I will not post his real life details as the owner of eater did. In violation of their OWN rules!
I am sure that one of your white supremist masters could provide you a copy of the post.
After all they have had no problem with passing along to you the information of ex members in the past, and even lie to you about them.
Soyl, just about all the information you have been fed by the retards has been false or twisted, to portray anyone who exposes the lies by them as crazy or under medication.
The only medication I have ever received has been for illness or other body complaints. I have never received any medication for any mental type of illness. where is your proof to the contrary?
Why do you continue with your lies?
Many times I have pointed out the truth to you AND backed it up with facts or posts by others. While the retards cannot provide any proof of their claims.
What proof did they give you that I was supposedly the owner of Dot net? NONE, as they did not have any it was an assumption given to you as fact.
Did they tell you the standard lie about why they banned me from eater ? it is usual for them to say anyone banned was for trolling, yet I was banned for mentioning the involvement of leo, in regard to a eater member, who was issuing death threats against other eater members. Why would they ban for mentioning leo, what have they to hide?
Before you started to attack Me when we did not even know each other, did you ask for proof either from them or myself?
I have copies of all the pm's to and from shiver and a copy of the death threat from Vinnie to a female member of eater. Did they tell you about this ? NO!! I wonder why not?
Soyl, when are you going to wake up to the fact they are using you as their lackey? and all the information you have been fed about me is a lie? Well almost all, I do live in Queensland as I have stated many times.
Last edited by Big Al; 01-17-2010 at 02:50 AM.
Then you are a fool as well as a coward and a liar.
As it is positive indisputable proof.
"There are none so blind as they who will not see."
And NO, I will not post copyright material as you are trying to coerce me into doing.
You disgust me. With your dishonesty. You truly are a disgrace to your race.
Here be one pissed off Soyl. A Butthurt LBM.
Soyl Why do you keep posting that address . Who do you think it applies to?
We shall see fake Vinnie, we shall see.
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