So tell us Soyl. why are you allowing Nurse nasty to use your password to post with?
I see some typical Nures nasty photochopping going on. quite distinctive really.
Hi Nurse nasty, as we are not allowed to use surnames on here lets just pick a name at random. Lets just call you Brad eh.
How has your year been Brad? I hear that eater has had a terrible year!! Many experienced members leaving in disgust and joining other sites, this kinda makes it hard for you to increase the membership, despite having run an advertising and new banner campaign in a feeble attempt to reverse the falling membership.
A totally useless and failed campaign to try to silence me by posting your crap all over the internet, keep it up guys, it is helping me tremendously, as more and more ex eater members ( and current ones) are now joining me in exposing you, the information they are bringing with them is fantastic. And very revealing.
It as interesting to be able to ban some of the moles you sent out to join other sites. This will continue. Say hi to your mentee Calvin for me Brad, as I am sure he was not too happy about being found out. Quite Butthurt I believe.
I hear that quite a few of the members who are on the take, are not too happy with the massive decrease in money that has occurred, as a result of the closing down of so many of the fake websites that eater were running to scam victims with.
Things not too good eh Brad?
Maybe you would like to explain to us why Lotta is scared to post on her own forum? could it be that so many of the senior members are upset with her. Please do tell us why Brad.
Just think next year will be twice as bad for eater. They just do not learn, and attacking me and others only increases our determination to expose eater more.
Now you have a good Christmas Brad and I am sure you will be hearing from me a lot next year as the disintegration of eater continues.
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