Now I wonder who is so afraid that he would delete these so quickly??
Why are you so afraid of the truth??
Then why does thunderchild also back it up??
It also lends vast credibility that the alliance tools deleted it so quick and so many times! as they do NOT want the truth to come out!!
Well I got some news for you there is a LOT more !!
Your attempts to deny proof when offered are pathetic, but in line with a true alliance lapdog!
You and the other alliance lapdogs just do not like it at all!!! as it shows that what I have been saying all along is true!
One day you MAY wake up, to how you are being used as a fool, by the lying alliance admins!!
Others can see it quite clearly, but you and mak and goodi cannot.
Is it because you are so afraid to stand up to them ? have they got you so under their thumb that you cannot now think for yourself??
Your continued grovelling to them sickens me! Try to be a MAN and stand up for what you know is right!
You are a disgrace to all the genuine honest scotsmen and women that are renowned for their steadfastness!
When are you going to wake up?? rest assured that you will NOT stop me and you only increase my determination to bring the truth to light! no matter what it takes!
Why then are you SO against my every post?? as I said you are a disgrace to genuine Scotsmen everywhere!
AND whats This MY organization?? do YOU own Ranter ???
Your attitude to the truth has been one of the most childish things I have ever witnessed !
You are a disgrace!
As you are probably one of those that took part in this skype chat, I thank you for confirming that it IS a copy of the chat and NOT made up by me as Brucey claims!
On the chat there are two members whose names I have xxxx out both of these names start with the letter N, shortly following one of these guys posts Fungus says "WE are scottish"!! I was under the impression that there was only ONE Scottish guy with access to the admin area on the alliance but it seems there are two! now who do we know who is Scottish and opposes all my posts and who claims to have admin knowledge?? just saying!
If you remember it was Varod/knightly that started to post private messages on here NOT me, I do not remember anyone bringing him to task for this?? bias??? on ranter ?? NEVER !!!!
Indeed I remember the opposite! what is good for the gander is good enough for the geese!
As many of you seem to believe the lies and disregard what I say, then it will always come as a shock to you when I do exactly what I say I will do ! I have stated many times that I will do what ever it takes to expose these liars. so long as it does not harm innocent people! and any one who joins in with the Al bashing is fair game! So do not whine when you get hurt!!
I have something of immense interest to the mods who are concerned about the lack of freedom, it is too long for a pm, but if they are interested they can send me a pm with a spare email addy or if they are not comfortable with this I can pm in two parts ! Just ask and if you are genuine I will forward it to you!
^^^ correct!! he should be given the chance to defend himself and then we can all slag his replies like they have done to me!! However, how can he PROVE that what he writes is not just made up using notepad??
We can let him post the actual copies of what others say and them we can all try and disprove them. goodi idea eh?? because he does not believe any proof that is offered, he does not check them out, just will not believe them!!
And if it sounds true we can always have a mod delete it!! after all freedom of speech on ranter died on the 15 march
WOW thanks for the promotion to GOD !! but I am only a normal person, so SIR will do fine thanks !
This is not good, however you cannot use it to attack me and every post I make! while I have sympathy for this person, why are you using it against me?? I DID NOT DO THIS!!!!!!!!
I could relate many of life's experiences that I have known and it would also be unfair to use them against you! so I do not!!
I can understand your phobia but I will NOT accept responsibility for it!
I have given many times, clear proof of what I say and in many cases using the alliance admins OWN words in an unaltered form! complete with things like the skype chat!!
Apart from an admission by the people concerned themselves, that I think they would NOT do, the proof I have supplied would be quite adequate for any reasonable person to accept!. MANY have!!
If you were not so hung up with your mental phobia and had been reasonable with your comments, then I may have supplied even more proof, but why should I when you are unable to accept the truth and proof already offered??
As you were attacking my every post, I did the same to you with the nursery rhymes and totally pwned you! Your posts so far have NOT been of a reasonable or even fair nature so I slapped you back!! you deserved this!
If you feel you must join in the AL bashing then you will be slapped back!
as will any others!
Many times you have attacked my posts but have NOT offered any proof of any wrong doing on my part!! why is this??
Remember I have given much proof that the admins lie, but no one has offered ANY proof that I have lied (NOT ONE) as I have NOT lied but only posted the truth!! and I take exception to a coward who says different . ok lets see YOUR proof that what I say is not right!!!
Show me the proof that thunderchild did not slap noobs, or that witch did not lie about passing messages on, or that aldavor(the man of no honour) did not lie about looking at pm's like he claimed and then via fungus admitted it ! etc etc etc !! I am calling you out on this as you have much to answer for!
It is easy to ask for proof but hard to supply it, so you do not! I am NOT perfect and have made MANY mistakes but I have NEVER and never will do the things that the alliance admins and the eater crowd have done! to their honest and hardworking members who do not deserve this crap!!
Yet without any proof whatsoever, you take it on yourself to attack me and defend them! why??? are you so stupid that you cannot see the proof even when placed before you??
If you and others want to treat me like your kicking boy then this is up to you and I will take care of you as befits one of this stupidity!!
Your previous statement that you gave me the opportunity to work with you is incorrect, I offered to share info with you, but you declined!! so where do you get off saying that you have offered to work with me??
Your statement about six million is quite irrelevant, as there are VERY few scotts who are admins on the alliance! I would say not more that two!!
You seem very touchy about your id why is this? what are you hiding?? I have had the courtesy to show my real username on ranter yet you try and hide ??
If you want to act as an idiot and carry on attacking my posts without any proof then I will retaliate as much as I can and I will treat YOU as an idiot!
Fire with fire.
Hot off the wire.
Burn goodi burn.
You will never learn.
Why thank you nohope I am sure we all think the same about you!
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