I suppose the closest thing to it at present is the truth blog that I gave you the link to.
For a long time the eater cretins told their lackeys that I had set it up, They were VERY sure and ADAMANT and despite me saying I had nothing to do with setting it up they still continue with the lie. Now you can clearly see why they are called cretins.
But as usual they were lying as I had nothing to do with it being set up. Even after publicly posting the photograph and real life details in public on eater of the owner who lives in the USA. ( I thought they say they do not do that sort of thing? ) they still maintained that I was the owner. This just shows how desperate and stupid they are.
Many posts on there exposed what the eater guys were doing and they did not like it at all.
It eventually closed down and the name was sold /given to eater by a well intentioned but misled guy.
However it is possible that another site be set up in a similar fashion. I have lots of the old posts backed in in a secure external place if they are ever needed again.
Hi Soyl since when does anyone take notice of eater lackeys?
I think you should ask Lotta who he is, as he receives instructions directly from her.
I would say that you are getting a little desperate now and you may not even know who you are talking about when he used this name on tR.
Would you care to reveal his usual baiter name as you are now quoting him?
Yes some would, but I said the EXTRA sites, that I made a point of closing down.
Like those just closed down recently.
Thanks Soyl, I am sure your eater masters are suitably impressed with you helping me decide to close even more fake eater sites down.
I think they will be also happy to see you resurrect many of the threads and posts that exposed them on the Ranter in the last couple of days.
Soyl= one of best exposer's of the eater retards.
Hey Soyl how about posting the name of the guy whose post you quoted from tR. You know the one who takes instructions from Lotta.
Did you ask his permission to quote him?
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