One of these BirdOPrey5 has said is his. To think that Joe who has for a long time been compromised by scammers and hackers is actually setting up a website called "CyberPolice" is hilarious. Naturally he has to do as his scammer masters say, so he has started off by allowing the scammers to post defamatory comments. He is in fact using a VB owned website to carry on his stalking, and further his vendetta and obsession.
This is where I expose the CRETINS!! and LIARS ! who have crossed me !! Follow my colonic adventures at and
Thursday, January 30, 2014
defamatory comments
An interesting twist. vBulletin has announced a cloud hosting system, to allow any bugs etc to be ironed out they have allowed three VB staff members to make a "test" site free.
One of these BirdOPrey5 has said is his. To think that Joe who has for a long time been compromised by scammers and hackers is actually setting up a website called "CyberPolice" is hilarious. Naturally he has to do as his scammer masters say, so he has started off by allowing the scammers to post defamatory comments. He is in fact using a VB owned website to carry on his stalking, and further his vendetta and obsession.
Absolutely hilarious!!. I go around the web making baseless accusations and he is the one with a vendetta and obsession.
One of these BirdOPrey5 has said is his. To think that Joe who has for a long time been compromised by scammers and hackers is actually setting up a website called "CyberPolice" is hilarious. Naturally he has to do as his scammer masters say, so he has started off by allowing the scammers to post defamatory comments. He is in fact using a VB owned website to carry on his stalking, and further his vendetta and obsession.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Defamed by an impostor at
Once again I am being defamed and harassed by an impostor posing as me, Big Al, aka Alan James Watson, aka De Master Yoda of, who is claiming to be defamed by an impostor. This is defamation. When impostors defame impostors supported by admins supported by scammers, where will it all end? I help scam victims in 8 languages at antifraudintl. 8 fucking languages! Can you believe that? That's a lot of languages. I do not help any Indians though Fuck those guys. When I see an Indian getting scammed, I intercept the Westy and take their money myself. Seriously, fuck those guys.
I said I had proof here is some of it. I stated that BirdOPrey5 posted a copy of my photo without my permission. By the way the links go to blogs etc that the scammer has set up again to impersonate me. The image was stolen from my PC by a hacker using a keylogger. The scammer even sent me an email boasting about it.. Strange that BirdOPrey5 and Chandra have access to it! He crossed the line when he posted the utter rubbish about me sending the image to a young girl with daddy issues. But this only shows how far he has been compromised now.
I think that this may be the first time I have personally ever posted my image on the internet. AL.
Thu 06/20/2013, 09:17 PM #3
JUOT Founder & Admin
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: New York
Posts: 46,046
The following links are not really the loon known as Big Al but he doesn't like them.
Follow @BigDumbAl on Twitter and learn about his daily adventure trying to reach the bathroom before he poops his pants.
Read up on Big Al on Encyclopedia Dramatica.
View the image he sent to someone he thought was a young girl with daddy issues:
Or maybe he didn't. He has sworn to both sides of that story.
Here is a copy of a post by a senior (at the time) of Juot backing up what I say. I did not know this guy.
In the posts that follow, I hope to expose the unethical practises of a once good admin that has been compromised and now works for the scammers and hackers and does as he is told by them, to the detriment of everyone.
I have lots of proof of what I say and I hope to be able to post much of it here.
I said I had proof here is some of it. I stated that BirdOPrey5 posted a copy of my photo without my permission. By the way the links go to blogs etc that the scammer has set up again to impersonate me. The image was stolen from my PC by a hacker using a keylogger. The scammer even sent me an email boasting about it.. Strange that BirdOPrey5 and Chandra have access to it! He crossed the line when he posted the utter rubbish about me sending the image to a young girl with daddy issues. But this only shows how far he has been compromised now.
I think that this may be the first time I have personally ever posted my image on the internet. AL.
Thu 06/20/2013, 09:17 PM #3
JUOT Founder & Admin
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: New York
Posts: 46,046
The following links are not really the loon known as Big Al but he doesn't like them.
Follow @BigDumbAl on Twitter and learn about his daily adventure trying to reach the bathroom before he poops his pants.
Read up on Big Al on Encyclopedia Dramatica.
View the image he sent to someone he thought was a young girl with daddy issues:
Or maybe he didn't. He has sworn to both sides of that story.
Here is a copy of a post by a senior (at the time) of Juot backing up what I say. I did not know this guy.
In the posts that follow, I hope to expose the unethical practises of a once good admin that has been compromised and now works for the scammers and hackers and does as he is told by them, to the detriment of everyone.
I have lots of proof of what I say and I hope to be able to post much of it here.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
a smear campaign
Hi. Just an introduction. I fight scammers and for over seven years I have been stalked and harassed by some scammers whose scam websites I helped close down. There is no proof I have done this, just take my word for it.
This seems to piss them off so much that they have engaged in a smear campaign against me. I fully expect them to follow me here to continue their lies and vendetta.
Some site owners have been bribed, threatened or paid off by these scammers to join in with this victimization, one such is the owner of De Master Yoda, who is a staff member for vBulletin and has stolen confidential information sent by me to Vb support, to post in public on his website to defame me.
He makes a big issue of banning me from his website and uses various lies to justify this, The main reason I was banned was for reporting a self confessed hacker and scammer for impersonating me as the antifraudintl rules ask that such things be reported.
After being in financial difficulties he was suddenly ok and had money!! This was around the same time that he changed and after banning the scammer for impersonating me he suddenly started to support him. Indeed he has actually posted a stolen photograph of me without my permission. I got the information about his financial situation from a totally reliable source--someone emailed me out of the blue and told me. Why would he lie? HE WOULDN'T, THAT'S WHY.
He is allowing the scammer/hacker to post copies of my old altered posts and to use my stolen photograph despite this being in violation of his own rules. This is the photograph:

I have asked him many times to abide by his own rules, but he refuses, so has left me no choice but to expose his unethical actions. It is ok for me to post this photo because it is me.
