Another senior and well respected member sees the light and resigns from scambaits.
How many mods and senior members is this who have left or just stopped posting under the excellent stewardship of thundertwit?
Why out of nearly 500 members are the posts SOOOO low?
Holy shit! Some days they even get into double figures.
So Striker is bigal eh? great detective work! based on a two word post by an eater troll and a quote from a post on scambaits seen by all the members, even the 7 or 8 active ones? could it be possible that one copied things from the post?
Good detective work sherlock.
Actually bigal last month was Ben, and nurse nasty, and shivers says he is the truth. he sure gets around! I am sure he is pretending to be the entire eater membership this month!
Now take the tablets like the doc says, and this obsession with bigal will go away, like the obsession you have with the dragons and the gang of four, and the victim Lxx Exxx Jxx who you sent presents to!
If bigal is so bad for sending music (he says it was a motivation song) then what a terrible thing you have done sending PRESENTS to a love victim thereby putting her life in danger, as you say about sending things to victims being so bad.
Being a responsible admin you will resign of course over this as it is far worse than what you allege bigal did!
Stand by ppl as there will be a lot of spin doctoring, bs and twisting of the truth coming from thundertwit now.
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