.
Soyl, just letting people know that you are a high risk member of internet forums and members, mods, and admins should be aware of your unsavory activities. post number 10 .
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Attention Members
Please advise me if you receive any inappropriate PMs from S0yl, particularly anything that contains malware or links to suspicious sites. There's not many rules on this forum, but that sort of behavior will NOT be tolerated. post number 12
If the site does have a keylogger on it then it most certainly does count. The responsible thing to do would be to check and take sever action against any member who is doing this. Suggesting that I would lie about this matter by so called "claiming" it to be true without checking is an insult. It is Soyl that has been proven to be a liar not I.
If you took the time to check before insinuating things, then you would see that I actually listed the names of the keyloggers found. As a mod did you check this out in order to protect the members? Or is it easier to just shrug and say "he posts the word Soyl a lot so just ignore him"?
"quod erat demonstratum"
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