Wheres all this yahoo, lets get into Al bashing as the others will support me and I will look good posts?
Have all your fine weather pals left you? Your usefulness to them is coming to a close, so they will happily abandon you.
Notice how they all ignored you on tR until they wanted to use you and now they are throwing you away, as you are now an embarrassment to them.
Hi Soyl remember where the tR guys said "No slurpee sellers in their post"?
Good support for you eh Soyl?
You know what the real shame is for you Soyl?
By now you could have been a member of an international site with your own forum maybe even a mod, helping your fellow Indians on an international site.
But instead you chose to start attacking me, when you had never even spoken to me and you knew nothing about me, but you thought that you could crawl to the eater retards and get ahead that way.
Soyl, you have made such a cock up of things and now you are without any true friends and everyone considers you a fool and a proven taint licker.
Bigal, why is it that you state many times the reason you need to expose people at The Eater because they are liars, yet all you do is expose them.
Is this because you are in fact a hero and are envied by those retards at The Eater?
Get a medal you fantastic person.
Fixed. Good post LOL!
Good post touch. LOL!!!
Yet more SPAM.
Onoz banned from a pile of pus.WHY. Did we put a comma wrong or advocate cutting the bread in the wrong way?
Last edited by Big Al; 12-19-2009 at 09:22 PM.
Tut Tut Patty. I would have thought that you especially, would have known that the letter I is a first-person, singular personal pronoun and when It is used to refer to one's self is always capitalized.
Losing it are we Patty? How does it feel to be chastised by some one who you feel is your inferior? LOL.
You still got your ass whupped and handed to you on a platter. LOL
Thanks Bucket. Who wants to be normal when you can be an individual?
Bloody ell!! You mean he is a blow up doll after all?
Touch. Is that what you do to your students all day, TOUCH them?
Never mind Bucket it was a bit too advanced for you to understand anyway.
Well they needed a new one as Soyl has done a runner. I think he went to get a new shovel to clean up all the shit that is in eater and tR, as the old one wore out so quickly.
Good crop of Ganga this season Soyl? Too much makes you warped.
Good to hear the Viagra is working at last.
Yet it is you Mike (Nomad), who posts pictures of children hanging themselves and you contribute to child abuse by promoting the massage that is is ok for them to commit suicide. You really are one sick bastard.
You would be the last person to call anyone a pedo.
In real life WT actually helps people. While you promote suicide of underage children.
This is why you are so despised and you can only post filth, crap and lies.
Last edited by Big Al; 12-17-2009 at 07:13 PM.
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