He is disabled and so I have given him a lot of leeway, but now it seems the medication is affecting his mental abilities, indeed quite a few of his peers are commenting on his obsession and vindictiveness and are now questioning his mental abilities. And even his own mods are unhappy with the crap he is allowing to be posted about me.
A very high percentage of the posts on in the public section are attacks on me. This is easy to check, the imposter is using the name of Alan_James.
Now lets see more of the unproven crap the scammers and their lackeys come back with.
This is only fair. I can back up everything I say. Whereas the other guy can only post lies and crap, when it gets too hot for him he runs away and hides.
I am currently going through some of my records so I can post lots of proof of what I say.
Meanwhile if you like you can check out the posts that are altered copies of my old posts made by "Alan -James" who is in fact an Indian guy who is a self confessed hacker and scammer called Alan James Watson. He also posts as "Soyl" and other user names.
You can clearly see that "Alan James Watson" is using one of my current usernames of " De Master Yoda" under his avatar. I have used this name now for many years on my hacking website AFI.
This seems to piss them off so much that they have engaged in a smear campaign against me. I fully expect them to follow me here to continue their lies and vendetta.
Some site owners have been bribed, threatened or paid off by these scammers to join in with this victimization, one such is the owner of De Master Yoda, who is a staff member for vBulletin and has stolen confidential information sent by me to Vb support, to post in public on his website to defame me.
He makes a big issue of banning me from his website and uses various lies to justify this, The main reason I was banned was for reporting a self confessed hacker and scammer for impersonating me as the antifraudintl rules ask that such things be reported.
After being in financial difficulties he was suddenly ok and had money!! This was around the same time that he changed and after banning the scammer for impersonating me he suddenly started to support him. Indeed he has actually posted a stolen photograph of me without my permission. I got the information about his financial situation from a totally reliable source--someone emailed me out of the blue and told me. Why would he lie? HE WOULDN'T, THAT'S WHY.
He is allowing the scammer/hacker to post copies of my old altered posts and to use my stolen photograph despite this being in violation of his own rules. This is the photograph:
I have asked him many times to abide by his own rules, but he refuses, so has left me no choice but to expose his unethical actions. It is ok for me to post this photo because it is me.
He is disabled and so I have given him a lot of leeway, but now it seems the medication is affecting his mental abilities, indeed quite a few of his peers are commenting on his obsession and vindictiveness and are now questioning his mental abilities. And even his own mods are unhappy with the crap he is allowing to be posted about me.
A very high percentage of the posts on in the public section are attacks on me. This is easy to check, the imposter is using the name of Alan_James.
Now lets see more of the unproven crap the scammers and their lackeys come back with.
This is only fair. I can back up everything I say. Whereas the other guy can only post lies and crap, when it gets too hot for him he runs away and hides.
I am currently going through some of my records so I can post lots of proof of what I say.
Meanwhile if you like you can check out the posts that are altered copies of my old posts made by "Alan -James" who is in fact an Indian guy who is a self confessed hacker and scammer called Alan James Watson. He also posts as "Soyl" and other user names.
You can clearly see that "Alan James Watson" is using one of my current usernames of " De Master Yoda" under his avatar. I have used this name now for many years on my hacking website AFI.
Sunday, January 19, 2014
now a hat site
Update: is now a hat site. If you go there, Gbenga Jones will try to sell you a hat.
Don't let him! The hat will be of poor quality and will not fit properly. He is no haberdasher.
Don't let him! The hat will be of poor quality and will not fit properly. He is no haberdasher.
now a hate site
I have better things to do than play with a confirmed LIAR, but I will not allow him to get away with posting continuous lies about me or other members. LOL, just kidding, I really don't have anything better to do.
Sadly is now a hate site. The owner, Alan James Watson, aka De Master Yoda, aka Gbenga Jones, posts copies of stolen photographs to denigrate people. In violation of his own rules. Then he urinates on people, in violations of the rules of decency.
He allows self confessed hackers and scammers to impersonate others by using their stolen photograph as their own and to post copies of other peoples posts as their own. He even uses the name Gbenga Jones on Facebook because he is too scared to let his true self be known.
He is a staff member on and has abused that position to steal confidential information and post it in public on his website.
Please be careful about giving him any of your personal information, as he is likely to post it in public to defame you as he has to others.
This is not why I have spent the last week in a mental hospital. I was there for other reasons.
Sadly is now a hate site. The owner, Alan James Watson, aka De Master Yoda, aka Gbenga Jones, posts copies of stolen photographs to denigrate people. In violation of his own rules. Then he urinates on people, in violations of the rules of decency.
He allows self confessed hackers and scammers to impersonate others by using their stolen photograph as their own and to post copies of other peoples posts as their own. He even uses the name Gbenga Jones on Facebook because he is too scared to let his true self be known.
He is a staff member on and has abused that position to steal confidential information and post it in public on his website.
Please be careful about giving him any of your personal information, as he is likely to post it in public to defame you as he has to others.
This is not why I have spent the last week in a mental hospital. I was there for other reasons.
Saturday, January 11, 2014
never stolen from my PC by a hacker
Obviously a lot of effort has gone into antifraudintl to reach this milestone.
I am very dubious that it will survive until its tenth anniversary, now that it is being run by scammers and hackers who now seem to be controlling it.
When a site lets the scammers impersonate others and post defamatory posts to defame others in violation of its own rules, then it is headed for failure.
"No venture can long endure unless built on the twin pillars of truth and honesty"
I would much rather be a BELIEVER than a belieber.
PROVE it! remove all the crap that the scammer has posted while impersonating me and remove totally my photograph that was never stolen from my PC by a hacker, the picture I sent to someone I thought I could trust, but turns out I could not as she sent it to other people. But you cannot, as your scammer bosses have dictated to you what you can do. Your scammer bosses being the imaginary people someone emailed me about as a joke to see how stupid and gullible I am. Turns out I am as stupid and gullible as they thought.
