Hi everybody, just to let you all know that i will be offline for about a week, from the 10th july as i am having a hip replacement done (if my cold clears up in time ) so i have not gone to lagos to pick up the trunk full of money nor been seduced by the dark side,
Just think, seven whole days of nothing to do but think up nasty things for the lads when i return?? hmmm could be interesting after all !!
ta muchly
Thank you everbody for your well wish's it is apprecciated!! i will see if i can come up with some idea's to fill the lads day with joy and happiness!!and see if i can spread a little sunshine in their day!! that is if there are many lads to work on?? as i have heard that lagos is a little bit quieter these days??thanks again " Big AL "
not yet but soon
Hi jan, i am fine, i go into hospital on the 10th (tomorrow ) so i will be offline for about a week as the internet site in the hospital is quite a walk away, and i will not be walking far for a few days.
so all i can do for a few days is to think of new ways to annoy the lads and mutter and mumble about not being online!!thanks for your concern , see you all in about a week
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