As he says he is a proud member of eater then I am sure he will guarantee your safety and can assure you that your IP would not be checked by the mods. And that you will not receive any keyloggers on your pc as many others, especially their own mods have.
I look forward to seeing you ask some of your questions on there, as the lackeys all say that eater is a good site and you can ask questions freely without being dog-piled on or having your posts deleted and action taken against you.
All the others who were banned for asking simple questions must have been intelligent people so may have been seen as a threat to eater.
I am sure the reputation that eater has of having the most people banned and the largest number of posts locked is purely co-incidental, and the fact that FIVE of their own mods resigned in ONE day has nothing to do with eater being a bad site.
Maybe the mass exodus of members recently from eater to other sites is not a sign that they are self disintegrating.
On a side note, if you have visited eater or any of the eater controlled sites then you may need some help in checking for the following virus and keyloggers.
Win 32 virus.
WoWMatrix keylogger / data stealer
These have been detected by some who have checked out their sites recently. But feel safe to go there as LW has invited you there and Soyl says I lie about eater. But you decide for yourself based on what you have read.
Hey Soyl why are you afraid to answer me? surely your masters on eater would never demand that you stop, as they are such nice people according to you.
You seemed very talkative when you first came on here to spread lies and try to defame me why have you gone quiet now?
Maybe you are consoling Lotta as she is in a spot of bother at the moment and is also keeping a low profile. Why not tell us the reason for her shyness on eater as well?
Hi Lotta, AKA calamity Jane. Why do you not abide by the eater rules, but post what you think are the real life details of another baiter, in direct violation of the rules as stated on eaters front page?
Lotta why do you harrass an innocent man and his family, as an eater admin, this is showing the complete disregard that you have for the eater rules and one of the main rules of baiting, not to cause harm to an innocent person.
Kind of like one rule for the members and another for the admins. RIGHT? No wonder so many members are now leaving eater for other sites.
I am sure Soyl will pass this along to you quickly, as he has been doing for a long time now as one of the self confessed eater lackeys.
I am amazed that you tolerate him, as he is doing a massive amount of damage to eater, probably more than anyone else is.
Mind you Soyls new master Slightlyoutofit is really showing you old timers who is the boss now. Maybe you are too afraid of him to get rid of his little lapdog Soyl?
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