Prove me wrong Joe, I am calling you out on this, do the right thing and remove all the crap as requested. Do what I say even though I will do nothing in return and I will continue to act like a complete douchebag.
Until this happens, then you are just working for them and do NOT control
Joe I am not overly intelligent, but I do have faith in the saying " By their DEEDS ye shall know them"
not by what they say, but by what they do! Lets see you remove the derogatory posts and the photo of me that are in violation of your own rules. Let's see you submit to my extortion attempts. Let's see you agree to petulant terms from a petulant old man. Let's see that.
Until this happens then you do NOT control antifraudintl, but are allowing the scammers to dictate what will and what will not be posted. Maga go pay now ooooooooooooo
This will decide if antifraudintl survives as a worthy site and can be a factor in whether the site is still around in another five years.
I doubt I will be around that long as I am old as fuck and clinically brain dead at this point.
I am very dubious that it will survive until its tenth anniversary, now that it is being run by scammers and hackers who now seem to be controlling it.
When a site lets the scammers impersonate others and post defamatory posts to defame others in violation of its own rules, then it is headed for failure.
"No venture can long endure unless built on the twin pillars of truth and honesty"
I would much rather be a BELIEVER than a belieber.
PROVE it! remove all the crap that the scammer has posted while impersonating me and remove totally my photograph that was never stolen from my PC by a hacker, the picture I sent to someone I thought I could trust, but turns out I could not as she sent it to other people. But you cannot, as your scammer bosses have dictated to you what you can do. Your scammer bosses being the imaginary people someone emailed me about as a joke to see how stupid and gullible I am. Turns out I am as stupid and gullible as they thought.
Prove me wrong Joe, I am calling you out on this, do the right thing and remove all the crap as requested. Do what I say even though I will do nothing in return and I will continue to act like a complete douchebag.
Until this happens, then you are just working for them and do NOT control
Joe I am not overly intelligent, but I do have faith in the saying " By their DEEDS ye shall know them"
not by what they say, but by what they do! Lets see you remove the derogatory posts and the photo of me that are in violation of your own rules. Let's see you submit to my extortion attempts. Let's see you agree to petulant terms from a petulant old man. Let's see that.
Until this happens then you do NOT control antifraudintl, but are allowing the scammers to dictate what will and what will not be posted. Maga go pay now ooooooooooooo
This will decide if antifraudintl survives as a worthy site and can be a factor in whether the site is still around in another five years.
I doubt I will be around that long as I am old as fuck and clinically brain dead at this point.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
From what I have read Cashbaiting is the way forward. seems to have shit the bed totally now. As have I.
Shit the bed, that is. Don't go in there. It's just disgusting.
Shit the bed, that is. Don't go in there. It's just disgusting.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Calling customers "trolls"
I agree. The valid comments from AFI ( customers do not seem to have penetrated the consciousness of the powers that be. BMs should be sent early and often.
I have seen a SLIGHT easing off regarding the banning of customers for posting the truth but that is all.
The main problems of the AFI management not caring nor the AFI support staff admitting they have blown it big time is still there. Some days I sit for hours with a full nappy and no one does anything about it.
Until the mindset and egos are changed then there will be no hope of AFI making a successful comeback to the days when they were respected. Now they just steal westys from anybody. I made sure to only target old ladies.
One would have thought that with SO MANY complaints being posted on many websites now, that notice would have been taken of the genuine concerns of AFI customers.
But alas it appears to not be so. Deleting and altering posts and banning to hide the truth are the acts of cowards.
Until this is put right then dissatisfaction will continue. The one to blame is De Master Yoda.
Yes I think the main thrust of the discontent must be laid at the feet of the De Master Yoda who makes the final decisions.
He ultimately decides the direction of AFI. However they have not directed the AFI support staff to take the actions they have and to defame customers, (if I remember correctly some AFI staff guys have said as much)
To accept pay or other benefits for being a AFI staff member also puts an obligation upon them to act in a respectful and responsible manner to the customers who ultimately pay their wages.
A good admin, mod or person in authority should act at all times with respect to customers and members, to vilify them or take unilateral action and abuse their power against a customer whose only crime is to ask for more information, is abhorrent to decent members. And is more than likely resulting in the widespread posts against them. Let's pretend we're talking about someone other than me who harasses people until I get the answer that I want to hear and am a complete knob about it.
As far as valid members are concerned, to cop abuse for posting valid comments only shows that the staff are not worthy to be in the position they occupy. I so decree it.
I agree that the direction and policy of AFI may be out of their control, but them personally banning, Deleting and denigrating customers for asking valid questions is entirely their doing. I cannot see AFI management ordering them to act this way to customers.
Calling customers "trolls" is not at the behest of AFI management I would think. Miyuki, that stupid slant-eyed Jap cunt is behind it all.
This is understandable, and it would make sense for them to correct their attitude and mistakes to correct the situation.
The banned members should be re-instated and apologies made for the actions of staff who abused their power so badly.
Action should be taken to insure that the staff members concerned are disciplined and assurances given that they will not act like power drunk dictators again. False accusations of "trolling" etc should be publicly withdrawn and apologies made.
The staff have only themselves to blame for their actions and abuse of customers/members.
Most of the comments against them are fully justified and are a natural result of their wrongful actions.
When they have done the right thing by customers they have received pats on the back, so it is only right that when they do the wrong thing they get the kicks up the rear.
I have seen a SLIGHT easing off regarding the banning of customers for posting the truth but that is all.
The main problems of the AFI management not caring nor the AFI support staff admitting they have blown it big time is still there. Some days I sit for hours with a full nappy and no one does anything about it.
Until the mindset and egos are changed then there will be no hope of AFI making a successful comeback to the days when they were respected. Now they just steal westys from anybody. I made sure to only target old ladies.
One would have thought that with SO MANY complaints being posted on many websites now, that notice would have been taken of the genuine concerns of AFI customers.
