This is for you, Bigal… I see that you’re still a bitter, vindictive old man that cannot face rejection by everyone around you. When will you realise that you have been alienated by your own actions? You were given a huge opportunity to empower trust amongst your peers, after everyone fell for your sob story regarding your eater banning. You were made a mod on ILS because we were taken in by your apparent care for the victims, and were made aware, through trust and (what was naively considered at the time) friendship, of personal matters that were entrusted to you, believing that these would stay personal.
Obviously not the case… you have done your utmost to publish those personal details anywhere that you could gain a platform. You have no concept of discretion; you don’t care about anyone except yourself. You have betrayed everyone – even those for whom you say are your friends. You have named names, and (mis)quoted personal correspondence to and from you with these people. And you have the gall to use a completely out-of-context quote for your Ranter sig line. Think about it: you have betrayed everyone’s trust. Do you honestly believe that your current actions are going to remove anyone’s suspicions about you? How long will it take your remaining friends to wonder when it’s their turn for their personal information to be released to the public domain?
You have apologised to me more than once for accusing me of reading PMs, retracting your accusation each time, and yet you continue to argue the fact. You have again taken the issue posted on theranter out of context, because I refused your demand from me to read PMs on ILS when you wanted to know what certain members were saying to others. I rejected your demand out of hand, as I did your request to read what EK had PMd people about you on Scambaits. You were very annoyed at this, and obviously now are looking for some sort of revenge.
As Fungus told you, his reference was to a site that was no longer in existence… a board that had been dismantled, taken apart. And the PMs that were viewed were of people that are no longer (since the site closure) active on any of the alliance sites. And there were just two that were viewed, with the full knowledge and approval of one of the parties involved. And you, Bigal, you were aware of this. All of these facts are known to you, but instead you choose to selectively use the bits of the issue that suit your personal agenda.
And that agenda? To be honest, Bigal, it’s escaped me. Your credibility is shot to hell because of your paranoia. You have said lots about a variety of subjects, but actually given nothing in terms of solid evidence. You misquote PMs and emails, deliberately taking them out of context to suit your own purposes.
And for what? Do you think that people will think better of you because of it? Does it somehow vindicate you for being the insensitive, uncaring, egotistical misogynist that you are?
You post about lotta – what proof do you have that she ever did what you have accused her of? None. You post about Witch leaving SB – what proof do you have that she has left? What proof do you have as to why? None. You do what you always do, Bigal – you blow a lot of hot air, hoping that people will side with you. It doesn’t happen that way, and it’s time you realised it. People always see through what you really are, Bigal. And it’s not pretty.
It’s just a shame that some of us were generous enough to give you a second, a third and a fourth chance, believing that you deserved it. Just goes to show how wrong some people can be, and how their judgment can be clouded by that trait of humanity that will always remain alien to you: “compassion”.
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