I was never a great fan of his, but he did NOT abuse his power as these two are!
Yet Goodi and mak are running rampant and deleting en mass not only members posts but admins posts as well and yet they are still mods ?? Goodi is also threatening members with things that were soundly condemned when twinkimans goons did the same thing!!
Could this tell us anything?? like they are being protected ?? by an admin who should not be here??
Several members have expressed dismay over this blatant abuse of power yet nothing has been done?? WHY??
You are asking for answers to what is going on and it is right in front of your faces!
See my other post, where I have offered yet again!! to send you the entire skype chat! but you have not made any arrangements to see this!
yet you continue to allege that I made it up?? Do NOT try and twist your words, you have made several attempt to state that you think I made it up using notepad !! yet are afraid to see it in full, so as to prove that I did NOT make it up, as you well know!
Yet you are afraid to see it for yourself?? Why?
You are good at throwing allegations around, but scared to see the genuine truth!
Would you find out it is true and also contains a lot more info, that an alliance lackey would want to keep quiet? or try to disprove?? or would you find your name on there??
For someone who keeps on saying he does not care about any of this you are spending a vast amount of time and effort on it!! and trying your best to discredit me! why is this??
Why did YOU not offer ANY proof when I called you out?? yet just went back to your standard "I do not care " routine !!
If someone calls you out and you do not answer it, what does this do for YOUR credibility ?? answer =NOTHING, you are shown up as an alliance tool. Sorry you are backing the wrong team, as they will let you down just as they have done to so many who trusted them! this is their nature!
You keep asking for definite proof, yet will NOT believe or investigate it ! when it is put in front of you! I can only post the truth, if you refuse to believe it then you obviously have a reason ! and this is your problem !
why are you supporting and have a total submission to the alliance admins who have lied to everyone and twisted the truth to all their members?
This cannot be denied any longer, MORE that enough proof has been given!
even a total idiot could see this !
If you do not want to believe I cannot force you to, but if you continue to oppose me for your own glory and still refuse to offer any proof of your own, do not be surprised when I retaliate, to your disadvantage !
So come on, try me!! put up or shut up!!
Others have done so and have been convinced when they have received it, why not you?
Are you afraid that you would see that it is genuine and have to apologize??
MANY questions for you, but you continue to avoid answering them!! are you so afraid of upsetting the alliance admins??? how about some answers instead of just saying you do not care ??
check out my sig line! even aldavor (the man of no honour) was forced into a humiliating backdown when he said I had lied!!
Thank you Bruce! my whole opposition against the alliance admins has been to prove that they lie! Now we have a long time opponent of mine saying EXACTLY the same thing!
THEY LIED to you as well! The whole issue has been to expose them as liars and this I have done and it has now been confirmed by you, Is THIS proof enough for you! YOUR own words??
Now that it has been established that what I have been saying all along, that the admins are liars, what else have they lied about??
How about the real reason for my ban?? AND that of others who were also innocent??
Yes they have lied to everyone about a whole lotta things!
I rest my case having conclusively proved it now!
"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
Theodore Roosevelt
Funny then, how it is you lot that have lost a site and MANY of your members! who have walked away in disgust after seeing what idiots you lot are!
Why have so MANY members left in disgust?? because you lot lied to them as you are doing on here!.
As I have now proved my point, you are of no further use, as you have served your purpose
doing what I wanted you to do !!
Their ? I think this indicates MORE than one !
My point proven, they lie!!
This is NOT about me lying and NO I have never lied to one of our members as they have, As an admin I believe I have a responsibility to our members and so would not intentionally lie to any of them!
The alliance admins however do lie to their members!! and this is why a lot of their members have left!
Via their lackeys they are STILL lying as they do not have the guts to face me on the Ranter (happy now nohope)?
No, what you are about to post is incorrect, I am NOT afraid to face you!!
You are just not worth anything anymore. when you decide to act like a proper mod and replace all the posts you deleted then we will talk!. until then I am NOT interested, you have served your purpose!
Bye loser!
yes I am laughing at you for being such a MUGU!!
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