They do not want anyone to know that while they were making statements about how expensive it was to run the alliance support sites to justify the asking of VICTIMS for money, a most despicable act, supported by some members here. Who have been proved to be wrong! But have NOT had the guts or decency to apologize for being so obviously wrong!
Even the mentally unstable admins have themselves finally admitted that I was right and this should NEVER have taken place! by now taking the donation bit off the sites !
While this was going on
Aldavor was busy spending money on new sites !! (may be some of the donated money from the VICTIMS?)
And it is interesting to see who the members are who have sold their integrity for a mod or supermod badge!!
Many people condemn the mods on eater for being complicit in the things that are going on there by knowing about them, but not having the guts or integrity to stand up to them and for going along with the bad things, knowing full well that they are evil,
Well we have the same thing happening on the alliance sites! Some members are doing exactly the same thing even though I have proven beyond any doubt that the management is lying to them and deceiving the members! some even criticize me for standing up to the alliance lairs!
This is called arse crawling! and shows them in their true light!
It seems the lure of a mod or super mod badge has deadened their conscience! Yet the facts and the truth cannot be altered by them!
and will continue to be there for all to see!
Here are some of the sites that Aldavor (the man of no honour) has set up using this money that was supposed to be for the support sites.
www.aldavor .org.
www.aldavore .com
They are parked at the moment.
He is preparing for the closure of some of the alliance sites as the membership has all but gone! due to their lies and installing mentally unstable and alcoholic people into positions of authority!
This is on sites like and
(put here, so the spiders can pick them up and yet more people will see what a man of no honour is like!)
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