Monday, December 17, 2012

I have a lot more information that I can share with urljet, but they stopped responding to me

As a hosting company are in violation of their own rules by allowing one of their websites to openly display a stolen photograph of me in an attempt to stalk and harass me.

Their OWN rules prohibit this, but despite repeated abuse reports, they do not seem competent enough to police their OWN rules and actually enforce them.

Why is this I wonder. are they protecting someone at the expense of their own integrity?

One does wonder what they would really be like if a client of theirs had a problem, if they are unable to enforce their own terms of service.

The promotional advertising they do counts for nothing, if a Client cannot rely on them doing the right thing.

Many times, it is how an organization responds to valid complaints that show whether they are genuine.
I am sure that there are many other hosting companies that actually do the right thing, but alas it seems that urljet do not fall into that category.

Thank you all for your posts they are appreciated. The photograph in question was stolen from my PC by a hacker, I HAVE NEVER POSTED IT ON THE INTERNET. I have removed two Keyloggers from my PC. Over five years ago I exposed some scammers and hackers and so they are mounting a smear campaign and impersonating me on various sites and blogs.

The Photo is used on and is displayed along with an address. I have asked the owner to remove it but he refuses. I supplied a link to urljet.

The TOS of urljet clearly states that Impersonation is against their Acceptable use policy. Yet they are allowing one of their clients to abuse their TOS and will not enforce their own rules.

The group that is impersonating me want my other personal details to further harass me, if I do a DMCA report my details will be forwarded to the hackers by DMCA, and so will put my family and myself in danger, this is unacceptable. I have explained this to the host.

The main imposter is an Indian guy, He is an IT engineer for the Kerala Public works department in India, (I have many of his IP.s that he has used to impersonate me) yet he is using my "White" photo as his own. A simple check of my IP (from Australia) and the imposters from India will easily show the truth.

I have tried to keep this short and to the point, I have a lot more information that I can share with urljet, but they stopped responding to me, so I have no other recourse than to bring things out into the open to obtain some action.

Last edited by Zethon; 11-01-2012 at 07:48 PM.

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