Nice to meet you. I love your posts.
i like the cut of your Jib.
Anyone who shows up the pricks on that limp wristed squaddie hut called ranter is ok by me.
Fucking great.
Love it. How to show Nomad and the Ranter fools as pratts in one easy lesson.
HAR FUCKING HAR. What a load of Ranter wankers. The so called fucking master ranters P-W-N-D-E-D so badly.
I answered your question, Aldavor. Now why don't you answer mine? Why did you lie about people who cashbait on eater, why did Rover withhold your $70,000?
? Surely you wouldn't LIE about something like this, would you? Why not discuss it?
And why not discuss your own hypocrisy? Or are you incapable of looking in the mirror and seeing that you are a pathetic, delusional nut? .
Still waiting, Aldavor.
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