I am sure the eater guys are impressed with you and thanks for the tip off that enabled me to close down some more of the fake scamming sites that Rover just set up.
I think he should thank you for all your assistance you have given me.
Nice one Soyl. You know where to send any more tips along to me
. I do think it is smart of you to be covering your rear like this, as your future with eater is to say the least, not real good.
As usual you have your facts wrong. I was banned from eater as bigal once and as a female username once.
This was used to find the mole who was sending information from eater to the alliance admins and back again, it was Lotta aka calamity Jane. so my use of the second username was justified. As you have trouble counting, that makes TWO, not five as you claim.
I must say that it is a smart move by you and your pal slightlyoutofit to slap and criticize eater by posting my old posts using the name of Bi Gal.
Not a bad move to make it look like me doing all the exposure of eater, while you and slightly slap eater mercilessly and you can then push the blame onto me.
I know that you both want disunity on eater and this is quite a good way for you two to achieve this. you must be really pissed off with eater to do this.
A good way of posting a lot of criticism of eater and not be associated with doing so.
many more people will now become aware of the things I post about eater and so I thank you for helping me to expose them.
And to top it all off you set up fake blog and forums using my name again, to help you push the anti eater platform.
And to make sure, you are under a different name, feeding me all the information that helps me to close down many of the eater fake scamming sites, some before they even become active.
Not bad for an unintelligent self confessed mentally unstable guy. Was it your plan or slightly's?
I was under the impression that admittance to theRanter private area's was subject to the member agreeing to keep things that were posted in there secret?
Indeed I Was informed that this was one thing that would get a member banned on tR
I wonder who's personal details Chandra will be posting next. he has already exposed many things that eater wanted kept quiet.
I wonder what else he will be posting from the so called secret area's of eater and tR?
Maybe things that the members would rather keep hidden?
This is what happens when you allow self confessed mentally unstable people like Soyl into your cleared area's.
Why would Soyl post things that he promised to keep secret in a public forum?
Hypo has not done anything to deserve this. But these things do not matter to Soyl as long as he gets attention he is happy, and bugger the cost to his fellow members.
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