Tuesday, June 4, 2019

From what I can see with the VB cloud hosting they will then have access to even more of your information and details.

Now IF they were a reliable HONEST organization then there would probably not be too much of a security problem, BUT, as they have refused to take abuse reports about staff members posting confidential information on their personal websites seriously AND we now see VB staff members abusing the free cloud sites for their own personal vendetta and obsession.

The obvious question is: How can VB now be trusted with even more of our confidential information? Why would anyone who knows about their previous lack of concern for confidential issues and given their proven track record of not giving a toss about their customers, actually even consider using the cloud system with them.

What sort of security assurances are they offering and why should any one believe them.

Vbulletin support staff, the warm caring people we all know and love, now let you use their new cloud system where they have greater control of your data, so they can show they care more.

Was an answer ever received for this question? after all he says they have nothing to hide!



Says" The internet is no longer lawless! The Cyber Police are here to dispense justice wherever and whenever needed provided you can get there with a web browser! Do you have what it takes to join?"

Now this will be interesting. It seems that "he who cannot be named" a Vb staff member, is involved with this new site.

After years of defaming genuine fraud fighters on his website and actively supporting self confessed scammers and hackers he now is involved with this?

So the obvious question is why. I know of some websites that are set up solely to gain access to victims while pretending to be legit. Lets see how this plays out.

Possibly it is a cloud testing site, we will see.

It is best not to say too much at this stage, sufficient to say information has been forwarded to the relevant authorities.

If what a Vb staff member has said is true then the three "cloud" sites were given to staff members free to help them detect faults etc.

Of course, none of the RESPONSIBLE staff member would EVER consider using a VB OWNED website to push his own personal vendetta or obsession by allowing his pals to post misleading and false comments on it to defame anyone would he? OH WAIT..........

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