By the way who said that I had any access at all?
I am aware that you and the eater guys are trying desperately to get information, so I will help you along a little.
When the eater retards hack into peoples accounts and try to embarrass them, and attempt to destroy their character by posting lies as you do, then many of them band together and take action.
This results in many things happening to the idiots who attempt to destroy the reputation of honest baiters. I hope that eater thinks their actions are warranted as they go down the Gurgler.
You may like to consider that hacking is illegal, think upon this Soyl.
Sorry I have taken so long to answer Soyl, but as I say, due to your actions I am devoting more time to finding and closing down fake sites.
While you are representing eater as their spokesperson, I feel this will continue to increase.
Getting a little agitated are you Soyl?
You tell me who it is. You are the one who seems upset by it.
Tell us how it is a pic that is freely available on the web, NOT one that you have used that is stolen by a hacker from my pc.
Why not tell Rover that you are supporting the other faction that is trying to take over control of eater? maybe he will be impressed. It certainly is amusing to many others.
You seem happy to quote the bible, is there something in there about "bearing false witness against thy neighbor" IE LYING about others. I am sure you could find it if you wanted to. Does it mention anything about "STEALING" as cashbaiting is, that YOU have also admitted to?
Like posting medical information about a members hip replacement?
or pointing to what you think is my name and address on eater?
or posting a copy of the email about the hacking of my pc?
or using a photochopped picture of me, or even posting a caricature pic of my real life photo in your signature? And your constant references to my age and medical history?
I think it is very stupid of you to post about the very rules you are breaking daily.
There are similar rules on AMB, but you posted a real life pic of me as well as posting the details of where you think I live?. I think you were BANNED for a while for that.
Tell me again about the rules on members privacy soyl. Is the person in my avatar a member under his own name on JUOT?
Strange, how from the millions of pics on the web, you chose that one.
You used the same excuse on another site, when you used a photo chopped picture of me that was stolen from my pc. You said that you were looking for a pic and you came across my pic randomly. WOW Soyl, What a coincidence?
Given the amount of outright lying you have done to the members here, why do you think it is hard to believe you?
I wonder what Rover thinks about you bringing eater into even more disrepute by your constant lies? As you have admitted to being an eater lackey then it would be reasonable to consider you as their spokesman. How does it reflect on eater to see you lying so much?
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