But alas it appears to not be so. Deleting and altering posts and banning to hide the truth are the acts of cowards.
Until this is put right then dissatisfaction will continue. The one to blame is De Master Yoda.
Yes I think the main thrust of the discontent must be laid at the feet of the De Master Yoda who makes the final decisions.
He ultimately decides the direction of AFI. However they have not directed the AFI support staff to take the actions they have and to defame customers, (if I remember correctly some AFI staff guys have said as much)
To accept pay or other benefits for being a AFI staff member also puts an obligation upon them to act in a respectful and responsible manner to the customers who ultimately pay their wages.
A good admin, mod or person in authority should act at all times with respect to customers and members, to vilify them or take unilateral action and abuse their power against a customer whose only crime is to ask for more information, is abhorrent to decent members. And is more than likely resulting in the widespread posts against them. Let's pretend we're talking about someone other than me who harasses people until I get the answer that I want to hear and am a complete knob about it.
As far as valid members are concerned, to cop abuse for posting valid comments only shows that the staff are not worthy to be in the position they occupy. I so decree it.
I agree that the direction and policy of AFI may be out of their control, but them personally banning, Deleting and denigrating customers for asking valid questions is entirely their doing. I cannot see AFI management ordering them to act this way to customers.
Calling customers "trolls" is not at the behest of AFI management I would think. Miyuki, that stupid slant-eyed Jap cunt is behind it all.
This is understandable, and it would make sense for them to correct their attitude and mistakes to correct the situation.
The banned members should be re-instated and apologies made for the actions of staff who abused their power so badly.
Action should be taken to insure that the staff members concerned are disciplined and assurances given that they will not act like power drunk dictators again. False accusations of "trolling" etc should be publicly withdrawn and apologies made.
The staff have only themselves to blame for their actions and abuse of customers/members.
Most of the comments against them are fully justified and are a natural result of their wrongful actions.
When they have done the right thing by customers they have received pats on the back, so it is only right that when they do the wrong thing they get the kicks up the rear.
Saturday, January 4, 2014
no admin dares to speak his name
A bit like a Harry potter movie now:
Almost no admin dares to speak his name, instead referring to him by epithets such as "You-Know-Who", "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named" or "the Dark Lord".
I hope you were not referring to me in your post above. Brandon never banned me nor am I talking about him.
I am concerned about censorship ( like that shown on AFI) and how it is ok to discuss certain people, but not one of their colleagues, Who is also a AFI staff member.
One idea is to set up a few free blogs to promote interest in your site. I use this blog to promote interest in so new idiots--I mean, members--sign up so we can cashbait them--I mean, "help" them. Lol.
Almost no admin dares to speak his name, instead referring to him by epithets such as "You-Know-Who", "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named" or "the Dark Lord".
I hope you were not referring to me in your post above. Brandon never banned me nor am I talking about him.
I am concerned about censorship ( like that shown on AFI) and how it is ok to discuss certain people, but not one of their colleagues, Who is also a AFI staff member.
One idea is to set up a few free blogs to promote interest in your site. I use this blog to promote interest in so new idiots--I mean, members--sign up so we can cashbait them--I mean, "help" them. Lol.
Friday, January 3, 2014 still currently listed as viral
As is usual with these things the link is very viral. Please do NOT click on it. If you click on, I will send you a BM.
Here are the results of an advanced scan done using multiple scans with shitty software I have.
Analyzed On 2014-01-03 12:31 GMT
Website Address
Blacklist Status BLACKLISTED
Detection Ratio 3 / 29 (10 %)
Domain 1st Registered Unknown
Google Page Rank Google Page Rank
Alexa Rank 1,693,225
Website Blacklist Report
Engine Status Info
Favicon MalwareBlacklist Alert DETECTED Link
Favicon DrWeb Alert DETECTED Link is still currently listed as viral. If you click on it, you will get a BM.
Favicon DrWeb Alert DETECTED. I am familiar with their site as I am the owner using the name De Master Yoda or Gbenga Jones.
Three independent AV organizations flag as viral. There is always a possibility that there is a false positive, but I would always err on the side of caution. That site is shit.
Here are the results of an advanced scan done using multiple scans with shitty software I have.
Analyzed On 2014-01-03 12:31 GMT
Website Address
Blacklist Status BLACKLISTED
Detection Ratio 3 / 29 (10 %)
Domain 1st Registered Unknown
Google Page Rank Google Page Rank
Alexa Rank 1,693,225
Website Blacklist Report
Engine Status Info
Favicon MalwareBlacklist Alert DETECTED Link
Favicon DrWeb Alert DETECTED Link is still currently listed as viral. If you click on it, you will get a BM.
Favicon DrWeb Alert DETECTED. I am familiar with their site as I am the owner using the name De Master Yoda or Gbenga Jones.
Three independent AV organizations flag as viral. There is always a possibility that there is a false positive, but I would always err on the side of caution. That site is shit.
I have forwarded a tiny amount of the BM I have.
The only thing that would get back up and running is if they really wanted to make a BM and had a determination to do it.
Sadly all indications are that they want it to fail, probably so they can concentrate on other areas that make more BMs.
A bad scenario for all the BM customers and employees, some who have already been "let go" how many will follow is open for debate.
Hostgator does not enjoy a good reputation and personally my experience with them has not been good. They did not want my BM.
Welcome Zoom6. Good to see you here. I sent you an AFI BM.
BM sent thanks. I have copies of BMs, messages, posts and some admissions by those involved.
Did you get my BM?
I can PROVE the lies posted by you know who in his OWN words.
I have forwarded a tiny amount of the BM I have. I am willing to send more if you wish. Please ask about any of it if you are uncertain, I will not hide or run away when questioned as I am only posting the truth on AT.
Sadly all indications are that they want it to fail, probably so they can concentrate on other areas that make more BMs.
A bad scenario for all the BM customers and employees, some who have already been "let go" how many will follow is open for debate.
Hostgator does not enjoy a good reputation and personally my experience with them has not been good. They did not want my BM.
