Dre Money dremoney@the8thlegion.com
Since the site has become private, the site rules are more lax regarding NSFW material and illegal download links material. You are allowed to post them only within a spoiler tag. For example [nsfw]
[/nsfw]. A movie spoiler and download link would go inside a spoiler tag [spoiler]http://www.wupload.com/media/theavengersmovie.wmv[/spoiler] or [spoiler]captain america dies at the end of the avengers[/spoiler] and there is also a new vip spoiler tag as well for vip members only. Read more about it here: http://www.the8thlegion.com/threads/new ... ode.16672/
Dre why do I have such a sandy vagina? Dre why was I banned from 8thlegion? Dre I sent you a PM. Dre did you get my PM? Dre why aren't you paying attention to me? Dre why do I feel the need to have your approval? Dre if you let me back into 8thlegion I promise not to question you again. Dre are you listening to me? Dre please pay attention to me. Dre I need you to validate me and my stupid obsessions. Dre I sent you a BM. Dre did you get my BM? Dre I know you don't give a fuck about me or my opinion so I will just keep banging away at this.
Since the site has become private, the site rules are more lax regarding NSFW material and illegal download links material. You are allowed to post them only within a spoiler tag. For example [nsfw]
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