Friday, January 28, 2011

Yet another EMOTIONAL outburst

Hi Thunderchild , at it again I see, what a totally useless excuse for an admin you are!
This was posed on ils in the public area by a member on ils asking for your help!

Yet another EMOTIONAL outburst or were you just being satirical? yeah right!

witch, got you letter. Thanks for your concern, went to scammer site, asked question of Thunderchild and got a really rude reply. No I dont want to bait my svammer, he has my info. Isked Thunderchild what was the chances of them finding me and was told to go to love scams they were not a support site for victims. I never said I was a victim. I never sent any money etc. Just wanted some insight on the point of baiting when it didnt contribute to the apprehension of the scammers. Totally nasty reply. Now I fell like you're all a bunch of unemployed, bored people with nothing to do but pick at others."

Now we can see why you were removed from ils as an admin! Being A danger to the victims!
And shortly after we see Witch resign from SB (your site) ? as a mod!
(A little payback eh)?

Responses like this are becoming the norm with you and now we can all see why I say you are an embarrassment to your fellow admins!

Time for you to go!

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