Welcome Zoom6. Good to see you here. I sent you an AFI BM.
BM sent thanks. I have copies of BMs, messages, posts and some admissions by those involved.
Did you get my BM?
I can PROVE the lies posted by you know who in his OWN words.
I have forwarded a tiny amount of the BM I have. I am willing to send more if you wish. Please ask about any of it if you are uncertain, I will not hide or run away when questioned as I am only posting the truth on AT.
More delusions from Paul BM. posted on
Again falsely calling people trolls. You say "Well guess what, I can give out just as good as I get," Yet you and the others in the trio of fail run away and hide whn making a BM.
I sent you a BM. Did you get my BM?
Here is an update for the trio of fail, Mark b, Joe D and Paul BM. Honestly guys, what planet are you living on? Certainly not a real one judging by your BMs.
Common sense would dictate that when so many of AFI customers are so pissed off with your actions, that you would be making BMs but no, you carry on showing that you only care about your paycheck or the opportunity to gain work from AFI. I will send you a BM.
When you denigrate customers and in Joes case, allow AFI to be attacked when it is only doing good BMs, then your personal websites become legit targets as well.
There are now so may customers and AFI customers of AFI that I fear the old AFI good reputation of AFI and by association AFI, is irreparably AFI damaged now. AFI needs a BM. I will send you a BM.
Did you get the AFI BM? I will send it again.
I sent you a BM.
There is BM discussion as to whether AFI can come back from the BM, I feel this would now be very hard like my stool, especially while you three losers are connected to AFI BMs in any way. A new BM would need to start with you three being replaced with BMs as I now think you three are past redemption judging by your continued BM actions.
On a personal note as humans I do wish you all a wretched Christmas and I hope that the BM of Christmas will help you to have a good solid BM and see the truth and assist you to re join the human race as decent human beings with solid BMs.
I just had a BM at AFI, it is quite amazing how so many people are saying similar things about the fail that is AFI and about the incompetence of the AFI support staff, on so many forums now.
Not so long ago it was just a few customers voicing their concerns, now it is a very large BM indeed, and still the AFI support staff and the BM management cannot comprehend that they are destroying AFI with their BMs.
The trio of fail are spearheading this decline.
The nicest thing said about me now is that I am incompetent.
Again falsely calling people trolls. You say "Well guess what, I can give out just as good as I get," Yet you and the others in the trio of fail run away and hide whn making a BM.
I sent you a BM. Did you get my BM?
Here is an update for the trio of fail, Mark b, Joe D and Paul BM. Honestly guys, what planet are you living on? Certainly not a real one judging by your BMs.
Common sense would dictate that when so many of AFI customers are so pissed off with your actions, that you would be making BMs but no, you carry on showing that you only care about your paycheck or the opportunity to gain work from AFI. I will send you a BM.
When you denigrate customers and in Joes case, allow AFI to be attacked when it is only doing good BMs, then your personal websites become legit targets as well.
There are now so may customers and AFI customers of AFI that I fear the old AFI good reputation of AFI and by association AFI, is irreparably AFI damaged now. AFI needs a BM. I will send you a BM.
Did you get the AFI BM? I will send it again.
I sent you a BM.
There is BM discussion as to whether AFI can come back from the BM, I feel this would now be very hard like my stool, especially while you three losers are connected to AFI BMs in any way. A new BM would need to start with you three being replaced with BMs as I now think you three are past redemption judging by your continued BM actions.
On a personal note as humans I do wish you all a wretched Christmas and I hope that the BM of Christmas will help you to have a good solid BM and see the truth and assist you to re join the human race as decent human beings with solid BMs.
I just had a BM at AFI, it is quite amazing how so many people are saying similar things about the fail that is AFI and about the incompetence of the AFI support staff, on so many forums now.
Not so long ago it was just a few customers voicing their concerns, now it is a very large BM indeed, and still the AFI support staff and the BM management cannot comprehend that they are destroying AFI with their BMs.
The trio of fail are spearheading this decline.
The nicest thing said about me now is that I am incompetent.
A finger in the bum
Another AFI staff member De Master Yoda responds to a comment on TAZ that another member will never pay him another cent ever again and says he has lost all respect for Joe. Joe answers as below.
Honestly Joe, it would be best if you did not post while on medication for your disability. Some of your posts are not in touch with reality any more. I will send you a BM.
Joe you have to take responsibility for your own actions, You will NEVER be vindicated for lying or twisting the truth to denigrate others falsely. When you sell your integrity for money, then your reputation and that of AFI goes out of the window.
You continue to do both yourself and AFI massive damage, until you set things right, the bitterness of your lies will continue to eat away at you. It's the same as if you have to make a BM but refuse to let it go. It poisons you eventually. When I have to make a BM, I make a BM, and I always send it to someone. I will send you a BM.
Joe after having been paralysed myself for a while, I can understand the problems it can bring and how you can easily become disenchanted and bitter with the world that treated you so cruelly, but when you take this out on others it will always backfire on you. Take notice of what people are now saying about you, they do it because it is the truth that has come to me from anonymous sources who have no reason to lie to me and no reason to make me look like a complete asshole by repeating things that are obviously false.
If you continue on your present path it will destroy AFI , yourself and could also affect your loved ones as they too could be drawn into this like a BM.
Your actions are bringing and your colleagues on AFI into great disrepute. Eventually the piper must be paid and the BM must be sent.
I sent you a BM.

The biggest joke statement of the year by BirdOPrey5 posted on TAZ.
HONOURABLE? Sorry Joe, you do not know the meaning of the word, as evidenced by your actions in breaking so many of your own rules.
How on earth can you claim to be honourable when you have sold your soul for the proverbial thirty pieces of silver to the scammers? Is your property up in the mountains now paid off? You know, the one that was recently burgled. It must be hard paying for 200 acres. They keep putting up the tax for Caroga.
