Good one T C -Big Al
Hi, i have looked at these sites and cannot find any contact details without signing up!! it reminds me of a similar site whose sole object was to harvest e-mail addys to sell,
A lot of the infiormation seems to be related to pyramid type sales!!illegal in australia and maybe elsewhere?
No company can give lots of money out unless they get more in !! i cannot see how they make their money so would suggest that you do not consider joining,as it is very likely that you will lose your "start up fees" or other "charges" i am sure you will be asked for!!! you can always ask your local offfice of fair trading or better business type organisation as i am sure they will tell you the same things, my advice is to hit the delete button !! we all would like to make money the easy way but would not like to lose our money trying to do it, and this seems like a good way to lose it . Thanks "Big Al "
Hi, as Rob has said please stop all contact with these scammers,
As i think that you may have not only given them your bank details but other information as well it would be a good idea to see your bank manager and change your account!! as there is a chance that they may try to empty your account!!
Do NOT send them any money at all as you WILL lose it! and ignore any e-mails or messages you get from them and they will go away when they realise you are not going to give them any money .please contact us if you need any further help. Thank you " Big AL "
Hi as Frazzle has said the absa bank does not use yahoo for its services , the absa bank has got its own fraud department on please notice they use their own e-mail .there are also many frauds going the rounds in china as well. thanks " Big Al"
Yes we can say this is a scam for sure! we have seen it many times, and with small variations.
If you continued with it you would find that you have to send money for "fees" and other charges to get the money , but you will never get the Money as it does not exist!
Some of the baiters have kept this type of scam going for many months and the patient who has only two months to live has always survived as long as they thought that there was money coming for fees!
This is a dispicable type of scam using peoples sympathy to scam money out of them , do not have anything to do with this crook , just delete it .thank you " Big Al "
Hi Funky, and welcome, as you have worked out this is a scamm! a classic "next of kin" scam!
This one is laid out a little bit better than normal with less obvious faults, how ever there is no money, and if you were to continue with him you would find that he will start asking for "fee"s and other charges, that would start to escalate as you got further into the scam!
The best thing is to ignore any e-mails or contacts with this crook, and of course do not send him any money or personal details.
If you need any more help please contact us on Fraud watchers, thank you " Big Al "
Hi Taf, the advice you have had from John fairheart, is spot on,
The activity of scambaiting can have some good features, but your safety is paramount!! please folow his advice
I am glad that you realise that the e-mails you have been getting are scams and have not lost any money to these crooks. thanks " Big AL "
Hi,as very well said by Frazzle this is a scam! yes we all could do with a few million!! but we can well do without sending a lot of our money for fees and getting nothing back!! as this is how these scams work, well done in contacting us as you have worked out that no one will send this amount of money to a stranger!! thanks for your inquiry! regards "BIG AL "