Apart from the plight of an innocent man, it causes me great merriment to see the eater lapdogs fall for this rubbish.
The damage done to the reputation of eater and scamwarners by this lie is unbelievable. they have brought this upon themselves and have lost many members because of it!
Are you all that stupid, that you actually think that, knowing the eater methods of intimidation and threats and in the full knowledge that I am a target of them, That I would use my real name as my baiter name for all these years? and then go and post on whirlpool using this same name?
Hello!! anyone home ???
The name Alan James as well as many others was picked at random by me, as it is easy to type and bears NO relationship to my real name.
I have no idea where the Watson bit came from?? and even slightlyoutofit when explaining could only say that he heard it "somewhere"
The posting of what you would like to be my name, is in retaliation for some one else posting the real life details of Rover on dot net, this was falsely accredited to me as was the ownership of dot net, also nothing to do with me. And the accusation that I was all 92 of the members on dot net.
The posting of the real life details of this innocent person and the address and phone number of him and his family, along with the admission of slightlyoutofit also known as Chris smith of scamwarners that he phoned the guy up at three in the morning and scared his children, (as admitted by him ) shows far more clearly than I ever could how low the mods on eater and scamwarners have sunk.
It never occurred to them to check the facts! DUH!!
Hello idiots, I have NO children!! OOPS did this little fact not fit in with your Al bashing?
Sorry folks, you can post what you like about anyone you like, it will not affect me, as you do not have a clue who I really am nor my real life details apart from what I have allowed you to know.
Thank you -C- but this is NOT my real name. it is a completely innocent man, who has as far as I know (as I have never spoken to him and do NOT know him ) nothing to do with baiting at all.
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