More jokes from Joe:
This is why they ban, deface posts, alter posts and denigrate any customers who genuinely try to help by posting valid comments.
This is why they will not answer genuine questions asked by customers but instead ban them.
I find the posts by AFI support staff trying to justify their absurd actions to be totally pathetic. It is obvious that they just do not care as long as their BM arrives or their ego is stroked.
The facts are there for all to see, why is it that the support staff cannot see them ?
There Are None So Blind As Those Who Will Not See. A poke in the eye is better than a kick in the plums. Whenever the world gets you down, a finger in the bum brings you back up.
Honestly Joe, it would be best if you did not post while on medication for your disability. Some of your posts are not in touch with reality any more. I will send you a BM.
Joe you have to take responsibility for your own actions, You will NEVER be vindicated for lying or twisting the truth to denigrate others falsely. When you sell your integrity for money, then your reputation and that of AFI goes out of the window.
You continue to do both yourself and AFI massive damage, until you set things right, the bitterness of your lies will continue to eat away at you. It's the same as if you have to make a BM but refuse to let it go. It poisons you eventually. When I have to make a BM, I make a BM, and I always send it to someone. I will send you a BM.
Joe after having been paralysed myself for a while, I can understand the problems it can bring and how you can easily become disenchanted and bitter with the world that treated you so cruelly, but when you take this out on others it will always backfire on you. Take notice of what people are now saying about you, they do it because it is the truth that has come to me from anonymous sources who have no reason to lie to me and no reason to make me look like a complete asshole by repeating things that are obviously false.
If you continue on your present path it will destroy AFI , yourself and could also affect your loved ones as they too could be drawn into this like a BM.
Your actions are bringing and your colleagues on AFI into great disrepute. Eventually the piper must be paid and the BM must be sent.
I sent you a BM.
The biggest joke statement of the year by BirdOPrey5 posted on TAZ.
HONOURABLE? Sorry Joe, you do not know the meaning of the word, as evidenced by your actions in breaking so many of your own rules.
How on earth can you claim to be honourable when you have sold your soul for the proverbial thirty pieces of silver to the scammers? Is your property up in the mountains now paid off? You know, the one that was recently burgled. It must be hard paying for 200 acres. They keep putting up the tax for Caroga.
More jokes from Joe:
This is why they will not answer genuine questions asked by customers but instead ban them.
I find the posts by AFI support staff trying to justify their absurd actions to be totally pathetic. It is obvious that they just do not care as long as their BM arrives or their ego is stroked.
The facts are there for all to see, why is it that the support staff cannot see them ?
There Are None So Blind As Those Who Will Not See. A poke in the eye is better than a kick in the plums. Whenever the world gets you down, a finger in the bum brings you back up.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
I am a forum admin. on a few forums.
@Lizard King thanks for your post. To answer it:
He sees most of my posts, as they are stolen and posted on his website by a self confessed scammer and hacker he protects who is impersonating me, some are altered but some are not. A simple search on his website will show many copies of my posts, all posted without my permission, quite a few stolen from this very site.
Currently I am receiving threatening emails from the scammer using Brandons name and the address of admin-talk.
As he us now impersonating Brandon and AT. ( I have informed Brandon as this is the correct thing to do)
He is free to answer on here if he wishes as far as I am aware.
The posting of the truth may be classed as 'unrespectful" but what about his posts that are downright lies and designed solely to denigrate me and another guy called TT who he also defames?
As it says in my sig: "He who does not prevent a crime when he can, encourages it." Seneca.
He has been given ample opportunity to set the record straight and do the right thing but he refuses.
I have many times respectfully asked him, I have pleaded, I have explained, I have shown good faith by offering to remove all and any of my comments exposing him, I have even apologized for slight perceived offenses, for him to do the right thing but all to no avail, so he leaves me no option but to expose his actions.
Many, many times I have offered to discuss things with him but he usually runs away as he has done on AT as well.
I appreciate all the members patience and now he is exposed on well over thirty other sites so far, So I do not need to post a lot about him on here. Thanks.
Re " If you have any suggestions now is the time to post them. I will look at any and all recommendations that you make." Can the restrictions on mentioning one of the trio of fail be removed ? IE he who cannot be named, but who is a support staff guy on AFI.
One of the best features of AT has been the ability to post openly and not have to suffer the censorship displayed by AFI, this seems to have fallen by the wayside recently.
It is a bit ridiculous that we can openly discuss Mark B and Paul M, but one unethical guy cannot be mentioned under threat of a temp ban.
Obviously posting his personal details is not on and this I have not done. Even though he has posted in public his real name. image and other details so these are public knowledge. He has voluntarily chosen not to post on AFI, but as far as I am aware he still can. So he can easily defend himself or put his point of view, an opportunity he denies others.
I would ask that the threat of a temp ban be lifted. If we can openly (within the rules) post and comment about Paul M and Mark B then why not this other AFI support staff member, he is no different.
Indeed by his proven actions he could be classed as worse than either of the other two.
One of the most respected things about Americans is their ability to allow free speech, are we now to be denied this 'right" despite not being American ? No, I don't understand what 'free speech' means in the American context, so I will just throw it out there any time I feel aggrieved.
Thank you for your quick reply. Re: "One final thought. This is after all a forum for forum admins after all."
This I am aware of, and I am a forum admin. on a few forums. I own the VB license for a quite large forum. Proof has been provided to Brandon earlier.
I have at no time said that he cannot post indeed I said that as far as I am aware he can post here if he chooses.
If it is for admins then admins need to be able to post freely within the confines of the rules.
Re: " I also will never tolerate disagreements from other sites to spill over here. If it happened somewhere else where you might have been banned because of it then don't bring it here because the person you had a disagreement is here."
Many, many posts here, are in connection with disagreements with AFI that are spilling over to here, many posts are in regard to customers having been banned on AFI presumably by AFI support staff who are members here.
These have been allowed to be posted, but now it seems that one unethical AFI staff member is excluded from having the truth commented on?
