Strange I did not see you commenting about the ADMITTED lies posted by Soyl. Even after I proved he was lying. remember when Joe stated that it has been proved that he was lying to members? He even admitted to being a liar and a thief. Where was your indignation then ?
Is this righteous indignation from you selective then, is it only directed against those whose mental capabilities preclude them from mounting an adequate defense?
Surely if you considered they were outrageous lies about others, then a simple request to the mods or admin would more than likely result in the offending lies being removed.
Problem solved.
Apart from a few not thought out remarks, I have found in general the mods and admins fair and reasonable on here.
Sorry if I do not agree with you and join you in dogpiling on some one with admitted mental issues like TT, this is not my style. You may be happy doing it but I am not.
To post against a troll or some one of normal mental capabilities, who is trolling is one thing, but to post against some one who is not capable is not on.
Lets see what Soyl posted previously shall we. The first part is my
answer to another member.
"He has even started a blog where he continues to quote me out of
context and falsely attributes every post to an innocent man but uses
my photograph that he stole from my hacked pc
His recent post on the Ranter quantifies that it is him or that he is
closely connected to it as he in reply to a post states? 17
November 2010, 18:12 By Soy lent Green. "This goes into the
blog." Here we see Soyl admitting that at the very least he
CONTRIBUTES to this blog. so he is actively harassing me by his own
Another excerpt from my answer to another member. And an admission by
Him clearly stating that he posted what he thought was my personal
details in PUBLIC. As I mentioned in an earlier post. He also falsely
accuses me of scamming, when he is the one that has admitted to
cashbaiting on his own site.
He states; "I admit to making what I believe to be his RL
details public. And if some Advance Fee fraudster in australia gets
frustrated when his deals do not pan out, and his great payout is
stolen by a baiter, and he resolves to talk about his disappointments
in person - I shall be glad."
Why has he posted what he believes to be my real life details ? Why
after being told many times and without any solid proof as there is
none, does he continue to post the name and address of a totally
innocent man and contribute to his and his families harassment?
You could ask why this concerns me as I am not that person. The answer
is that my photograph that he stole from my pc, is being used with
this innocent mans name.
Why in the name of all that is holy, does he persist in persecuting a
totally innocent man just because he happens to have the similar name
to one of my baiter names chosen at random? posting his real life
details and photo's of his house all over the internet.
In a recent post I was accused of following him around and I posted
that he was harassing me by posting in a blog and forums on the
interment details of what he thinks are my personal details.
Here in his own words is proof of my claims.
I have yet to see any proof of anything from him as he either runs
away from answering any questions or answers with a stupid remark, as
he is so afraid of the truth being revealed.
Well I care, and as per your instructions I have reported a bad link that soyl posted on JUOT.
You asked me to do this and you stated that the mods would sort it out. It links to a blog that is using a stolen photo of me that is being linked to from Juot and is being used without my permission.
Thank you. I am making this request as a member of Juot.
Thank you, it is appreciated.
Again you post crap. the link was in another thread so your statement that it was the sole link is incorrect.
This was one that I missed, however regarding this statement-
Shows that the mods were doing their jobs diligently and for this I thank them.
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