Friday, January 21, 2011

Messages to me regarding my personal life

Joe, you asked a very specific question and it was answered by a JUOT member MR.
Proving that someone 0n Juot did inquire as to my safety ect in the floods. End of story A question was asked and it was answered in the positive.

I consider that Your question has been answered and in fact proves that as per your question a member of Juot did ask as to my safety.

I thanked people for their kindness, I did not at any time mention PM's. So this request is baseless.

Quite a few people from the various forums that I am a member of have contacted me by various means and inquired as to my welfare.
It was a courtesy for me to thank them for their concern. I am sure as an admin you would consider this to be good netiquette on Juot and the right thing to do.

As Juot is looked at by members who know me from other forums, including AMB it was sensible for me to post a thank you on Juot.

Messages to me regarding my personal life and welfare are treated by me in confidence and it is not the concern of anyone how or from who they come from.

If MR had not chosen to freely post, I would not have mentioned his kindness, as it is of no concern to any sincere person the identity of anyone is who is kind enough to express his concern to me in private.
Therefore I have no intention of posting any details of any person who has contacted me regarding my safety or welfare regarding the flood.

I would do the same for you Joe and I would expect you to be as sincere if the positions were reversed.

Brock would not be shut up by actions such as you propose and my response to him was a result of his derogatory and inappropriate reply, when the subject involved a lot of suffering, even the death of loved ones by those people who were unfortunate enough to suffer jn the floods. His comments were nothing to do with whether anyone had contacted me from Juot as you are well aware. Accordingly people like him who post such comments would never be satisfied with any answer, So I will not bother to do as you suggest.

Now lets see some of the members ask others here who have been proved to be liars to explain their motives and posts. Let them ask why members are allowed to post links to malware on the sites they post on. Surely this is of more importance that who asks me if I am ok?

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