As you say this is a forum for admins, how can it be a viable forum if admins cannot comment on topics relevant to the continued well being of their forums?
If falsehoods are posted then I agree they should be removed, but when the absolute truth is posted and can be backed up, then to restrict them is wrong. ( within the rules of course)
Re: " If you don't agree with what he posted then disagree in civil manner." I have ALWAYS been civil, I have posted the truth and I can understand that this may be uncomfortable for some, I have not pulled my punches but stuck to the facts and I have not used bad language or profanities. Ergo I have been civil. Can you tell I failed logic as a subject in school?
I can see no problem with posting the truth about the actions of people whose conduct affects us as admins of our own websites, even if that truth is half-assed and in many cases complete fabrications sent to me by anonymous sources who make shit up just to see me look like a bigger dumbfuck than I already am.
This is all I am asking for, that within the boundaries of the rules that I and other be allowed to post the truth that some random person emailed me.
So can I use the guys name without being denied free speech by receiving a temp ban? You have not answered this so far.
I am aware that it is your house and as you pay the bills you call the tune, however along with that comes some responsibilities, mainly not to abuse it. This is why I am ASKING the questions so we all know where we stand.
You state: "Freedom of Speech is one of them unless it is abused." While the term "abuse" can have many connotations
I feel that as long as comments are true and not in breach of any current rules then threats of bans are out of order.
So again I ASK, can the threat be lifted so I can at least use the guys name without fear of being victimized for it?
I am responding to YOUR request for recommendations, I am responding in a respectful civil manner, so I feel the question is valid.
BM sent thanks. I have copies of emails, messages, posts and some admissions by those involved. I save all my full diapers too as they are equal value.
I can PROVE the lies posted by you know who in his OWN words.
I have forwarded a tiny amount of the proof I have. I am willing to send more if you wish. Please ask about any of it if you are uncertain, I will not hide or run away when questioned as I am only posting the truth on AT.
He sees most of my posts, as they are stolen and posted on his website by a self confessed scammer and hacker he protects who is impersonating me, some are altered but some are not. A simple search on his website will show many copies of my posts, all posted without my permission, quite a few stolen from this very site.
Currently I am receiving threatening emails from the scammer using Brandons name and the address of admin-talk.
As he us now impersonating Brandon and AT. ( I have informed Brandon as this is the correct thing to do)
He is free to answer on here if he wishes as far as I am aware.
The posting of the truth may be classed as 'unrespectful" but what about his posts that are downright lies and designed solely to denigrate me and another guy called TT who he also defames?
As it says in my sig: "He who does not prevent a crime when he can, encourages it." Seneca.
He has been given ample opportunity to set the record straight and do the right thing but he refuses.
I have many times respectfully asked him, I have pleaded, I have explained, I have shown good faith by offering to remove all and any of my comments exposing him, I have even apologized for slight perceived offenses, for him to do the right thing but all to no avail, so he leaves me no option but to expose his actions.
Many, many times I have offered to discuss things with him but he usually runs away as he has done on AT as well.
I appreciate all the members patience and now he is exposed on well over thirty other sites so far, So I do not need to post a lot about him on here. Thanks.
Re " If you have any suggestions now is the time to post them. I will look at any and all recommendations that you make." Can the restrictions on mentioning one of the trio of fail be removed ? IE he who cannot be named, but who is a support staff guy on AFI.
One of the best features of AT has been the ability to post openly and not have to suffer the censorship displayed by AFI, this seems to have fallen by the wayside recently.
It is a bit ridiculous that we can openly discuss Mark B and Paul M, but one unethical guy cannot be mentioned under threat of a temp ban.
Obviously posting his personal details is not on and this I have not done. Even though he has posted in public his real name. image and other details so these are public knowledge. He has voluntarily chosen not to post on AFI, but as far as I am aware he still can. So he can easily defend himself or put his point of view, an opportunity he denies others.
I would ask that the threat of a temp ban be lifted. If we can openly (within the rules) post and comment about Paul M and Mark B then why not this other AFI support staff member, he is no different.
Indeed by his proven actions he could be classed as worse than either of the other two.
One of the most respected things about Americans is their ability to allow free speech, are we now to be denied this 'right" despite not being American ? No, I don't understand what 'free speech' means in the American context, so I will just throw it out there any time I feel aggrieved.
Thank you for your quick reply. Re: "One final thought. This is after all a forum for forum admins after all."
This I am aware of, and I am a forum admin. on a few forums. I own the VB license for a quite large forum. Proof has been provided to Brandon earlier.
I have at no time said that he cannot post indeed I said that as far as I am aware he can post here if he chooses.
If it is for admins then admins need to be able to post freely within the confines of the rules.
Re: " I also will never tolerate disagreements from other sites to spill over here. If it happened somewhere else where you might have been banned because of it then don't bring it here because the person you had a disagreement is here."
Many, many posts here, are in connection with disagreements with AFI that are spilling over to here, many posts are in regard to customers having been banned on AFI presumably by AFI support staff who are members here.
These have been allowed to be posted, but now it seems that one unethical AFI staff member is excluded from having the truth commented on?
As you say this is a forum for admins, how can it be a viable forum if admins cannot comment on topics relevant to the continued well being of their forums?
If falsehoods are posted then I agree they should be removed, but when the absolute truth is posted and can be backed up, then to restrict them is wrong. ( within the rules of course)
Re: " If you don't agree with what he posted then disagree in civil manner." I have ALWAYS been civil, I have posted the truth and I can understand that this may be uncomfortable for some, I have not pulled my punches but stuck to the facts and I have not used bad language or profanities. Ergo I have been civil. Can you tell I failed logic as a subject in school?
I can see no problem with posting the truth about the actions of people whose conduct affects us as admins of our own websites, even if that truth is half-assed and in many cases complete fabrications sent to me by anonymous sources who make shit up just to see me look like a bigger dumbfuck than I already am.
This is all I am asking for, that within the boundaries of the rules that I and other be allowed to post the truth that some random person emailed me.
So can I use the guys name without being denied free speech by receiving a temp ban? You have not answered this so far.
I am aware that it is your house and as you pay the bills you call the tune, however along with that comes some responsibilities, mainly not to abuse it. This is why I am ASKING the questions so we all know where we stand.
You state: "Freedom of Speech is one of them unless it is abused." While the term "abuse" can have many connotations
I feel that as long as comments are true and not in breach of any current rules then threats of bans are out of order.
So again I ASK, can the threat be lifted so I can at least use the guys name without fear of being victimized for it?
I am responding to YOUR request for recommendations, I am responding in a respectful civil manner, so I feel the question is valid.
BM sent thanks. I have copies of emails, messages, posts and some admissions by those involved. I save all my full diapers too as they are equal value.
I can PROVE the lies posted by you know who in his OWN words.
I have forwarded a tiny amount of the proof I have. I am willing to send more if you wish. Please ask about any of it if you are uncertain, I will not hide or run away when questioned as I am only posting the truth on AT.
the bitterness of your lies will continue to eat away at you.
Another VB staff member BirdOPrey5 responds to a comment on TAZ that another member will never pay him another cent ever again and says he has lost all respect for Joe. Joe answers as below.
Honestly Joe, it would be best if you did not post while on medication for your disability. Some of your posts are not in touch with reality any more. I would know as I haven't been on handshaking terms with reality for many years.
Joe you have to take responsibility for your own actions, You will NEVER be vindicated for lying or twisting the truth to denigrate others falsely. When you sell your integrity for money, then your reputation and that of AFI goes out of the window.
You continue to do both yourself and AFI massive damage, until you set things right, the bitterness of your lies will continue to eat away at you.
Joe after having been paralysed myself for a while, I can understand the problems it can bring and how you can easily become disenchanted and bitter with the world that treated you so cruelly, but when you take this out on others it will always backfire on you. Take notice of what people are now saying about you, they do it because it is the truth.
If you continue on your present path it will destroy AFI, yourself and could also affect your loved ones as they too could be drawn into this.
Your actions are bringing AFI and your colleagues on AFI into great disrepute AFI. Eventually the AFI piper must be AFI paid.
Joe you have to take responsibility for your own actions, You will NEVER be vindicated for lying or twisting the truth to denigrate others falsely. When you sell your integrity for money, then your reputation and that of AFI goes out of the window.
You continue to do both yourself and AFI massive damage, until you set things right, the bitterness of your lies will continue to eat away at you.
Joe after having been paralysed myself for a while, I can understand the problems it can bring and how you can easily become disenchanted and bitter with the world that treated you so cruelly, but when you take this out on others it will always backfire on you. Take notice of what people are now saying about you, they do it because it is the truth.
If you continue on your present path it will destroy AFI, yourself and could also affect your loved ones as they too could be drawn into this.
Your actions are bringing AFI and your colleagues on AFI into great disrepute AFI. Eventually the AFI piper must be AFI paid.
I shoot fireworks out of my ass.
As a neighbour has cut down some tall trees in their garden, I can see the fireworks over the city from my house now. And he can now see when I shoot fireworks out of my ass.
So we are looking forward to that. Last year I shit my pants when they started but I hope I won't be as surprised this time.
Sounds good that you have a Councillor to help. Does the career you are looking at pay a good wage. If not, try cashbaiting. I make millions every year from it. It is easy and you feel good about fleecing stupid old people.
The best thing is to find a job that you like doing and work on it to get ahead. If you need more banal platitudes, let me know. I've got hundreds of them.
Some valid comments. Having been an employer for many years I was always interested in potential employees who want to work and were keen to do the job and help the company grow. Except for that time I fired all my employees because they were assholes about not getting paid. Fuck them, let them cashbait or suck dick on the street, stupid fuckers.
If a potential employee was keen, even though he/she may not have had the right degrees I would give them a go, but only if I got to put my dick in them first. When I was younger and had some small amount of power, I liked to get my dick wet with whoever I had working for me.
You raise some valid points, but if you think about it YOU decide what dick you eat, YOU decide which way you go to any destination and YOU can also decide which way your life will be headed.
If you think that 90% of people will not be very successful, then you can be thankful that you only have to compete with the other 10% to get ahead.
It seems that nothing good comes easily.
Keep trying and I am sure you will reach your goals. That's how I got my dick in so many employees.
Separate from books what magazines does everyone here like the best?
'Think and Grow Rich' by Napoleon Hill. Is a very good book. I used it to hit girls over the head before I boned them.
So we are looking forward to that. Last year I shit my pants when they started but I hope I won't be as surprised this time.
Sounds good that you have a Councillor to help. Does the career you are looking at pay a good wage. If not, try cashbaiting. I make millions every year from it. It is easy and you feel good about fleecing stupid old people.
The best thing is to find a job that you like doing and work on it to get ahead. If you need more banal platitudes, let me know. I've got hundreds of them.
Some valid comments. Having been an employer for many years I was always interested in potential employees who want to work and were keen to do the job and help the company grow. Except for that time I fired all my employees because they were assholes about not getting paid. Fuck them, let them cashbait or suck dick on the street, stupid fuckers.
If a potential employee was keen, even though he/she may not have had the right degrees I would give them a go, but only if I got to put my dick in them first. When I was younger and had some small amount of power, I liked to get my dick wet with whoever I had working for me.
You raise some valid points, but if you think about it YOU decide what dick you eat, YOU decide which way you go to any destination and YOU can also decide which way your life will be headed.
If you think that 90% of people will not be very successful, then you can be thankful that you only have to compete with the other 10% to get ahead.
It seems that nothing good comes easily.
Keep trying and I am sure you will reach your goals. That's how I got my dick in so many employees.
Separate from books what magazines does everyone here like the best?
'Think and Grow Rich' by Napoleon Hill. Is a very good book. I used it to hit girls over the head before I boned them.
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